Think about it, "Do you really "trust" Republicans with the economy?"



Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die.

Republicans are behind the tens of billions in subsidies to oil companies.

It was a Republican apologized to BP and he was rewarded by being made the head of the energy commission.

The Chamber of Commerce, subsidized by China and Russia, gives 90% to Republicans.

From 2001 to 2008, nearly two and a half million jobs were moved to China.

Paul Ryan and his Republican supported plan starts off with throwing nearly a million people out of work.

Republicans want to let insurance companies run wild. We know California can't regulate New York, so insurance across state lines would be a "free for all".

Republicans want to throw Social Security to the Wall Street wolves.

Republicans want 70 and 80 year old people to go out and look for insurance we all know they can't find. Uninsurable elderly was the reason those programs were started in the first place. To be old was to be destitute.

No rebuilding of infrastructure, we don't have the money, except for wars, which "keep us safe".

No money for education. Too much education is a bad thing, or so I've been told.

This is the plan? What is the expected outcome?
I trust them as much as I trust your Messiah and his gang of thugs. Which is, precisely, zero. But I am entertained that your obsession with bullshitting about the GOP continues. At least you are consistent... consistently stupid. Perhaps you really have no ability to learn.
I trust them as much as I trust your Messiah and his gang of thugs. Which is, precisely, zero. But I am entertained that your obsession with bullshitting about the GOP continues. At least you are consistent... consistently stupid. Perhaps you really have no ability to learn.

why do rightwingnuts keep calling the president "messiah"? :eusa_whistle: do you think it somehow will make people say they should vote for the donald?

if you look at history, honey, the economy always does better when dems are president. i know that bit of reality is difficult to accept, but it's true. *shrug*
So, you don't like the Republican way of doing things... Well, OK. In some cases I agree with you BUT that doesn't give a person with half an ounce of common sense reason to vote for a complete ass clown like Obama again. If you think Obama and crew are the saviors of America you are apparently out of your mind.
I don't trust ANY politician when it comes to ANYTHING. Especially not social or fiscal policy.
rdean never mentions what the real problem is: International Bankers and the Federal Reserve destroying our economy and the US dollar.

If we weren't signed on to pay for the hundreds of trillions in toxic derivatives the banks issued then we'd have plenty of money for whatever social programs the people wanted.

if rdean really cared about the US and it's current financial situation he'd concentrate on that. But he can't see past the false Left/Right paradigm.

We fight with each other while the Banks fuck us with help from all elected representatives up to and including the President.
I don't have any reason to TRUST either party.

Neither do you if you're paying attention to the facts and ignoring the rhetoric.
Based on historical evidence there is no reason at all to trust the republicans with the economy.
Based on historical evidence there is no reason at all to trust the republicans with the economy.

Or the Democrats!

But, some will play partisan bullshit and claim their party is superior to the other party.

Neither party is currently (if they ever were) fiscally responsible.

Based on historical evidence there is no reason at all to trust the republicans with the economy.

Or the Democrats!

But, some will play partisan bullshit and claim their party is superior to the other party.

Neither party is currently (if they ever were) fiscally responsible.


Yep only difference is that the left does not generally claim to be fiscally conservative.
The right clearly lies on this though.
Based on historical evidence there is no reason at all to trust the republicans with the economy.

Or the Democrats!

But, some will play partisan bullshit and claim their party is superior to the other party.

Neither party is currently (if they ever were) fiscally responsible.


Yep only difference is that the left does not generally claim to be fiscally conservative.
The right clearly lies on this though.

Note: I didn't say "fiscally conservative". I said, "fiscally responsible".

The left does claim to be fiscally responsible every time they promote the next great social program for our own good. Every time they tell us that we have to spend money (on this or that social program) to save jobs or the economy they are telling us that they are the fiscally responsible party.

They lie!

why do rightwingnuts keep calling the president "messiah"?


if you look at history, honey, the economy always does better when dems are president. i know that bit of reality is difficult to accept, but it's true. *shrug*

Jillian, that's not true. Was the economy rocking in the 1930s with 25% unemployment well into FDR's first and second terms? How about Carter's 17% interest rates? Who were the presidents during the Roaring 20s? How about the mid and late 80s?

There have been good and bad economies under presidents of both parties and some of it is also peoples' perceptions and biases. Partisans will defend and put a spin on even the worst performance.
Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die.

Republicans are behind the tens of billions in subsidies to oil companies.

It was a Republican apologized to BP and he was rewarded by being made the head of the energy commission.

The Chamber of Commerce, subsidized by China and Russia, gives 90% to Republicans.

