They're doing it again: Media starts picking 2012 GOP candidates

Did Fox News give McCain's operatives orders not to attack Obama in 2008, or did McCain's campaign do that?
Did Fox News give McCain's operatives orders not to attack Obama in 2008, or did McCain's campaign do that?

Well, and then there's this question:

Define "attack".

McCain seemed to believe that "attack" was all-inclusive, and that it could eventually all equate to a 'racial thing'.

When in reality, an "attack" isn't one, when facts and logic prove the analysis to be true.
Did Fox News give McCain the shitty advice to suspend his campaign and ram TARP through?
In the last presidential election cycle, we saw some solid conservative candidates get blown out of the water by the media's unspoken but tenacious insistence that THEY pick the GOP candidate for president.

And, like lambs to the political/proverbial 'slaughter'...Most didn't even realize it was happening, and/or, didn't care one whit about it. They followed along, and put their mark on the ballot, like good little children, accepting the media's choice in the race against "the one".

Well...It's beginning again, and is shouldn't surprise anyone.
These kinds of stories have been few and far between over the past year, but I've seen at least 3 different polls come out over the past few weeks, with differing results. All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs.

Link: CNN 2012 Poll: Obama and Palin going in different directions?

Read the rest at the link....

Are you serious?

*He favors a total ban on smoking in public, even outdoors.
*He agrees with Michelle Obama's "food police" notions.
*He used his faith in an attempt to gain votes in the Iowa caucus (I attended the caucus in my district), and then dropped his faith like a hot 'tater when he made his way to New Hampshire. (Yes, this tactic could be chalked up to simple campaign strategy, but, for a "man of the cloth" who apparently wants to reform our constitutional republic into a quasi-theocracy, this was a man merely "pimping" his faith when necessary). He then used his faith again, telling voters that he didn't understand why Christians weren't voting for him, and that they weren't thinking of their faith first, if they didn't vote for him.

I wouldn't vote for him for dog-catcher, much less president.

1. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster isn't reputable?
Never made that conclusion.

Futher, since when does a media outlet's polling firm have to be "reputable" in order for their polling to influence voters?

Uh, excuse me, genius, but when you said this:

All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs. did. So again, I'll repeat the question. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster, isn't reputable?

2. Who was 'supposed' to be the GOP candidate in 2008, before the media supposed manipulated the outcome?
Someone more conservative than Bush.

Not talking a "social con" mind you, but someone more conservative when it comes to the fiscal side of things.[/QUOTE]

Someone? Why didn't Republicans vote for that someone in the 2008 primaries then?
Did Fox News tell McCain to propose a tax on health care benefits, which Obama could oppose, and thus appear to run to the right of McCain?
I might vote for Donald Trump,but I would need to look more into what his social policies are.

December 2007:

A new FOX News poll shows that Rudy Giuliani (20 percent), John McCain (19 percent) and the surging Mike Huckabee (19 percent) are clustered together at the top of the GOP hill—with Mitt Romney (11 percent) and Fred Thompson (10 percent) still within striking distance.

I guess the disreputable newsmedia poll from Foxnews back in '07 was trying to 'pick' a moderate Republican (or 2) as the best bets to win in 2008.


FOX News Poll: Three-Way Toss-Up in Republican Presidential Sweeps - Polls | AP Polls | Gallup Poll | Opinion Polls -
The Republicans have made a deal with the devil in annointing Fox News as their 24/7 propaganda arm. They recieved their weapon to attack the President regardless of what he did but gave up individual autonomy to form positions contrary to the Fox agenda

The Republican candidate will probably be Mitt Romney who will be forced to accept a VP acceptable to Fox. He will also have to "refudiate" his own healthcare plan to attack Obamacare. Romney, in much the same way McCain did, will have to sell his soul to conform to the Fox directed agenda
Don't worry boys

Fox News will pick the GOP candidate for you

Yawn... more baseless idiocy from you... try actually adding something pertinent

Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate? Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod

no, whats naive is you seem to believe you live in some uninfluenced/virginal uber dreamland where in every decision made by anyone on the left further out beyond say 3 on the number line is completely objective and your own, because there is NO bias or slant in the media you consume; abc cbs nbc cnn mslsd npr ...nope, dead center, "middle of the road"...
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1. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster isn't reputable?
Never made that conclusion.

