Things I do not like about modern day Star Trek


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
I was a big fan of original Star Trek from way back. And I even enjoyed the animated series. I came to like The Next Generation despite having lots of early misgivings. I was never a big fan of DS9 as to me you have to have a starship to actually be Star Trek yet I'll free acknowledge they had some great episodes.

Voyager and Enterprise? The less said the better.

But Discovery, Lower Decks, Picard?

I don't care for them for various reasons.

1) Why are modern Trek writers (and seemingly fans) so obsessed with Patrick Stewart? Yeah he is a great actor but he isn't the be all end all of Star Trek.

2) Why are they so obsessed with the "Mirror" universe? It was a great idea in the late 1960s but they've gone to the well about a dozen times too much.

3) Why the obsession with time travel and alternate timelines? Another idea that was great in the 1960s. Not so much in the first decades of the 21st century.

4) Thoughts?
I was a big fan of original Star Trek from way back. And I even enjoyed the animated series. I came to like The Next Generation despite having lots of early misgivings. I was never a big fan of DS9 as to me you have to have a starship to actually be Star Trek yet I'll free acknowledge they had some great episodes.

Voyager and Enterprise? The less said the better.

But Discovery, Lower Decks, Picard?

I don't care for them for various reasons.

1) Why are modern Trek writers (and seemingly fans) so obsessed with Patrick Stewart? Yeah he is a great actor but he isn't the be all end all of Star Trek.

2) Why are they so obsessed with the "Mirror" universe? It was a great idea in the late 1960s but they've gone to the well about a dozen times too much.

3) Why the obsession with time travel and alternate timelines? Another idea that was great in the 1960s. Not so much in the first decades of the 21st century.

4) Thoughts?
the new show with Capt. Pike is pretty good.....his appearance saved the last season of discovery....
I used to be a mild Trekie, but I'm not paying for a streaming service just to see the new star trek series.

I am convinced that the reason I liked TOS so much is that I watched the reruns when I was a kid and didn't know any better.
you have to have a starship to actually be Star Trek
I loved Star Gate SG1 because it was Star Trek-ish. The didn't have a star ship (at first), but they got to visit many different worlds through the star gate. There were quite a few star gate episodes that one could argue were stolen or copied from Star Trek.
I used to be a mild Trekie, but I'm not paying for a streaming service just to see the new star trek series.

I am convinced that the reason I liked TOS so much is that I watched the reruns when I was a kid and didn't know any better.
I mirror a lot said in this thread, loving the original Star Trek, and really liking Star Trek the Next Generation, as well as liking all the movies of both original and Next Generation, but like the OP didn't give a flip about Voyager, discovery or Deep Space 9. Like you, though, I have no intention to sign up and pay for another streaming service, just to see this new one, Picard or no Picard, so I really have no comment on the new series, as I have not seen it.
I was a big fan of original Star Trek from way back. And I even enjoyed the animated series. I came to like The Next Generation despite having lots of early misgivings. I was never a big fan of DS9 as to me you have to have a starship to actually be Star Trek yet I'll free acknowledge they had some great episodes.

Voyager and Enterprise? The less said the better.

But Discovery, Lower Decks, Picard?

I don't care for them for various reasons.

1) Why are modern Trek writers (and seemingly fans) so obsessed with Patrick Stewart? Yeah he is a great actor but he isn't the be all end all of Star Trek.

2) Why are they so obsessed with the "Mirror" universe? It was a great idea in the late 1960s but they've gone to the well about a dozen times too much.

3) Why the obsession with time travel and alternate timelines? Another idea that was great in the 1960s. Not so much in the first decades of the 21st century.

4) Thoughts?
I haven't actually seen any of the new Star Trek episodes. Actually, I didn't even know they existed until you started this thread. :dunno:
I was a big fan of original Star Trek from way back. And I even enjoyed the animated series. I came to like The Next Generation despite having lots of early misgivings. I was never a big fan of DS9 as to me you have to have a starship to actually be Star Trek yet I'll free acknowledge they had some great episodes.

