Things that probably only happen in Dubai

maybe you should get new reading material? Your life might become more pleasant and the world might just look like a nice place to be

You really sound like a bitter old man if you can say what you just did, that you didn't care if certain places burned down. . Maybe if you could get such horrible thoughts out of your own mind your life might become more pleasant. As it is now, from your remarks, you don't think the world is a nice place to be. Too bad we couldn;'t shoot you up to Mars. Perhaps a colony of misanthropes like you could settle there.
Maybe to your ears, but seeing how you act here ..

Dante believes experiencing life on a daily basis is awesome. He needs no religion, no superstitions to validate himself or push boogey men away.

The misanthrope would be you. Your posts show you are angry, alarmed, and in fear of the world around you. Seriously... look around. Dante offers you a way out of your pathetic and dismal existence. All you have to do is STOP hating Obama, Clintons, Lefties, Liberals, Democrats, Blacks, Latinos, Immigrants...

Yes, Dante experiences life by sitting in front of a computer all day long. The proof is in the pudding here, Mr. Dante, when the Search option is used.. It appears that you are in front of you computer running around to forums day and night. Do you just take catnaps in between? A person happy with his life has other things to do during the day than being glued to forums. I would suggest that you look into one of the retirement communities which have popped up all over the U.S. A old friend told me he is having a ball at the Villages in Central Florida. He golf's, he swims, plays tennis, belongs to the various clubs and says that he is so busy that he seldom has the time to watch the grass grow. I received an E-mail today with the title MOHAMMEDLOANS. The body of the E-mail said

"Do you need an urgent loan we offer worldwide loan to who in need of loan the business opportunity you having being looking for is here again. email [email protected]"

Why not write to Mohammed and ask him if he also does residential loans to help you get your dream house in a retirement community where you can have some fun actually experiencing life?

By the way, Dante, reading your other nonsensical posts to this thread, I think you have a screw loose. Was it really that difficult for you to just view the pictures taken in Dubai and make no comment? You must be some awfully lonely person if you had to respond and probably waited for some human being to communicate with you. Make some friends in real life with whom you can actually communicate in person.
Sally you vile title twat juicer you! Ever watch the old Sat Nite Live?

My gtoodness, are you still posting? Get a life!!! In case the viewers are curious, check out the Search feature to see how Dante posts day and night, and then he wants everyone to think that he has a life.
maybe you should get new reading material? Your life might become more pleasant and the world might just look like a nice place to be

You really sound like a bitter old man if you can say what you just did, that you didn't care if certain places burned down. . Maybe if you could get such horrible thoughts out of your own mind your life might become more pleasant. As it is now, from your remarks, you don't think the world is a nice place to be. Too bad we couldn;'t shoot you up to Mars. Perhaps a colony of misanthropes like you could settle there.
Maybe to your ears, but seeing how you act here ..

Dante believes experiencing life on a daily basis is awesome. He needs no religion, no superstitions to validate himself or push boogey men away.

The misanthrope would be you. Your posts show you are angry, alarmed, and in fear of the world around you. Seriously... look around. Dante offers you a way out of your pathetic and dismal existence. All you have to do is STOP hating Obama, Clintons, Lefties, Liberals, Democrats, Blacks, Latinos, Immigrants...

Yes, Dante experiences life by sitting in front of a computer all day long. The proof is in the pudding here, Mr. Dante, when the Search option is used.. It appears that you are in front of you computer running around to forums day and night. Do you just take catnaps in between? A person happy with his life has other things to do during the day than being glued to forums. I would suggest that you look into one of the retirement communities which have popped up all over the U.S. A old friend told me he is having a ball at the Villages in Central Florida. He golf's, he swims, plays tennis, belongs to the various clubs and says that he is so busy that he seldom has the time to watch the grass grow. I received an E-mail today with the title MOHAMMEDLOANS. The body of the E-mail said

"Do you need an urgent loan we offer worldwide loan to who in need of loan the business opportunity you having being looking for is here again. email [email protected]"

Why not write to Mohammed and ask him if he also does residential loans to help you get your dream house in a retirement community where you can have some fun actually experiencing life?

