"They want to BRAINWASH your kids" ~Vanessa Gothix


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Hi. Discussing Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, White Supremacy.

"They want to BRAINWASH your kids" ~Vanessa Gothix

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

ProBlack Modus Operandi:

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies to concerns and opinions expressed by social commentator Vanessa Gothix.

☮️♥️ EndHate2021
Okay, I started watching the first video (the third one the screen says age restricted so I can't watch it here), but
I'm going to start by saying- Public Education, no matter what or who defends it is "brain washing" to teach conformity. Period. Be it anti- whatever, or pro-whatever- so, I don't need to watch any further than the first few seconds of the first video to assess the rest-

A PROPER education does NOT push a political agenda. Period. Or religious, for that matter- anything, (political or religious) agenda flooding a sponge for a brain, is "brain washing"- although washing may be a misnomer, as that implies a cleaning- (words mean things)

A PROPER education should teach a sponge for a brain how to arrive at objective conclusions, not provide a desired conclusion, especially politically- sadly, education is merely passing on knowledge- on the bright side of that, knowledge isn't biased in its origin and can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- however, inundating a sponge with water it soon becomes totally saturated- so, the water must be clean (washed, or naturally pure) a political agenda is neither, nor is a religious dogma-
Public Education, no matter what or who defends it is "brain washing" to teach conformity.

So does religion..So do community clubs and organizations, so do your parents...They all want you to conform...
Hi. Discussing Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, White Supremacy.

"They want to BRAINWASH your kids" ~Vanessa Gothix

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

ProBlack Modus Operandi:

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies to concerns and opinions expressed by social commentator Vanessa Gothix.

☮️♥️ EndHate2021

The public school system is one of the most dangerous palces in this Country for a child to be.
Hi. Discussing Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, White Supremacy.

"They want to BRAINWASH your kids" ~Vanessa Gothix

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

ProBlack Modus Operandi:

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies to concerns and opinions expressed by social commentator Vanessa Gothix.

☮️♥️ EndHate2021

The public school system is one of the most dangerous palces in this Country for a child to be.

I am guessing you like private religious schools, they are super safe, no?

Owners of Christian reform school in Missouri charged with more than 100 counts of abusing girls​

Okay, I started watching the first video (the third one the screen says age restricted so I can't watch it here), but
I'm going to start by saying- Public Education, no matter what or who defends it is "brain washing" to teach conformity. Period. Be it anti- whatever, or pro-whatever- so, I don't need to watch any further than the first few seconds of the first video to assess the rest-

A PROPER education does NOT push a political agenda. Period. Or religious, for that matter- anything, (political or religious) agenda flooding a sponge for a brain, is "brain washing"- although washing may be a misnomer, as that implies a cleaning- (words mean things)

A PROPER education should teach a sponge for a brain how to arrive at objective conclusions, not provide a desired conclusion, especially politically- sadly, education is merely passing on knowledge- on the bright side of that, knowledge isn't biased in its origin and can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- however, inundating a sponge with water it soon becomes totally saturated- so, the water must be clean (washed, or naturally pure) a political agenda is neither, nor is a religious dogma-

Hi, Tex. During the early 1960s my public school education began in Queens, NY. A few years later, I attended elementary, JHS and HS classes serving a middle class Long island community.

As best as I recall, the only conformity I experienced was saying out loud the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.

Otherwise, I recall being taught to think for myself and use my common sense. I also recall many of my educators encouraging students to ask questions.

During a 6th grade class trip to the Hayden Planetarium I learned information being taught in religious Sunday School classes was not consistent with reality.

Luckily for me, when I used my common sense and began asking questions about the inconsistencies in the information I was being taught by my elders, my parents said I would no longer have to attend Sunday School classes.

The only reason my non believing folks sent me to Sunday school was to keep up with our religious neighbors, and have some alone time on Sunday mornings.

I appreciate them sacrificing their alone time and not forcing me to believe in an immortal, Divine Supernatural Being with the power to make deceased human bodies ascend into the sky.

Sadly, today reading and listening to news media reports that I believe are credible, it appears kids are being indoctrinated to conform to a specific way of thinking, both at home and in school.

Fortunately, I'm reading reports many citizens are not happy with our nation's educators and are demanding change.



I am guessing you like private religious schools, they are super safe, no?

Owners of Christian reform school in Missouri charged with more than 100 counts of abusing girls​

Hey genius ....

The thread isn't about abuse of children in Christian Reform Schools.

Another off topic, out of context dumb post.
So does religion..So do community clubs and organizations, so do your parents...They all want you to conform...
No, my parents are dead, stupid, and they NEVER told me to conform, or comply to stupid- beyond that, stupid, parents have the obligation to teach their kids what they want them to learn, beyond reading, writing and arithmetic- relying and/or demanding others pay for their lack of caring is beyond stupid, stupid- and it is NOT someone else's responsibility to direct someone else's kids, politically or religiously, stupid

geezus- it's no wonder people are so fucking stupid- they're taught to be, bordering on demanding they be- in a *formal* setting on top of that- just look at your many posts for reference, stupid- SMH-

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