They will NEVER give up trying to disarm US... while arming criminals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Right out of the box the bed wetters in government are desperate to pass more laws that weaken the opponents of global collectivism. Let's not even pretend that "If we can get Trump back in" that everything (or anything) will level off and these sociopaths accept defeat and go F^(% themselves. These "people" are marxist zealots and aren't just going to move to North Korea and retire in that "utopia".
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Also do not have the misconception that the bed wetters are just a bunch of sniveling beta male fags and green haired lard ass dykes that will be easy to sweep up once the ruling class collapses the dollar.

While I was in the military I did meet some people (not a lot but there where some notables) that were extremely competent operators and they were certainly anything but anarcho-capitalist individuals. One clown I rode with in Afghanistan with the canadian SF had a small red hammer/sickle tattoo above the webbing near his right hand thumb. When I met the dude and shook hands with him I wanted to push him off the UAZ 469 when I saw it. That wasn't time for a fight though.

That said we need to understand that there are leftist pieces of shit who have had both nuts drop and are indeed Alpha and Omega Males. They can train other commie turds to use weapons and be effective in conflict. Recently in TX we had a
groomer freak show that well armed and disciplined minions of the meat puppet faggot showed up for. These were not ridiculous looking (well no... they did look stupid) NFAC asswipes who shot themselves. They not only had front line security but they also deployed overwatch. They've learned tactics and strategy.

Let's not forget there are pieces of shit deeply infested in the federal gov't at all levels who want to destroy the Constitutional Republic and establish a global collectivist state. This wasn't something that began with Xiden, the meat puppet faggot, the Bush aristocracy, LBJ, The Kennedy's or FDR. Since the founding of the country, when the ink on the COTUS was still wet, there were sociopaths seeking to undermine our nation in the interests of other causes.

We have enjoyed a bit of security in the last 70 years because leftist pseudo intellectuals attempted to create a nation of hoplophobes and only managed to further emasculate their own genetic garbage. Hippie bed wetters of the 1960's occasionally bombed things and a commie did shoot JFK (allegedly) but for the most part government has been trying desperately to make the bed wetters terrified of loud noises and as anti-gun as possible. Their monsters have escaped the cages though, and are indeed arming up, getting trained, and practicing operational maneuvers.

Again, do not assume the coming conflict against the parasite population will be over in a single night or that these pieces of shit don't know how to shoot, move or communicate, and don't assume the government isn't going to support them. Nevermind the fact that rock farmers in Afghanistan defeated the largest militaries on earth, do not assume Afghanistan Vets driving the tanks will fire upon collectivists hunkered down in soviet offices like in 1993.

Go to IDPA matches, take training classes, establish relations with like minded neighbors and create communications for when this shit goes down. Just don't be stupid, assume at least 1/3 of the people you engage with will inform the feds for some perceived reward. Don't be a criminal and commit violent acts until the green light is bright and there are no laws. Don't go to hell for murder, because you'll be stuck in hell with billions of commie shitbag souls.

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Right out of the box the bed wetters in government are desperate to pass more laws that weaken the opponents of global collectivism. Let's not

even pretend that "If we can get Trump back in" that everything (or anything) will level off and these sociopaths accept defeat and go F^(% themselves. These "people" are marxist zealots and aren't just going to move to North Korea and retire in that "utopia".

Fuck You. You do not need military grade weapons.
Your assessment is damned depressing but I suspect it's accurate as well. I'm of an age and health now that fighting back will be limited to specific actions and I don't imagine I'll have much of a shelf-life BUT, I'd rather die on my feet than cowering in front of that filth.
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Your assessment is damned depressing but I suspect it's accurate as well. I'm of an age and health now that fighting back will be limited to specific actions and I don't imagine I'll have much of a shelf-life BUT, I'd rather die on my feet than cowering in front of that filth.
I'll be happy in a prone supported position in a pile of brass or a brain hemorrhage with a Mai Tai in one hand and a piece of ass in the other on a beach in my 100's. Whichever comes first.
Fuck You. You do not need military grade weapons.
Who the hell are YOU to tell others what they "need"? Also, Einstein, your comment shows just how ignorant you are about what "military grade" even means. They use similar LOOKING weapons but they are substantially more powerful than the simple AR platform that's widely owned in the U.S.

