They're here depopulation Lab creatures released in California

Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.

You mean like men with long hair!! You might need to mate with a praying mantis.

And he would, except he's a cockroach and, as we all know, the praying mantis takes issue with out of species insects.
Do praying mantises eat cockroaches?

Oh, my bad, you guys are related. You're also related to termites.

Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.

You mean like men with long hair!! You might need to mate with a praying mantis.

And he would, except he's a cockroach and, as we all know, the praying mantis takes issue with out of species insects.

This field trial is expected to be the largest U.S. release to date of male mosquitoes treated with Wolbachia, a type of naturally occurring bacteria that infects many types of insects. Verily says it is using custom-built software algorithms and machines to ramp up the number of mosquitoes it’s able to grow and release. The mosquitoes are part of the company’s plan, announced last October, to fight diseases like Zika and dengue fever.

Why Alphabet’s Verily is releasing 20 million sterile mosquitoes in California
The main consumer of these animals are birds and bats... I would expect to see damage to these populations to be seen first.
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.

You mean like men with long hair!! You might need to mate with a praying mantis.

And he would, except he's a cockroach and, as we all know, the praying mantis takes issue with out of species insects.
Do praying mantises eat cockroaches?

Oh, my bad, you guys are related. You're also related to termites.

Kinky foreplay, I would say. But what can we do now that Hollywood banned the relay of sexcetera and eurotrash?
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.

You mean like men with long hair!! You might need to mate with a praying mantis.

And he would, except he's a cockroach and, as we all know, the praying mantis takes issue with out of species insects.
Do praying mantises eat cockroaches?

Oh, my bad, you guys are related. You're also related to termites.

Kinky foreplay, I would say. But what can we do now that Hollywood banned the relay of sexcetera and eurotrash?


Cue Redbone

Come and get your love
Imagine this weapon. Spread by mosquitos. If the mosquito bites any woman, then she grows a dick. No more human overpopulation. All the dried up lakes of California that used to breed mosquitos can stop supplying Los Angeles and start breed mosquitos again. Anyways this new mosquito is not much of a change, because American women are unverifiable for gender anyways.

You mean like men with long hair!! You might need to mate with a praying mantis.
Oh I get it, they eat their boyfriends during sex. Praying mantis. Yes. Why didn't I think of this before. That is exactly what American women need, and their boyfriends deserve. Better than any mosquito for all Californians.

So you dislike Americans?
They’re HERE: Depopulation “LAB-Creatures” Released as Globalists Prepare For…California In TROUBLE
On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing 20 million bacteria-filled fertility destroying mosquitoes in Fresno, California. The project, dubbed Debug Fresno, was led by Verily Life Sciences, an offshoot of Googles Parent company Alphabet, in order to “calm-down” the mosquito population. Problem is, not a single citizen was asked whether or not they wanted those lab-created creatures in their skies, nor was any study conducted on the repercussions they could have on the human race. Yet, they pursued the release of these creatures, not the population.

You can not unbalance the natural set up of nature without creating new disasters. Libtards are a bit to dumbed down to realize that.

There were NO TEST to see how it will effect the human population.

View attachment 141066

Mutation is the hidden wrench to genetic engineering. Bacteria mutate about once every 9 months on average and viruses mutate once every 6 weeks.

They can test this strain for affecting only mosquitos all they want, but what will their 5th generation of bacterii do after 5 mutations?

This bacteria isn't genetically engineered, it's a naturally occurring bacteria. Any magical "mutations" are already happening, and have been for millions of years.

The odds of a bacteria that has evolved to live in mosquitos magically "evolving" into something that effects humans are about the same as one of the billions of flora that live in your intestines "evolving" into something else entirely.
The lab-bred GM Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, according to Oxitec – the biotech company that breeds them – are genetically programed to mate with wild females and transfer a gene that is fatal to any offspring.

But critics of the technique say too little is known about the potential for long-term environmental damage, as well as how humans will react to the injection of the gene if they are bitten by a GM Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The Zika virus is not new. As reported by Collective Evolution, it has been around since at least 1947. What's more, the virus is marketed by two companies, and the Rockefeller Foundation owns the patent on the virus.

