They’re not even hiding it anymore: Dem Senator embraces Communist Party

Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.
Stay your happy ass across the pond where you belong. We already know your country bent the knee.
Hypocrite has an ”e” on the end.

So…..a few hundred people, out of thousands demonstrating peacefully that day, let their frustration boil over one single day. They killed nobody.

You guys spent an entire summer, in cities throughout the nation, rioting, burning, assaulting, and murdering people, and your VP supported a fund to bail out rioters so they could go right back to their destruction.

And you want to talk about hypocrisy? That’s when you demonize law-abiding, decent Americans who decide not to get vaccinated (I myself am vaccinated and boosted), yet work hard to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants to swarm in, even after 1/3 refuse a vaccine.
The absurdity is when opportunist JoeXi traffics untested Illegal aliens in to miscegenate* both unvaxxed and vaxxed legal American citizens (during [italics]) the pandemic. That is the arrogant, communist dem pathology to remember.
* mixing
The absurdity is when opportunist JoeXi traffics untested Illegal aliens in to miscegenate* both unvaxxed and vaxxed legal American citizens (during [italics]) the pandemic. That is the arrogant, communist dem pathology to remember.
* mixing
Yes. He is intentionally spreading the virus, using illegal aliens as the carriers and flying them to cities throughout the country (usually in the middle of the night).

What is driving this? The Dems WANT an uptick in COVID (look at how hard Biden is fighting the wait-in-Mexico policy in order to let more infected scofflaws into this country) so they can scare everyone away from the polls and push through a nationwide mail-in ballot scheme. They know it’s the only way the Dems hold onto Congress.
You forgot about the empty shelves in stores under your savior? Or the fact that the roots of this inflation began in his administration.

The only "gullible" ones I see are you. Those that can't or won't think for themselves. Are slaves to alt-right media and social media. ( likes you some social media..we know. :))
Then, finally, are praying and wishing for the return of their savior to deliver them idea. You fill in the blank.
Stop huffing paint....

Actually never mind, huff a lot more and if you can get some fentanyl, snort about 50 grams you vacuous turd.

The only "empty store shelves" resulted from bed wetting media apparatchiks who promoted the COVID Hoax, and for some reason it compelled people to buy up a lot of toilet paper, guns and ammo. Other than that most everything was available. The "roots of the inflation" were also entirely the fault of democrooks insisting we needed to go 5 fucking trillion dollars deeper in debt in less than 18 months.

If Trump refused to play along, alien beings 500 billion light years away would hear the squealing and gnashing of teeth of democrook lunatics long after our sun went super nova and they'd be wondering "WTF was that?" If only the fuckin guy refused to acquiesce to the hysterical bullshit, fired Fraudchi, and never played along, he'd still be the actual POTUS rather that that jabbering Lefts Syndrome retarded potato Xiden.

When it comes to "saviors" and "furthers", no one beats sniveling, servile pieces of shit like you. You had your meat puppet faggot obozo for 8 years of stagnation and malaise. You could not, and can not create a cult of personality under your potato.

Fuck Joe Biden and FUCK YOU.

Yes. He is intentionally spreading the virus, using illegal aliens as the carriers and flying them to cities throughout the country (usually in the middle of the night).

What is driving this? The Dems WANT an uptick in COVID (look at how hard Biden is fighting the wait-in-Mexico policy in order to let more infected scofflaws into this country) so they can scare everyone away from the polls and push through a nationwide mail-in ballot scheme. They know it’s the only way the Dems hold onto Congress.

The only way democrooks win elections is to get the GOP to nominate sniveling RINOs, and through utter fraud.
Stop huffing paint....

Actually never mind, huff a lot more and if you can get some fentanyl, snort about 50 grams you vacuous turd.

The only "empty store shelves" resulted from bed wetting media apparatchiks who promoted the COVID Hoax, and for some reason it compelled people to buy up a lot of toilet paper, guns and ammo. Other than that most everything was available. The "roots of the inflation" were also entirely the fault of democrooks insisting we needed to go 5 fucking trillion dollars deeper in debt in less than 18 months.

If Trump refused to play along, alien beings 500 billion light years away would hear the squealing and gnashing of teeth of democrook lunatics long after our sun went super nova and they'd be wondering "WTF was that?" If only the fuckin guy refused to acquiesce to the hysterical bullshit, fired Fraudchi, and never played along, he'd still be the actual POTUS rather that that jabbering Lefts Syndrome retarded potato Xiden.