Voyager and Enterprise? The less said the better.

But Discovery, Lower Decks, Picard?

I don't care for them for various reasons.

1) Why are modern Trek writers (and seemingly fans) so obsessed with Patrick Stewart? Yeah he is a great actor but he isn't the be all end all of Star Trek.

2) Why are they so obsessed with the "Mirror" universe? It was a great idea in the late 1960s but they've gone to the well about a dozen times too much.

3) Why the obsession with time travel and alternate timelines? Another idea that was great in the 1960s. Not so much in the first decades of the 21st century.

4) Thoughts?

It's all rot. You can find good here and there in most of it, but the only real Star Trek was the first season of TOS when Roddenberry was in full control and the universe was a strange, daunting, and mysterious place.

Then Gene Coon got involved to help take the load off Roddenberry and Coon began to change the series: he made the universe smaller and more familiar. He also started adding humor to the stories with constant friction between McCoy and Spock. Lighthearted Star Trek had its moment's too, but it was never the same again. Later iterations of Star Trek have been less and less about the things Roddenberry set them out to be with increased emphasis now on exotic costumes, make up and special effects and far less about the actual characters and story.

Roddenbery's Star Trek was about using the vehicle of science fiction to get around network sensors to comment on taboo social morals; the later and newer stuff is just science fiction space stories in crazy outfits to make money off pure profit potential and visual appeal and calling it Star Trek and using ST themes to draw in audience and marketing rights.
I never cared for the original Star Trek. I watched a few because I was completely mezmerized by "Spock".

I'm not a tech minded person, but I love techy scifi. Star Trek is the best techy scifi I know of.

When the original motion picture came out, I was hooked for good. Although I despise Shatner.....what a hack.
Everybody else I loved, Spock/Nimoy was my ultimate favorite.

When STNG came out, it was hard getting through the first season because it was SO cheap and cheesy. But Data/Spiner kept me glued.
Data was my new favorite character, although Spock will always be "Number One" to me.

STNG did get better though.

Voyager.....well, there were only 2 reasons I watched that one...........Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan.
Have loved Kate Mulgrew ever since Remo Williams.

DS9.........there really wasn't anything else that interested me on TV at that time period. But Quark and Kira kept me interested enough to watch it.

Enterprise was just barely watchable. I love the Vulcans, and if it weren't for T'pol and Dr. Phlox, I wouldn't have watched it at all.

Watched about 3 episodes of Discovery and turn it off. Wow, talk about fucking something up in the worst way possible!!!
Geezus Christ what a shitfest!!

The animated shows I like a lot. Although I like Lower Decks better than Prodigy. I'd probably ignore Prodigy if it weren't for Kate Mulgrew being on there. Plus, the story line picked up in the last few episodes. Have no clue if it's going to have another season. Lower Decks cracks me up though. Hope they keep this one going for years.

Pickard. I won't even watch it. I've had my fill of Patrick Stewart. I have absolutely NO interest in that show what so ever.

Strange New Worlds I like so far. As long as they don't go any more woke with it than they already have, I will keep watching.
I expect they are doing this "pre" series from JJ Abrams' time line, and not the original Roddenbury time line. The ship is way too sophisiticated for the Roddenbury time line.

As for the JJ Abrams movies, I like them.
I like Chris Pine, but NOT as Captain Kirk! Although he IS preferable to Shatner!!!

I KNEW Zachary Quinto was going to be Spock one day, when I saw him on an episode of Charmed back in the 90's.
I love him as Spock, he's done a great job! The other actors grew on me. They have done a really good job. I find a lot of nit picky stuff to bitch about, but overall, they've done a good job. More of my gripes are for the aliens and villains they have. Although I like Benedict Cumberbatch a lot, him playing Khan was a huge disappointment.