There is also the fact that the virus – which is generally weak, causing mostly mild symptoms that disappear in a few days – may not be the cause behind a rash of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil, where the current outbreak began. There could be other environmental factors working in conjunction with the Zika virus, or something else altogether.

WARNING: Experts say GM mosquitoes could transmit modified DNA to humans

Cricket, cricket....................... cricket................................. cricket...

This is why you shouldn't read "Natural News". They don't understand even basic biology.

Male mosquitos don't bite. Period.
The lab-bred GM Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, according to Oxitec – the biotech company that breeds them – are genetically programed to mate with wild females and transfer a gene that is fatal to any offspring.

But critics of the technique say too little is known about the potential for long-term environmental damage, as well as how humans will react to the injection of the gene if they are bitten by a GM Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The Zika virus is not new. As reported by Collective Evolution, it has been around since at least 1947. What's more, the virus is marketed by two companies, and the Rockefeller Foundation owns the patent on the virus.

There is also the fact that the virus – which is generally weak, causing mostly mild symptoms that disappear in a few days – may not be the cause behind a rash of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil, where the current outbreak began. There could be other environmental factors working in conjunction with the Zika virus, or something else altogether.

WARNING: Experts say GM mosquitoes could transmit modified DNA to humans

Cricket, cricket....................... cricket................................. cricket...

This is why you shouldn't read "Natural News". They don't understand even basic biology.

Male mosquitos don't bite. Period.

This is why you are a degenerate, because there are other sources douche bag or are you that stupid you didn't see it all " ALL OF THEM" listed.
The lab-bred GM Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, according to Oxitec – the biotech company that breeds them – are genetically programed to mate with wild females and transfer a gene that is fatal to any offspring.

But critics of the technique say too little is known about the potential for long-term environmental damage, as well as how humans will react to the injection of the gene if they are bitten by a GM Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The Zika virus is not new. As reported by Collective Evolution, it has been around since at least 1947. What's more, the virus is marketed by two companies, and the Rockefeller Foundation owns the patent on the virus.

There is also the fact that the virus – which is generally weak, causing mostly mild symptoms that disappear in a few days – may not be the cause behind a rash of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil, where the current outbreak began. There could be other environmental factors working in conjunction with the Zika virus, or something else altogether.

WARNING: Experts say GM mosquitoes could transmit modified DNA to humans

Cricket, cricket....................... cricket................................. cricket...

This is why you shouldn't read "Natural News". They don't understand even basic biology.

Male mosquitos don't bite. Period.

Or do I need to spam my own POST for degenerates who live in the zombie zone and have no idea how the hell to " RESEARCH IT" omg imagine the things we can do when we aren't a lazy ass degenerate Hillary lover or Obama lover at that.
The lab-bred GM Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, according to Oxitec – the biotech company that breeds them – are genetically programed to mate with wild females and transfer a gene that is fatal to any offspring.

But critics of the technique say too little is known about the potential for long-term environmental damage, as well as how humans will react to the injection of the gene if they are bitten by a GM Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The Zika virus is not new. As reported by Collective Evolution, it has been around since at least 1947. What's more, the virus is marketed by two companies, and the Rockefeller Foundation owns the patent on the virus.

There is also the fact that the virus – which is generally weak, causing mostly mild symptoms that disappear in a few days – may not be the cause behind a rash of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil, where the current outbreak began. There could be other environmental factors working in conjunction with the Zika virus, or something else altogether.

WARNING: Experts say GM mosquitoes could transmit modified DNA to humans

Cricket, cricket....................... cricket................................. cricket...

This is why you shouldn't read "Natural News". They don't understand even basic biology.

Male mosquitos don't bite. Period.

This is why you are a degenerate, because there are other sources douche bag or are you that stupid you didn't see it all " ALL OF THEM" listed.

Now now. There's no need to get butthurt over the fact that you've been fooled again.

Let me repeat myself.

Male mosquitos don't bite. Period. This is a fact unverisally agreed upon by everyone who's ever studied mosquitos, or opened a biology textbook.

If you believe differently, you're a fucking moron. It's that simple.
Lisa Haven is mindnumblingly stupid.