Futher, since when does a media outlet's polling firm have to be "reputable" in order for their polling to influence voters?

Uh, excuse me, genius, but when you said this:

All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs. did. So again, I'll repeat the question. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster, isn't reputable?
I thought the "carbineer" in your username was familiar.
Now I know why many animals eat their young at birth.

Ok. Let's review....
I said this:
Well...It's beginning again, and is shouldn't surprise anyone.
These kinds of stories have been few and far between over the past year, but I've seen at least 3 different polls come out over the past few weeks, with differing results. All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs.

Now, although I have no proof that CNN's pollster ISN'T reputable, it is clear that CNN paid for the poll to be done. Need I say more? If anyone here wants to retain the option to suggest that "FoxNews is nothing more than a conservative media think-tank talking-point generator", then I get to remind YOU of the truth about CNN -- that they are a hot-bed of liberal idiocy..

Oh and, by default, you have now acknowledged that the pollster for FoxNews may very well be reputable as well, even though I'm quite certain you wouldn't agree with their results.

2. Who was 'supposed' to be the GOP candidate in 2008, before the media supposed manipulated the outcome?
Someone more conservative than Bush.

Not talking a "social con" mind you, but someone more conservative when it comes to the fiscal side of things.

Someone? Why didn't Republicans vote for that someone in the 2008 primaries then?

Ask the indy voters...THEY are what pushed obama over the top.
Not liberals...Not conservatives.
The Republicans have made a deal with the devil in annointing Fox News as their 24/7 propaganda arm. They recieved their weapon to attack the President regardless of what he did but gave up individual autonomy to form positions contrary to the Fox agenda

The Republican candidate will probably be Mitt Romney who will be forced to accept a VP acceptable to Fox. He will also have to "refudiate" his own healthcare plan to attack Obamacare. Romney, in much the same way McCain did, will have to sell his soul to conform to the Fox directed agenda

yes Romney does need to refute it because its a POS. if he doesn't he gets no truck from me.
The Republicans have made a deal with the devil in annointing Fox News as their 24/7 propaganda arm. They recieved their weapon to attack the President regardless of what he did but gave up individual autonomy to form positions contrary to the Fox agenda

The Republican candidate will probably be Mitt Romney who will be forced to accept a VP acceptable to Fox. He will also have to "refudiate" his own healthcare plan to attack Obamacare. Romney, in much the same way McCain did, will have to sell his soul to conform to the Fox directed agenda

yes Romney does need to refute it because its a POS. if he doesn't he gets no truck from me.

Romney will become an obedient little boy......just like McCain did
It is a long time. Who ever heard of a first term Senator from Illinois fresh from a non stellar performance in the state senate four years ago? Four years ago, Hillary was the anointed one who was going to slay the GOP dragon and make for universal peace. Hillary was unstoppable, she was the most brilliant mind on this or any other planet.

Now she is lonely, silent and forgotten, weeping tears of frustration in her exile in foggy bottom.

Fred Thompson had all the right sound bites, and I loved his commercials that I saw. But he got steamrolled in the debates and was rightly allowed to fade away. I still like him way better than anyone else who was out there.

Sarah is still too much Valley Girl. But if you want me to rank them now, I still put her way above Romney, guilty of the Mass Care abortion, and Huckabee, who seems to be Elmer Gantry on steroids.

I kind of like Bobby Jindal, but I have to admit he looked kind of feckless dealing with Obama over the oil spill.

I also like Gov. Christie. But this is the modern TV era. How such a one looking like him got elected governor is amazing by itself, but the camera hates his guts (of which there are a lot (both positive and negative)) and I really can't see him winning i the TV era. Good if he did.

I miss Steve Forbes. He would have been great. One of the reasons I detest McCain was that he swamped Forbes and made Bush the nominee.

Anyway... I don't trust any of the news outlets. ANd I really don't want a re run of McCain or Dole. Very badly don't want a re run of that kind of thing.

One positive is there will be no Bush or McCain this year. And for that, we should be grateful that all the turkeys have been laide to rest.
Palin, Romney, Rubio, Cantor, Allen, I gotta keep doin alotta critical thinkin before I decide which one of them I want where on my ideal Prez. ticket.....and which one of em is really gonna run.
Oh Cantor. I would vote for Cantor in a heartbeat. But he is in the house, and I don't see him giving up that job for a run.

But Cantor.... That would be a 57 state sweep

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