A U.S. citizen CAN own a "select fire" weapon - pull the trigger and more than a single bullet is fired - but the process is long and you are examined by the government very meticulously. They know where every one of those automatic weapons are and who owns them (legally). The price for all that is staggering and beyond the means of most people. 20 years ago the rifle and permits could run 10-15 thousand dollars.

If you don't choose to bear arms, good for you. Enjoy the camps when they finally are opened. If you have any sense at all, you might want to do a bit of reading in history. The lessons of what occurs after gun confiscation, are uniform and bloody. It ALWAYS ends in mass graves. People who think "this time it'll be different" are usually some of the last to die because they're such cowards that they simply comply no matter how invasive or degrading the government becomes, BUT, that kind of government has a need for enemies to fight. Eventually, they get around to all groups.

Folks like yourself would benefit from a small thought experiment. Imagine a world where someone like Trump took power due to some "national emergency" then refused to relinquish it for the vote. Imagine how it would feel to have him telling you what, when, and where to live your life and if you didn't like it, to be rounded up and sent away for the "good of the country". I realize people like you won't even bother to imagine that you just might be in error about anything but it's worth saying to others who may read it with an open mind.

I guess the thing about the anti-2A crowd that angers me the most is their hypocrisy, driven by ignorance. They rail on about saving lives by ridding us of the guns yet damned near all of them would cheerfully sit back and watch tens of thousands of Americans killed by their own government for refusing to give up their arms. NOT because the government was being "attacked" by them, simply because the government decided to force them to give up their means of defense.
THAT is the type of person that most of these rabid anti-gunners are. It isn't about saving lives. It's about control of those they despise.

They can be stirred into a rage over a "threat" that really doesn't exist since statistically being gunned down in a mass shooting is almost like the chances of dying from a lightning strike. If you choose to live in fear, that's on you. Leave the rest of us law-abiding citizens the hell out of your fantasies of utopia.
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I'll be happy in a prone supported position in a pile of brass or a brain hemorrhage with a Mai Tai in one hand and a piece of ass in the other on a beach in my 100's. Whichever comes first.
That'd be even better! My greatest hope for our country is that despite the OP's sobering remarks, MOST of those who are the loudest in threats are also the types that assume that better men and women will take care of the bleeding and dying when the time comes to put the boot down. The fools actually seem to believe that one party's supporters can ignore the laws while holding the OTHER party's supporters to the letter of the law. They are delusional and if this party gets started, they'll quickly find that NONE of us will be better off.
That'd be even better! My greatest hope for our country is that despite the OP's sobering remarks, MOST of those who are the loudest in threats are also the types that assume that better men and women will take care of the bleeding and dying when the time comes to put the boot down. The fools actually seem to believe that one party's supporters can ignore the laws while holding the OTHER party's supporters to the letter of the law. They are delusional and if this party gets started, they'll quickly find that NONE of us will be better off.

There is no "turning back" at this point, it's a matter of degree on how much this political separation is going to suck and who might win.

If the bed wetters do win, humanity is going to become an ant colony. Tightly confined, controlled and collectivized. Vacuous robotic shells of humanity terrified by the concept of individualism if the word is even spoken decades from now.

Otherwise we "win" only to face a continuous struggle against marxist dogma because we will not exterminate them all nor can we if we decided to be evil enough to try. No matter how large society is, or how small a group of people you can find. Even in just a room with two people, you can assume one will try and dominate the other. The other may acquiesce, subtly resist or fight back but there will always be an asshole to come in and replace the aggressor.


There is no "turning back" at this point, it's a matter of degree on how much this political separation is going to suck and who might win.

If the bed wetters do win, humanity is going to become an ant colony. Tightly confined, controlled and collectivized. Vacuous robotic shells of humanity terrified by the concept of individualism if the word is even spoken decades from now.

Otherwise we "win" only to face a continuous struggle against marxist dogma because we will not exterminate them all nor can we if we decided to be evil enough to try. No matter how large society is, or how small a group of people you can find. Even in just a room with two people, you can assume one will try and dominate the other. The other may acquiesce, subtly resist or fight back but there will always be an asshole to come in and replace the aggressor.


I am on board with you 100 percent in your sentiments on the outcome for us of a radical leftist totalitarian state and I firmly stand with you on the shrinking island of those who would rather die on their feet than on their knees.