So are the idiots who dont know how to research real information.. Sheep, sheeeep, cricket , cricket

Have you drunk the tea, get clean before the end of days, the mark of the beast is loose in the world.

I think I'll stick with science instead of the end times fundy Christian.

How will you do that? All new weapons are centrally controlled, globally. Even the UN is now creating a global arms control. With that, how much science do you think you will be allowed to do?

With you quacks maybe not much, but its the best hope we have. The fundies are bound and determined to have Jesus come in the clouds.
Mutation is the hidden wrench to genetic engineering. Bacteria mutate about once every 9 months on average and viruses mutate once every 6 weeks.

They can test this strain for affecting only mosquitos all they want, but what will their 5th generation of bacterii do after 5 mutations?

This bacteria isn't genetically engineered, it's a naturally occurring bacteria. Any magical "mutations" are already happening, and have been for millions of years.

The odds of a bacteria that has evolved to live in mosquitos magically "evolving" into something that effects humans are about the same as one of the billions of flora that live in your intestines "evolving" into something else entirely.

And we all remember the last time that happened.

This bacteria isn't genetically engineered, it's a naturally occurring bacteria. Any magical "mutations" are already happening, and have been for millions of years.
The odds of a bacteria that has evolved to live in mosquitos magically "evolving" into something that effects humans are about the same as one of the billions of flora that live in your intestines "evolving" into something else entirely.

It isnt exactly the same to compare mutationin naturaly occuring bacteria that we have defenses to, vrs bacteria that are engineered to avoide normal animal defenses, whether it is a mosquito or human being.

I am not saying that we should not do it, but I am saying I wish they would test their modifications on volunteers for a few years before being alowed to release it into NAtujre.

Bad things can happen.

Looking Back at Genetic Engineering's First Deadly Disaster: L-tryptophan

In my book Seeds of Deception, I bring out new information about the genetically engineered food supplement L-tryptophan, which was responsible for a deadly epidemic in the United States in the 1980s.

Much of the research for the chapter came from the work of investigator William Crist. The book cited Crist¹s report, which was expected to have been posted on a website well in advance of my book¹s publication. Unfortunately, Crist was unable to update his report at that time. It is now available at and provides important new evidence, including ways in which the U.S. government apparently hid information in order to protect the biotech industry.

In October, 1989, 44-year old Kathy Lorio arrived in the medical office of Dr. Phil Hertzman in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Lorio, who had been healthy and active, was suddenly struck with severe pain and a host of debilitating symptoms. Blood tests revealed that her eosinophil count had skyrocketed. The normal concentration of this white blood cell is about 10 per CC. Allergies or asthma can make it rise to 500. Lorio¹s was over 10,000.

In a coincidence that was destined to save lives, Hertzman referred her to Santa Fe rheumatologist James Mayer, who happened to have recently seen another patient, Bonnie Bishop, with similar symptoms.

Bishop was in severe pain, her arms and legs were filled with fluid, she had trouble breathing, and her muscles were so weak she couldn¹t even sit up. ³She slumped like a rag doll.²[1] And her eosinophil count was extremely high.

Patient histories revealed that both Bishop and Lorio were taking the food supplement L-tryptophan. Although it was the only supplement common to both patients, the doctors were hesitant to blame L-tryptophan for the disease. It is an essential amino acid, naturally found in turkey and milk, and in supplement form had been consumed safely for years as a treatment for stress, insomnia and depression.

Hertzman checked the literature on eosinophils. One author¹s name kept coming up call. Gleich told him that two cases weren¹t enough to draw a conclusion about L-tryptophan. Better wait. They didn¹t wait long.

That same day a third case, also linked to L-tryptophan, was reported in New Mexico. Gleich called the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta and told them about the cluster of patients in New Mexico and the possible link to L-tryptophan.

Within two weeks, three other patients checked into the Mayo Clinic with serious symptoms taken L-tryptophan and they were from different parts of the country.

Gleich called the CDC again. He told them it¹s not limited to New Mexico nationwide.