By the way, Dante, reading your other nonsensical posts to this thread, I think you have a screw loose. Was it really that difficult for you to just view the pictures taken in Dubai and make no comment? You must be some awfully lonely person if you had to respond and probably waited for some human being to communicate with you. Make some friends in real life with whom you can actually communicate in person.
Omg that was brutal. I approve though because Dante is on my ignore. I don't remember him but he must have insulted me.

Good going Sally.
Sally you vile title twat juicer you! Ever watch the old Sat Nite Live?

My gtoodness, are you still posting? Get a life!!! In case the viewers are curious, check out the Search feature to see how Dante posts day and night, and then he wants everyone to think that he has a life.
yep Sally is now sniffing Dante's butt.

Tell the world Sally, isn't it true Dante's shit smells like Roses? Maybe even Yellow Roses of Texas?
maybe you should get new reading material? Your life might become more pleasant and the world might just look like a nice place to be

You really sound like a bitter old man if you can say what you just did, that you didn't care if certain places burned down. . Maybe if you could get such horrible thoughts out of your own mind your life might become more pleasant. As it is now, from your remarks, you don't think the world is a nice place to be. Too bad we couldn;'t shoot you up to Mars. Perhaps a colony of misanthropes like you could settle there.
Maybe to your ears, but seeing how you act here ..

Dante believes experiencing life on a daily basis is awesome. He needs no religion, no superstitions to validate himself or push boogey men away.

The misanthrope would be you. Your posts show you are angry, alarmed, and in fear of the world around you. Seriously... look around. Dante offers you a way out of your pathetic and dismal existence. All you have to do is STOP hating Obama, Clintons, Lefties, Liberals, Democrats, Blacks, Latinos, Immigrants...

Yes, Dante experiences life by sitting in front of a computer all day long. The proof is in the pudding here, Mr. Dante, when the Search option is used.. It appears that you are in front of you computer running around to forums day and night. Do you just take catnaps in between? A person happy with his life has other things to do during the day than being glued to forums. I would suggest that you look into one of the retirement communities which have popped up all over the U.S. A old friend told me he is having a ball at the Villages in Central Florida. He golf's, he swims, plays tennis, belongs to the various clubs and says that he is so busy that he seldom has the time to watch the grass grow. I received an E-mail today with the title MOHAMMEDLOANS. The body of the E-mail said

"Do you need an urgent loan we offer worldwide loan to who in need of loan the business opportunity you having being looking for is here again. email [email protected]"

Why not write to Mohammed and ask him if he also does residential loans to help you get your dream house in a retirement community where you can have some fun actually experiencing life?

By the way, Dante, reading your other nonsensical posts to this thread, I think you have a screw loose. Was it really that difficult for you to just view the pictures taken in Dubai and make no comment? You must be some awfully lonely person if you had to respond and probably waited for some human being to communicate with you. Make some friends in real life with whom you can actually communicate in person.
Omg that was brutal. I approve though because Dante is on my ignore. I don't remember him but he must have insulted me.

Good going Sally.
Sally you vile title twat juicer you! Ever watch the old Sat Nite Live?

My gtoodness, are you still posting? Get a life!!! In case the viewers are curious, check out the Search feature to see how Dante posts day and night, and then he wants everyone to think that he has a life.
yep Sally is now sniffing Dante's butt.

Tell the world Sally, isn't it true Dante's shit smells like Roses? Maybe even Yellow Roses of Texas?

Please, everyone, check out the Search feature and become aware of how Dante doesn't have a life. Maybe if you changed your underwear more than once a week, Dante, you wouldn't be smelling your own excrement.
What is this, Pussy Commitatus?

You're a mentally sick man, Dante. I think anyone with any brains can see this. How about the next time you crawl over to this forum, you actually tell us about something that is happening in the Middle East instead of your stupid remarks. If you can't find anything and you need some human contact, go to IHOP and talk to the waitress.

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