I would prefer that Paramount put all their efforts into a lot more movies, rather than TV shows. I like the movies so much better than the shows.
I mirror a lot said in this thread, loving the original Star Trek, and really liking Star Trek the Next Generation, as well as liking all the movies of both original and Next Generation, but like the OP didn't give a flip about Voyager, discovery or Deep Space 9. Like you, though, I have no intention to sign up and pay for another streaming service, just to see this new one, Picard or no Picard, so I really have no comment on the new series, as I have not seen it.
I agree and would add the original Star Trek movies were great imo. It's probably the nostalgia factor but the original series is still my favorite although, The Borg, Q, Commander Data and 7 of 9 were all awesome in their own right.
It's all rot. You can find good here and there in most of it, but the only real Star Trek was the first season of TOS when Roddenberry was in full control and the universe was a strange, daunting, and mysterious place.

Then Gene Coon got involved to help take the load off Roddenberry and Coon began to change the series: he made the universe smaller and more familiar. He also started adding humor to the stories with constant friction between McCoy and Spock. Lighthearted Star Trek had its moment's too, but it was never the same again. Later iterations of Star Trek have been less and less about the things Roddenberry set them out to be with increased emphasis now on exotic costumes, make up and special effects and far less about the actual characters and story.

Roddenbery's Star Trek was about using the vehicle of science fiction to get around network sensors to comment on taboo social morals; the later and newer stuff is just science fiction space stories in crazy outfits to make money off pure profit potential and visual appeal and calling it Star Trek and using ST themes to draw in audience and marketing rights.
Coon wrote some of their best episodes....
I agree and would add the original Star Trek movies were great imo. It's probably the nostalgia factor but the original series is still my favorite although, The Borg, Q, Commander Data and 7 of 9 were all awesome in their own right.
In Star Trek Generations, Picard and the Bad Guy (I can't remember his name now) got swept into the Nexus (which is what the Bad Guy wanted). While existing in the Nexus, Picard imagines a reality in which he has children (at Christmas time). He then comes to the realization that the "reality" he is experiencing ISN'T REAL. Later, while still existing in the Nexus, he meets up with Kirk and convinces Kirk to travel back in time with him and fight the bad guy to prevent the Nexus from sweeping through the planet they are on. Well, if the kids were real... I say that wasn't real either and everything happening to Picard after he entered the Nexus is a fake reality that he is simply imagining while remaining in the Nexus.

Yes, I realize that it's all fiction, so none of this really happened or will happen (it's the future after all).
I actually like the new movies and think the new actors are doing a good job of keeping the characters key traits.
Bones is still my favorite.
I found the Starbase Yorktown visually stunning...
Yeah, you could argue that. But when Roddenberry came back from working on other projects to see how Coon was doing, he was furious with what he had done to the series. Gone was most everything that made the first season so exceptional.
I loathed Roddenberry and felt he was a crappy writer.
Yeah, you could argue that. But when Roddenberry came back from working on other projects to see how Coon was doing, he was furious with what he had done to the series. Gone was most everything that made the first season so exceptional.
the guy created the Klingons...the Organians....the Hortas.....Khan Singh.....Zefram Cochran....the Prime Directive...he came up with the name United Federation of Planets......
the guy created the Klingons...the Organians....the Hortas.....Khan Singh.....Zefram Cochran....the Prime Directive...he came up with the name United Federation of Planets......

All great but really superficial to Star Trek. Star Trek began with none of that but was still Star Trek. Without the framework that GR laid down of creating a believable futuristic universe set in optimism and hope, none of that would have ever happened. Don't forget after all that it was Roddenberry who found Coon and gave him the leashes.
All great but really superficial to Star Trek. Star Trek began with none of that but was still Star Trek. Without the framework that GR laid down of creating a believable futuristic universe set in optimism and hope, none of that would have ever happened. Don't forget after all that it was Roddenberry who found Coon and gave him the leashes.
.gene coon created more star trek lore than roddenbury did.....

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