They’re not even hiding it anymore: Dem Senator embraces Communist Party

You forgot about the empty shelves in stores under your savior? Or the fact that the roots of this inflation began in his administration.

The only "gullible" ones I see are you. Those that can't or won't think for themselves. Are slaves to alt-right media and social media. ( likes you some social media..we know. :))
Then, finally, are praying and wishing for the return of their savior to deliver them idea. You fill in the blank.
I have no “savior.” That is a very offensive thing to suggest to a Jew.

Second, the shortages under Trump, which were nowhere as widespread, were due to the forced closings due to COVID. Under a Biden, the shortages are due to his paying people so much that they refuse to work, thus creating a labor shortage.

And I just said I do not go to alt-right sites. It is YOU who have been brainwashed into thinking that Trump was so bad that a man with dementia was an improvement, and look where we are: inflation at a 40-year-high, a big labor shortage, illegals swarming the boarder, Americans left to Islamic terrorists, and emboldening the terrorists, a big racial divide caused by cries of “white supremacist!” and on and on.

I ashamed that America has been so dumbed down that people like you think America is in need of mass overhaul because it’s so terrible a country and are doing whatever it takes to cause it to collapse. This NEVER would could happened 50 years ago. I think the Marxists have been lying in wait until there were enough gullible, self-loathing Americans like yourself to allow it to happen. Shame on you and those like you.
At least there is some honesty going on from this guy. It’s time the American people learn to accept the dNC is nothing more then a puppet fir the CCP

Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You don’t see a problem that after Blumenthal spoke at this affiliate of the Communist Party, one of the leaders actually got up and invited members of the audience to JOIN the Communists?

Liberals are either in denial, or are liars.

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.
Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.
So you believe that there is no such thing as communists?
I know these are very difficult concepts for those who did not finish high school, but Fascism and Communism are very different things

No, they aren't. Only mental midgets, with no ability to think for themselves, can come to that conclusion.
Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.
oh it’s not a lie they are bought and paid for by the CCP.

They aren’t, nor is the CCP communist as marx defined it, they are more inline with fascist
So you believe that there is no such thing as communists?
Not in this country. I know you're afraid. But that's no reason to keep spouting terms your alt-right media sources parrot day in and day out.
You want communists? Cuba, China, North Korea are all waiting for you to come over and tell them how wrong their system of government is.

Be sure to take videos.
I'm sure it will go well. :auiqs.jpg:
Not in this country. I know you're afraid. But that's no reason to keep spouting terms your alt-right media sources parrot day in and day out.
You want communists? Cuba, China, North Korea are all waiting for you to come over and tell them how wrong their system of government is.

Be sure to take videos.
I'm sure it will go well. :auiqs.jpg:
Oh, yeah, and antifa is just an "idea" and BLM is all about helping Black people. Hey, there's a bird pooping on your head.
Not in this country. I know you're afraid. But that's no reason to keep spouting terms your alt-right media sources parrot day in and day out.
You want communists? Cuba, China, North Korea are all waiting for you to come over and tell them how wrong their system of government is.

Be sure to take videos.
I'm sure it will go well. :auiqs.jpg:
Xiden’s three favorite countries!!
You forgot about the empty shelves in stores under your savior? Or the fact that the roots of this inflation began in his administration.

The only "gullible" ones I see are you. Those that can't or won't think for themselves. Are slaves to alt-right media and social media. ( likes you some social media..we know. :))
Then, finally, are praying and wishing for the return of their savior to deliver them idea. You fill in the blank.
once again: if you only had a brain
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm shit stain commie
btw...the economy under TRUMP was the inflation, AMERICA self sufficient, gas prices way low, shelves stocked with product---is there anything else you want to LIE about?
Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.

Why are you promoting the lie that the Democrats are communists? Why are Republicans so flat out dishonest about Democrats?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?

You're even dumber than Struth. You believe that communists exist. I take it you were home schooled.
Why are you promoting the lie that the SCUM Democrats are not communists? Why are SCUM demonRATS so flat out dishonest about republicans?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?
Why are you promoting the lie that the SCUM Democrats are not communists? Why are SCUM demonRATS so flat out dishonest about republicans?

But most importantly, why do YOU continue to believe their lies?
Looks like Blumenthal is the only democrat with enough balls to not hide it.
Senator Blumenthal, a self-loathing liberal Jew, speaks at Communist Party award ceremony. This affiliate of the CCP uses the opportunity to recruit more communists.

How can we stand by and let America-hating Democrats remain in office?

Why don't you vote them out? Have a revolution? Let's storm the WH with all our guns and blast them out.

Remember this boofhead. If you don't vote them in you CANNOT vote them out.

You guys stormed the capital attempting to stop democracy but call others un American. Don't make me vomit you hypocrit.
The Right wants it to be.
leaving AMERICANS in afghanistan, to be killed
closing down the pipelines in AMERICA, but letting russia do as they please
highest inflation in over 40 years
allowing gas prices to skyrocket
printing $$ AMERICA can't afford
this is ALL under the watch of the SCUM demonRATS---
do you show your stupidity on a daily basis? it's quite obvious you do
Why don't you vote them out? Have a revolution? Let's storm the WH with all our guns and blast them out.

Remember this boofhead. If you don't vote them in you CANNOT vote them out.

You guys stormed the capital attempting to stop democracy but call others un American. Don't make me vomit you hypocrit.
says a communist supporter
Senator Blumenthal, a self-loathing liberal Jew, speaks at Communist Party award ceremony. This affiliate of the CCP uses the opportunity to recruit more communists.

How can we stand by and let America-hating Democrats remain in office?

An important historical thing to do to stock the armory with this addition to the bookshelf: Storch, Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots, 1928-1934.
Why don't you vote them out? Have a revolution? Let's storm the WH with all our guns and blast them out.

Remember this boofhead. If you don't vote them in you CANNOT vote them out.

You guys stormed the capital attempting to stop democracy but call others un American. Don't make me vomit you hypocrit.
Hypocrite has an ”e” on the end.

So…..a few hundred people, out of thousands demonstrating peacefully that day, let their frustration boil over one single day. They killed nobody.

You guys spent an entire summer, in cities throughout the nation, rioting, burning, assaulting, and murdering people, and your VP supported a fund to bail out rioters so they could go right back to their destruction.

And you want to talk about hypocrisy? That’s when you demonize law-abiding, decent Americans who decide not to get vaccinated (I myself am vaccinated and boosted), yet work hard to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants to swarm in, even after 1/3 refuse a vaccine.
Seems to me this guy seems to be coloring outside the lines. This is what they LIKE in Connecticut?

Oh, probably.

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