From 2001 to 2008, nearly two and a half million jobs were moved to China.

Paul Ryan and his Republican supported plan starts off with throwing nearly a million people out of work.

Republicans want to let insurance companies run wild. We know California can't regulate New York, so insurance across state lines would be a "free for all".

Republicans want to throw Social Security to the Wall Street wolves.

Republicans want 70 and 80 year old people to go out and look for insurance we all know they can't find. Uninsurable elderly was the reason those programs were started in the first place. To be old was to be destitute.

No rebuilding of infrastructure, we don't have the money, except for wars, which "keep us safe".

No money for education. Too much education is a bad thing, or so I've been told.

This is the plan? What is the expected outcome?

I view Republican and Democrat politicians the same way, they are poisonous snakes that keep the rats at bay, but they will bite the hand that feeds them at the drop of a hat so must be watched constantly.
Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die---

Could you please share the link showing the Republican platform plank calling for the death of US auto production?

You gotta love it. When Republicans give a tax break to a company it's "tax cuts for the millionaires". When Dems give tax money to companies it's "saving a vital part" of our economy.

These shitbag liberals like rdean are just partisan hacks. Their party can do no wrong and anyone who has a different view is always wrong.
Do I trust the Republicans? No.

But the Democrats aren't exactly filling me with boatloads of confidence either.
Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die.

Republicans are behind the tens of billions in subsidies to oil companies.

It was a Republican apologized to BP and he was rewarded by being made the head of the energy commission.

The Chamber of Commerce, subsidized by China and Russia, gives 90% to Republicans.

From 2001 to 2008, nearly two and a half million jobs were moved to China.

Paul Ryan and his Republican supported plan starts off with throwing nearly a million people out of work.

Republicans want to let insurance companies run wild. We know California can't regulate New York, so insurance across state lines would be a "free for all".

Republicans want to throw Social Security to the Wall Street wolves.

Republicans want 70 and 80 year old people to go out and look for insurance we all know they can't find. Uninsurable elderly was the reason those programs were started in the first place. To be old was to be destitute.

No rebuilding of infrastructure, we don't have the money, except for wars, which "keep us safe".

No money for education. Too much education is a bad thing, or so I've been told.

This is the plan? What is the expected outcome?

No I dont trust the republicans any more than I trust the democrats.

Do you trust the dems after the last 2 years of fail?
Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die.

Republicans are behind the tens of billions in subsidies to oil companies.

It was a Republican apologized to BP and he was rewarded by being made the head of the energy commission.

The Chamber of Commerce, subsidized by China and Russia, gives 90% to Republicans.

From 2001 to 2008, nearly two and a half million jobs were moved to China.

Paul Ryan and his Republican supported plan starts off with throwing nearly a million people out of work.

Republicans want to let insurance companies run wild. We know California can't regulate New York, so insurance across state lines would be a "free for all".

Republicans want to throw Social Security to the Wall Street wolves.

Republicans want 70 and 80 year old people to go out and look for insurance we all know they can't find. Uninsurable elderly was the reason those programs were started in the first place. To be old was to be destitute.

No rebuilding of infrastructure, we don't have the money, except for wars, which "keep us safe".

No money for education. Too much education is a bad thing, or so I've been told.

This is the plan? What is the expected outcome?

No I dont trust the republicans any more than I trust the democrats.

Do you trust the dems after the last 2 years of fail?

Do you trust the dems after the last 2 years of fail?

Need you ask?

Remember, Republicans wanted to let the American automobile industry die.

Republicans are behind the tens of billions in subsidies to oil companies.

It was a Republican apologized to BP and he was rewarded by being made the head of the energy commission.

The Chamber of Commerce, subsidized by China and Russia, gives 90% to Republicans.

From 2001 to 2008, nearly two and a half million jobs were moved to China.

Paul Ryan and his Republican supported plan starts off with throwing nearly a million people out of work.

Republicans want to let insurance companies run wild. We know California can't regulate New York, so insurance across state lines would be a "free for all".

Republicans want to throw Social Security to the Wall Street wolves.

Republicans want 70 and 80 year old people to go out and look for insurance we all know they can't find. Uninsurable elderly was the reason those programs were started in the first place. To be old was to be destitute.

No rebuilding of infrastructure, we don't have the money, except for wars, which "keep us safe".

No money for education. Too much education is a bad thing, or so I've been told.

This is the plan? What is the expected outcome?

No I dont trust the republicans any more than I trust the democrats.

Do you trust the dems after the last 2 years of fail?

Do you trust the dems after the last 2 years of fail?

Need you ask?


I know he trusts them but Im trying to get him to question that trust ;)

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