They Were Warned: Assad & Russia Repeatedly Warn Large Numbers Of Terrorists Are Fleeing To The West

Just think. For only $2,000. you can become a Syrian.

A MailOnline investigation into the sale of Syrian passports and other identity papers revealed the way ISIS fighters were able to sneak into Europe alongside genuine refugees.

The documents, described as 'real' by a police forgery expert, exposed the frightening ease with which terrorist sleeper cells were able to cross the continent to carry out the devastating attacks in Paris.

The Syrian passport found among the remains of a suicide bomber who blew himself up outside the Stade de France was identical to the one obtained by MailOnline in just four days.

Exposed: The Syrian passport (pictured) found near the scene of a suicide bomb explosion at the Stade de France was identical to the one exposed by a MailOnline investigation which uncovered that ISIS fighters posing as refugees were using to sneak into Europe

Fake: For just $2,000, MailOnline obtained the same forged Syrian passports (pictured) being used by ISIS fighters to trick the authorities into believing they are asylum seekers

MailOnline reporter bought SAME Syrian passport used by ISIS Paris bomber | Daily Mail Online
Assad stated recently that Thousands of Terrorists have fled and are still fleeing to Western Europe and the US. But it looks like the Left in those places are ignoring the warnings. They're placing their Citizens in grave danger. Will they be held accountable at some point? They were warned.

What are your thoughts on this?

I am wondering why you believe a tin-pot murderous dictator like Assad- who thinks that anyone who doesn't embrace his regime is a terrorist.

Why does the 'Right' prefer to believe murderous dictators like Assad and murderous oligarchs like Putin?

Good grief you need to get up to speed. There never was a true civil war. The so called rebels were paid mercenaries by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and initially Turkey.

ISIS and al Qaeda aren't resistance fighters for crying out loud. And as far as murderous dictators go Assad at least protects Christians and minority religions as compared to the Monsters Ball that Obama held at the WH.

Schmoozing with real murderous dictators from Africa. Seems you left wingers can be selective in who you consider bad. Truly. Ok you don't like Assad or Putin. Fine and dandy.

But you had no problem foisting the Muslim Brotherhood on the Egyptians. You had no bloody problem taking out Gaddafi and turning over Libya to numerous terror groups.

Then assisting in trying to overthrow Assad and helping funnel money and weapons to the terrorists
via the CIA and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Yeah. You're selective alright. Gave the world ISIS. Special.

And sadly, many of those mercenaries and Jihadists will end up residing in Western Europe and the US. They're rapidly losing ground. They're fleeing in large numbers.

The UN put out the statistics that they estimated that there are over 25,000 foreign fighters with ISIS and AQ in Syria from over 100 countries who would have their own passports to return home.

And they are on the run now not wanting to be caught by Assad.

But most importantly these men, these jihadists are now serious kick ass war veterans.

Needless to say, I don't get a warm a fuzzy here.

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