When it comes to "saviors" and "furthers", no one beats sniveling, servile pieces of shit like you. You had your meat puppet faggot obozo for 8 years of stagnation and malaise. You could not, and can not create a cult of personality under your potato.

Fuck Joe Biden and FUCK YOU.

Where's your bright blue font, Senior "Got a thang about bedwetting!"?

Let me dumb it down for you. The man who promised to Make America WHITE Again for you..caused the current debacle.
End of story.

Now, back to your ALT-RIGHT dungeon. :auiqs.jpg:
These look like bullshit innuendos from an alt-right organization. They support workers and unions....Y-A-W-N.
Nowhere do I see any hammer and sickle.

Unbunch your undies..please.
Would you expect a communist affiliated organization ( Connecticut People’s World Committee)
to fly the hammer and sickle? Was the Che Guevara Appreciation Society name already taken?

You've always been obnoxiously disingenuous. Now you just up the ante here to defend a low life
Connecticut politician who rode the coat tails of actual combat veterans with his tales of stolen
valor to gain office from the weak minded dupes of Connecticut, one of my least favorite states.

I'm not surprised.
There's like 8 people in the American Communist Party.

Who cares?
When that piece of shit Obama was president, you couldn't find a socialist in the DNC. Then Comrade Bernie jumped out of the commie closet all loud and proud and millions of socialists materialized out of thin air, apparently. Only five years later a DNC Senator is headlining a communist event. You dirty commies aren't fooling anyone.
Senator Blumenthal, a self-loathing liberal Jew, speaks at Communist Party award ceremony. This affiliate of the CCP uses the opportunity to recruit more communists.

How can we stand by and let America-hating Democrats remain in office?

The thread premise is a lie from an unreliable rightwing fake news site.
Hypocrite has an ”e” on the end.

Not in the English land sin. Only in America. If grammar mistakes is your best defence, you've for SFA.

So…..a few hundred people, out of thousands demonstrating peacefully that day, let their frustration boil over one single day. They killed nobody.

Grow up idiot. It was an insurrection and 5 people eventually died and you have the ignorance to suggest it was peaceful.
Republicans were responsible and you know it. Cut your bullshit.

You guys spent an entire summer, in cities throughout the nation, rioting, burning, assaulting, and murdering people, and your VP supported a fund to bail out rioters so they could go right back to their destruction.

Not one if those riots was designed to destroy democracy like you're was. Now you hate pence for certifying the election andbalsoncheney because she said trump lost. Both facts but you still maintain the rage for no reason. You're an ignorant fool.

And you want to talk about hypocrisy? That’s when you demonize law-abiding, decent Americans who decide not to get vaccinated (I myself am vaccinated and boosted), yet work hard to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants to swarm in, even after 1/3 refuse a vaccine.

They should be demonized. They will soon be quarantined in their homes until they do. Don't give me that shit where you'll have a revolution and get out your old pop guns. You haven't got the guts.

Joe will eventually link unvaccinated to car licences. No jab. No licence.
You people are spreading the disease because of conspiracy theories, religion or ignorant. You're all mad.
I've never supported communism nor has there ever been a communist party in government. In your hate filled ignorant mind perhaps. You're paranoid about them.
lie, deny, deflect, twist to suit.....this is YOU...
i could give 2 shits, personnally, about commies like you....
i just have target practice with SCUM demonRATS like you
Where's your bright blue font, Senior "Got a thang about bedwetting!"?

Let me dumb it down for you. The man who promised to Make America WHITE Again for you..caused the current debacle.
End of story.

Now, back to your ALT-RIGHT dungeon. :auiqs.jpg:
Our current debacle is…..

1) continuing Covid even though Biden said he’d “solve it” and even though Fauci said once 79% were vaccinated it would be over

2) massive surge of hundreds of low-class, uneducated migrants at the border, 1/3rd of them sexual assaulters, of whom Biden is NOT mandating a vaccine and instead waving them in and flying the scofflaws throughout the country

3) big labor shortage exacerbated by Biden’s massive welfare expansion, enabling people to quit or refuse to take jobs

4) inflation nearing double digits due to both the labor shortage impacting supply AND the massive influx of cash into the economy

And yet….you deranged and America-hating leftists try to trick others into thinking any of this was Trump’s fault. It’s the fault if the dementia patient you voted into office, and how easily he’s manipulated by the Marxists on the far left.
The libs defend a) illegals, b) criminals, c) the racist BLM movement, d) senators who headline at Communist affiliates, e) prominent antisemites like Omar and Tlaib.

The libs demonize: a) Americans who object to their defense of any of the above

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