Articles began circulating about the mysterious disease. The Albuquerque Journal ran a series about it that eventually won the Pulitzer Prize. The New York Times covered it. As more articles appeared, the phone calls started coming in hundreds, then thousands: individuals with incurable symptoms, doctors with incurable patients, and stories of horrific symptoms. Some had coughs, rashes, physical weakness, pneumonia, breathing difficulties, hardening of the skin, mouth ulcers, nausea, shortness of breath, muscle spasms, visual problems, hair loss, difficulty with concentration or memory, and paralysis. Not everyone had all the symptoms, but everyone seemed to be in pain had seen before. The disease was named eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, or EMS the muscle pain. In all, about 5,000 - 10,000 people got sick; some are permanently disabled. About 100 people died.

Disease Traced to Genetic Modification

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported on July 11, 1990 that people only got EMS from pills made by Showa Denko, one of the six manufacturers whose L-tryptophan was imported into the U.S. from Japan. Showa Denko¹s pills had several unique contaminants that were likely to be responsible for the epidemic. Moreover, the manufacturer was genetically engineering bacteria to produce the L-tryptophan more economically. Genes had been inserted into bacteria¹ s DNA in order to produce high concentrations of several enzymes used in its production.

Epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, who helped track the source of the epidemic, said in a Newsday article on August 14, ³This obviously leads to that whole debate about genetic engineering.² Two weeks later, FDA spokesperson Sam Page was quoted in Science magazine ³blasting² Osterholm for raising the issue of genetic engineering, ³especially given the impact on the industry.²[2]​
You can not unbalance the natural set up of nature without creating new disasters. Libtards are a bit to dumbed down to realize that.
Sounds like an update to the Mindwars Doom-Tracker (tm) is in order...

1. Flu Pandemic
2. Financial collapse
3. War with Korea
4. Artificial intelligence run amok
5. Mass extinctions
6. Heavily armed Muslims in the US
7. Russian Bombers
8. Wild fires out of control with some secret reason they started
9. Nuclear war wipes out everyone
10. Massive power outage with boilerplate FEMA reference
11. FEMA Operation Gotham false flag
12. Cell phones causing brain cancer
13. Coronal hole from giant fissure on the sun
14. Popocatépetl volcano
15. Facial recognition not really for illegals
16. Cyber attack on power grid
17. Nuclear missile hitting California
18. Deadly fungus "catastrophic threat" to US
19. Global debt explosion
20. American debt bomb
21. Scientists warn of apocalypse
22. Europe taken over by Islam
23. Earthquakes off Alaska
24. 1984 style censorship
25. Anonymous says prepare for World War 3
26. EMP Strike on USA
27. New tick virus worse than lyme
28. Water supply poisoned
29. Acetaminophen blocking empathy
30. Campi Flegrei volcano devastating eruption possible
31. China/Russia New World Order
32. Dangerous Parasite, with a hint of FDA conspiracy
33. Mt. St Helens recharging, with death reference
34. Google facial recognition AI
35. MAJOR plutonium release into air
36. "Ominous" ransomware message, with hilariously non sequitur reference to leftists
37. Radical Islam's Third Jihad
38. Bee colonies dying = civilization collapse
39. North Korea satellites attack, cannibalism in the streets
40. War brewing because of Qatar
41. "Industroyer" wrecks US electric grid
42. Dirty Bomb in South Carolina
43. Summer heat wave
44. Nuclear tipped ICBM from North Korea
45. Country of "Europe" lost to Islam
46. Genetically engineered mosquitoes
If I'm not mistaken they tested this plan in some third world country and it was a resounding success with zero mutation post release (as the virus that renders the mosquitoes eggs infertal dies out after 24hours and has no opportunity to mutate.) Was on TV so my memory isn't as great, but as I recall there was something like an 80% reduction in mosquito borne diseases in the local population.

As an Alaskan, and while our mosquitoes do not carry diseases (too damn cold in the winter), I would be quite keen to wipe the fuckers out. My husband and I regularly spray so that we can actually go out in our backyard without getting eaten alive. I happen to be immune to the "itchy" part of being bitten, however, no one drinks my blood without my express permission and lives to tell about it...

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