They'd Never Get Away With These Ads Today...

If this were a perfect world where children lived with a mother and a father (who made enough money to support his family), it would be wonderful (as shown in those commercials) if the mother could be a housewife.

There would be a lot fewer juvenile delinquents if children could return home from school to be met by their mother and if a man could return home after work to enjoy a delicious home-made dinner.

(I am 84, and I realize the 1950s are over and gone forever, but those commercials made me reminisce.)
I recall watching the Flintstones as a kid and telling my brother that when I grew up I was going to smoke Winstons because that's what Fred smoked. My dad overheard me and said if I ever started smoking he'd kill me. This must have happened many months or perhaps a year after my grandfather had a lung removed. I never did take it up.
There would be a lot fewer juvenile delinquents if children could return home from school to be met by their mother and if a man could return home after work to enjoy a delicious home-made dinner.

That image of being met by my mother after school always brings back memory of her standing at the front doorway waiting for us on Friday November 22, 1963. Normally she's be busy doing something inside when we arrived home. The annoucement of JFK's death happened just 20 minutes before school let out. Some classes were told about it others were not. It wasn't announced in our 3rd grade classroom but one girl on the bus said the flag was at half-staff because Kennedy was dead, I really didn't believe it until I saw my mom waiting there for us.
Yeah we know. Squeaky clean Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke advertised cigarettes and so did president Reagan early in his career.
Yeah we know. Squeaky clean Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke advertised cigarettes and so did president Reagan early in his career.

There were great cigarette ads back in the day, but I find more interesting the tobacco industry's attempt to dissuade the public from medical research concerns.




At least one of the ads in the video I posted actually isn't vintage at all. I forget which one specifically, but it says the product "protects against AIDS". AIDS wasn't a thing until the 1980's...
Funny thing is that the same argument is used today to promote the legalization of marijuana. What goes around .....
According to the uploader these videos will be deleted from youtube on September 21. I do not like the new youtube rules. It wasn't always this way.
...some women today do the same or worse --in ads and entertainment

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