Things most Jews don’t do but gentiles love

More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there
That's not true. The guy who works on my beemer is jewish and I met him on a bowling league and have been hunting with him.
and you will NEVER pick up a 7/10 split on live television
Ummm.... Who cares? What a weird thing to say.
Because you do not know what a 7/10 split is and you are a liar and you have no knowledge of bowling or a bowling league.
How do you know this when you’ve been on this forum for only a few days?
Clairvoyant or sock puppet, you be the judge.
More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there
That's not true. The guy who works on my beemer is jewish and I met him on a bowling league and have been hunting with him.
and you will NEVER pick up a 7/10 split on live television

Actually a 16 year old kid did that a couple weeks ago:

More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there
That's not true. The guy who works on my beemer is jewish and I met him on a bowling league and have been hunting with him.
and you will NEVER pick up a 7/10 split on live television

Actually a 16 year old kid did that a couple weeks ago:

More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there
That's not true. The guy who works on my beemer is jewish and I met him on a bowling league and have been hunting with him.
and you will NEVER pick up a 7/10 split on live television

Actually a 16 year old kid did that a couple weeks ago:


Anybody wanna take bets on how long before this^ guy strokes out?
More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there
I suggest that the administrator of this forum create a separate topic about Jews ..
not "Israel" as there are many Jews all over the world.

Maskin is a Jewish surname.
More for humor

Jews don’t hunt
Jews never go fishing
Jews don’t work on cars
Jews don’t bowl
Jews don’t like camping out
Jews always call someone to fix anything not working In their house

That is a few there

I know Jews who do all of those things...
Most Jews like to lay half naked at their country clubs , by the pool ,as they drink a bottle of wine and read the NY slimes

This is for humor only

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