They’re not even hiding it anymore: Dem Senator embraces Communist Party

This: are the International Communists just sooooo much smarter than the national communists.....the Democrat Party......or is it the partnership against America and Western Civilization that it appears to be????

1. There is far too much evidence on both sides of that question when it comes to Franklin Roosevelt vis-a-vis Stalin.

2. More pertinent today, as China is our current and future greatest opponent, and the Democrats appear to be their handmaidens.

And here is one particularly interesting story to consider when answering the above query.

"On November 30, 2012, Chinese artist Cai Guo Qiang, who was being honored by the Smithsonian Institution, set up a Christmas tree on the National Mall. Then he exploded the tree with hundreds of Chinese-made fireworks. The audience, which included Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and other luminaries of the left, applauded as the Christmas tree went up in smoke. Cinders, pine needles, and wood fragments formed a debris field that would take weeks to clean up.
Hillary Clinton presented Cai Guo Qiang with a gold medal—the first U.S. State Department Medal of Arts, along with $250,000 from American taxpayers. The medal recognized his “contributions to the advancement of understanding and diplomacy.”

3. "Mandarin-speaking China expert Michael Pillsbury, author of The Hundred-Year Marathon, has chronicled China’s patient, persistent quest for a China-centric new world order.
....Pillsbury witnessed the exploding tree and applauded along with the audience—but he was troubled by what he saw. The next day, Pillsbury had a secret meeting with a “senior Chinese government defector.” The defector couldn’t believe that the United States had allowed Cai to stage the event and had given him the award. Didn’t the Americans understand the themes of Cai’s work—themes of “the decline of the United States and the rise of a strong China”?
Didn’t the Americans grasp the symbolism of the exploding tree? There, at the seat of American government, Cai had destroyed a Christmas tree, a symbol of the Christian faith. Cai, a communist and a nationalist, had insulted America— and the Americans had cheered and given him a medal."
The above can be found in Sean Spicer's "Radical Nation."

How can any miss the hand-in-glove relationship between Marxism and the Democrat Party?
Every Biden nominee going in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee is a closet communist.
We could all be nice people and let the Chinese get away with putting these folks on the bench.....but we should risk being called all sort of horrible names......and stand up to the decimation that Biden is unleashing upon us as we speak.
yup, the cons, SCUM demonRATS approve of locking kids in CAGES and taken from their parents
corrupt, compromised, dementia laden criminal in the white house
a pedophile in the white house
antifa and black flies matter burning, looting, killing, AMERICAN cities--SCUM demonRATS posted bail for these criminals
blumenthal, who emceed a communist roast
kkk lovers
any other propaganda you want to spew?
your sheep mind is what makes you a retard
Can you translate that rant into English please?
Was Saddam Hussein elected by a result you would respect?

Saddam Hussein was actually fairly popular, since he greatly improved education, health care, jobs, and travel.
In between the Sunni of Saudi Arabia and the Shiites of Iran, he maintained a secular neutrality.
Same with Assad in Syria.
Best thing that ever happened to Syria
All countries are better off with a member of a minority in power because then they can not do anything too controversial.
Assad also wins elections by landslides.
And he waa right. The Honorable Senator Joe McCarthy was a real American Patriot.

No, McCarthy was a liar and essentially was violating the 1st amendment.
It is a basic crime against any democracy to allow persecution based on political beliefs.
That is no greater crime than that.
It's not as if your opinion matters.
You lying un American dictator loving POS. Trump was arse Holed so cry your guts out dickhead.
enjoy that TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
It's not as if your opinion matters.
You lying un American dictator loving POS
As has been well proven, any Republican accusation against a Democrat is actually a confession. They always use projection to deflect from their own crimes.

Thus, this conforms the current "THERE'S NO COMMIE WE WON'T STRIVE TO SERVE" nature of modern Republicans.
My signature line:

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."

At times attributed to Communists Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, National Socialist Joseph Goebbels and sometimes even modern Leftist godfather Saul Alinsky.

Used on a daily basis by USMB member mamooth.
No, McCarthy was a liar and essentially was violating the 1st amendment.
It is a basic crime against any democracy to allow persecution based on political beliefs.
That is no greater crime than that.
HAHAHA. The Left do it with impunity.
No, McCarthy was a liar and essentially was violating the 1st amendment.
It is a basic crime against any democracy to allow persecution based on political beliefs.
That is no greater crime than that.
Mccarthy has been proven correct in gthe years since. He violated no one's freedom osf speech and communism is as evil an ideooogy as naziism.

We allow neither of those kind to work in government with access to classified materials
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?

I remember the McCarthy years. He was right all along. We should never have stopped asking. AOC would still be giving blow jobs behind the bar.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?

I remember the McCarthy years. He was right all along. We should never have stopped asking. AOC would still be giving blow jobs behind the bar.

The answer is no. Your problem is you so paranoid about drmocrats you f a private childish scenarios to suit your ignorant position.

You might be able to remember those years but i doubt it. McCarthy was wrong then and you are wrong now but there's nothing like the obligatory communist scare to galvanised the people to republicanism.

As for AOC, you have no evidence firyour ignorant slur, just the usual hate that eats away at your miserable brain.

I reported you the other day for your filthy remarks. I won't resolve from repeating that if you continue to do so.
Be careful. I won't wear your filthy lies.
The answer is no. Your problem is you so paranoid about drmocrats you f a private childish scenarios to suit your ignorant position.

You might be able to remember those years but i doubt it. McCarthy was wrong then and you are wrong now but there's nothing like the obligatory communist scare to galvanised the people to republicanism.

As for AOC, you have no evidence firyour ignorant slur, just the usual hate that eats away at your miserable brain.

I reported you the other day for your filthy remarks. I won't resolve from repeating that if you continue to do so.
Be careful. I won't wear your filthy lies.
No one cares what you think or about your opinion. You are a filthy low life democrat who just got his ass handed to him by a 17 year old boy.
No one cares what you think or about your opinion. You are a filthy low life democrat who just got his ass handed to him by a 17 year old boy.

Why would I expect anything different from a rabid right ignoramus.

Think before you post rubbish. I'll pick you off every time.

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