All of that being said, we should ask ourselves who 'We' really is. In the event of a nationwide outbreak of hostilities who would you choose to follow? From what I've seen these past two years there are many, many, many very popular personalities on the political right who identify as traditional, Christian, patriotic Americans, from elected politicians vocal on Twitter to You Tube gun rights personalities and many more. Who from this crowd would you personally choose to follow or sign and fight with? Many of these types of so-called rightwing internet and political personalities are in it for the money, the power, the popularity—whatever. None of them are trained military leaders, at least none of them are trained to lead entire armies.

That is the question which shouts out loudest in my mind, at present. So many conservative patriots talk about us and them, but I suspect few ever give much thought to who exactly they would follow, who would lead them, and what they'd do if the celebrity personality they chose to follow turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing or simply incompetent.

Our founding documents are very fragile and sensitive and speak to highly specific parameters. Not just any old You Tube video star or former president could honor them or hold to their principals while trying to lead some kind of rebellion or insurrection.

THIS is a key and very serious problem I see with all the talk about civil war going on around the internet. People on both sides claim they're itching for a fight and yet no one can really say who they would follow or choose to lead them into battle. Further, what if hostilities broke out and there were several conservative, patriot groups fighting for very different objectives?

What I see at the heart of all the civil war 2.0 rhetoric is the potential for certain, widespread, out of control chaos with dozens or scores or hundreds of small armed groups running around the countryside killing each other and lots of innocent Americans.

There is no George Washington equivalent waiting in the wings to lead in 2022.

Right out of the box the bed wetters in government are desperate to pass more laws that weaken the opponents of global collectivism. Let's not even pretend that "If we can get Trump back in" that everything (or anything) will level off and these sociopaths accept defeat and go F^(% themselves. These "people" are marxist zealots and aren't just going to move to North Korea and retire in that "utopia".

There is no bigger threat to America and Americans then the Democrats.

Also do not have the misconception that the bed wetters are just a bunch of sniveling beta male fags and green haired lard ass dykes that will be easy to sweep up once the ruling class collapses the dollar.
Its all about proportions.
What % of the side trying to disarm Americans are bed-wetters? What % are "operators"?
What are the percentages for the sde that opposes them?

Its all about proportions.
What % of the side trying to disarm Americans are bed-wetters? What % are "operators"?
What are the percentages for the sde that opposes them?
I regard all collectivist genetic garbage as bed wetters. As far as how many are going to be combat effective I can't venture to guess but I would say the percentage is low. From my experience in the military from 2001-2016 I'd say far less than 10% of the people I interacted with that were actually trained for combat and engaged in missions outside the wire were even just left of center. Well over 70% were stanchly pro 2A at the very least and opposed to collectivist policy. Then again many were relics of the cold war era as I am or the kids of such people and understood enough about communism to oppose it.

The vast majority of bed wetters I met in the military were the sort that just wanted the financial rewards while doing as little as possible, risking as little as possible, and having no loyalty to their oath. You just don't find a lot of bed wetters in combat related jobs that might require sacrifice and serious levels of exertion. That said, Pat Tillman was a Ranger and a combat vet until he ran in front of a machine gun. He was brave, tough, and a "bed wetter" as far as politics are concerned. Bradly Manning actually is recorded to have pissed the bed while in basic training and is a hard core bed wetting piece of shit that ought to have been strung up for it's treason. Instead it got free genital mutilation surgery and a pardon from that miserable meat puppet faggot obozo.

I can also say that I encounter very few bed wetters in the volunteer fire fighting community. I've met a few of course, because they care about trees and other people, but few bed wetters like to exert themselves for free on behalf of other people. Bed wetters by nature are smug, lazy, selfish and tend towards criminality. They're the least likely to engage in a fight unless they believe they outnumber or can easily over power their victim.

So while I am very confident the bed wetters who could be effective trigger pullers are severely outnumbered, there are many thousands who have had training and experience they've passed on to other parasites. They are eager to engage in violent crime, while we are restrained by our own values and morality, as well as the law. We don't want to go to prison or hell. Bed wetters seem to avoid long prison sentences in many cases and don't believe in hell.

I want to see as few of our people become casualties, and manage to neutralize as many bed wetters as possible. If not a single round is fired in that endeavor I'll be happy as long as I can be left alone. Let's face it, short of a few loons on our side, we just want to be left alone. On the bed wetter side they want to rule with iron fists.


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