Think of the Children! Biden White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

Both Easter and Ramadan fall on different dates in different years so choosing March 31st had nothing to do with those holy days.

So you contend choosing this date, which will typically fall during Easter, Passover and/or Ramadan is simply a big old coincidence.
They can pick what ever day they want, just like every other special interest or cause does.
And usually there is some significance to the date. But not with Tranny Day.
Link up or shut up.

I’ve already linked to the fact it has been around since 2009.

Funny,.. even CNN disagrees with you.

Funny…it also agrees with me:

Crandall told CNN that the President’s move provides the “ultimate” mark of legitimacy to the day, which began in 2009.
So you contend choosing this date, which will typically fall during Easter, Passover and/or Ramadan is simply a big old coincidence.

And usually there is some significance to the date. But not with Tranny Day.

Ramadan can cycle through the year, so that would rule out any special days at all in your logic. Easter has a roughly four week spread, so that rules out a month of days you won’t allow. Why should religion get to dictate choices for other people? Although I have seen no outrage from either Jews or Muslims concerning special days. Maybe they are just better at carrying on with their religious observations instead of searching for political outrage.

What is the significance of these dates?
First Friday in March: National Employee Apreciation Day

or all these other days that happen to fall on Easter (slaps in the face to Christians?)…some have a significance others do not.

In the big picture, we didn’t tend to care that much about any of those days, until now. When a segment of the population has decided to be offended at anything in the public sphere (whether books, film, speech or appearance) that recognizes the existence of a tiny minority. Easter is not about transgenders and should be about more than being outraged. It is also not a holy day to be foisted on the country to the point where recognizing others is anathema Because Christians don’t like it.

Maybe Christians should worry less about OTHER people and focus more on their own comportment.
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Just so we all know:

Daily Caller retracted the story

Now do all the MAGA people promoting this feel that bit stupid... The Daily Caller just made an ass out of ye...
You would think Easter would have a deep meaning than serving as an excuse politicize it because you don’t approve of a tiny minority who’s day happens to fall on Easter this year.
I’m sure that gay and transgender themed eggs will be totally acceptable though. The last I heard Easter was a religious holiday.

Your thread just ran into a major problem.


Does recognizing and educating about a serious illness many people grapple with also trigger you?
It's celebrating mental illness that I have a problem with.
Also, the "subtle" DEMANDS that normal people MUST comply and engage with these people in manners that defy LOGIC and REALITY (pronouns) is ridiculous.
Thanks for asking.
So you contend choosing this date, which will typically fall during Easter, Passover and/or Ramadan is simply a big old coincidence.

And usually there is some significance to the date. But not with Tranny Day.

Well you're certainly triggered over this. It's absolutely hilarious that you and the rest of the idiot class are going so batshit crazy over this.
They are part of a larger constituency that consists of young people who support gay and transgender rights and who he needs to come out and vote. It is no different than say, a president announcing a national day of prayer to appeal to the Evangelicals.

What does supporting gay and transgender rights have to do with proclaiming a national day for trans on Easter Sunday? Nothing.

How many 'days' do they have in a calendar year, at this point it's become completely meaningless. Your 'young' constituents are tired of not being able to afford to live and are waking up to your made up hate of the alphabet group and other minorities. I know because I talk with them about it and hear their opinions. You do realize that you're going to have to come up with a better strategy within the next 10 years because that young crowd isn't going to understand why they're continuing to be labeled as 'haters' should they change their political affiliation for other reasons. Better start working on something new.
I’ve already linked to the fact it has been around since 2009.

Funny…it also agrees with me:

Crandall told CNN that the President’s move provides the “ultimate” mark of legitimacy to the day, which began in 2009.

No one has argued that it's been around since 2009, your own quote confirms exactly what I've been saying, that the presidential proclamation (That Biden didn't even know about) gives it the ultimate mark of legitimacy, whatever that's supposed to mean. The first time that has ever been done, and just happens to also be Easter Sunday. Fuck you Christians, is exactly what that was about.
It's celebrating mental illness that I have a problem with.
Also, the "subtle" DEMANDS that normal people MUST comply and engage with these people in manners that defy LOGIC and REALITY (pronouns) is ridiculous.
Thanks for asking.

In YOUR opinion. Clinical medicine says otherwise. Genetic testing says otherwise.

What difference does it make how you address people? How does it harm YOU to use their preferred pronoun????

Why are YOU so triggered by this????
In YOUR opinion. Clinical medicine says otherwise. Genetic testing says otherwise.

What difference does it make how you address people? How does it harm YOU to use their preferred pronoun????

Why are YOU so triggered by this????
Take off, hoser.

Ramadan can cycle through the year, so that would rule out any special days at all in your logic. Easter has a roughly four week spread, so that rules out a month of days you won’t allow. Why should religion get to dictate choices for other people? Although I have seen no outrage from either Jews or Muslims concerning special days. Maybe they are just better at carrying on with their religious observations instead of searching for political outrage.

What is the significance of these dates?
First Friday in March: National Employee Apreciation Day

or all these other days that happen to fall on Easter (slaps in the face to Christians?)…some have a significance others do not.

In the big picture, we didn’t tend to care that much about any of those days, until now. When a segment of the population has decided to be offended at anything in the public sphere (whether books, film, speech or appearance) that recognizes the existence of a tiny minority. Easter is not about transgenders and should be about more than being outraged. It is also not a holy day to be foisted on the country to the point where recognizing others is anathema Because Christians don’t like it.

Maybe Christians should worry less about OTHER people and focus more on their own comportment.
Let me guess, you don't think satan worshipers putting up their display next to the Nativity scene on the town square is intended as a poke in the eye and Christians should not take it as such and simply ignore them
Let me guess, you don't think satan worshipers putting up their display next to the Nativity scene on the town square is intended as a poke in the eye and Christians should not take it as such and simply ignore them
Satanist don't worship the Christian lesser god and fallen Angel, Lucifer. They don't believe in mythical creatures. It is a poke at the Mysticism, or the multiple supernatural gods of Christianity. They should find another name.

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