Think You Know Who Won WWII?



"He" is not black, you mouth-breathing imbeciles. Nice to see that Kenny Konfederacy (brisplat) didn't miss an opportunity to make an ass of himself AGAIN. Nice too, to see that he found a like-minded 'partner' to share intimate moments of stupidity with.
You're the fucking imbecile who couldn't figure out what I was saying. Retard. :lol:

What 'race' am I supposed to be this time, douche?
No, I am not refuting the alleged evidence. I am stating that due to PC's reputiation in regards to providing viable sources I am not going to spend my time on what my own evidence indicates is probably a wild goose chase. That is not the same as to refute. I have refuted her evidence plenty of times.
Now work on your reading comprehension.

It’s only fun when someone bites it big time: that’s where you come in!

Lame excuse, loser.

I'm glad to see you're not letting education get in the way of your ignorance.

"...due to PC's reputiation...."

So....I take it you weren't a finalist in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, huh.

You're as useless as the "ay" in "Okay."

Ya OKAY PC, or OK or Okey Dokey. And I am so sorry for putting an i in the word reputation.
Your source is as a expected, a gross exaggeration and distortion. Using your link, I began watching the film "The Soviet Story". The source you reference comes in at 16:05. There was no poster as you claim. What is depicted is the Tag der Arbeit medal. And even that medal does not display the hammer and sickle and the official symbol. It shows the Swastika Eagle symbol and a hammer behind one wing, a sickle behind the other wing and the body of the eagle along with a figure of a face and head separating the hammer and sickle. The Tag der Arbeit in no way represents what you claim. The swastika eagle is separating the communist symbol.

"Your source is as a expected, a gross exaggeration and distortion..."


"...does not display the hammer and sickle and the official symbol. It shows the Swastika Eagle symbol and a hammer behind one wing, a sickle behind the other wing ..."

So......both the Nazi and communist symbols are evident?

Yes they are.

"The Tag der Arbeit in no way represents what you claim. The swastika eagle is separating the communist symbol."


In fact, the picture you describe is provided with a voice-over that explains the Karl Marx origin of the Nazi movement, and that factional fighting among the Nazis caused them to stop including the hammer and sickle that was included in early Nazi flyers.

Gee.....seems like you fail every time you doubt me.

There's a lesson there.
"He" is not black, you mouth-breathing imbeciles. Nice to see that Kenny Konfederacy (brisplat) didn't miss an opportunity to make an ass of himself AGAIN. Nice too, to see that he found a like-minded 'partner' to share intimate moments of stupidity with.
You're the fucking imbecile who couldn't figure out what I was saying. Retard. :lol:

What 'race' am I supposed to be this time, douche?
No, I am not refuting the alleged evidence. I am stating that due to PC's reputiation in regards to providing viable sources I am not going to spend my time on what my own evidence indicates is probably a wild goose chase. That is not the same as to refute. I have refuted her evidence plenty of times.
Now work on your reading comprehension.

It’s only fun when someone bites it big time: that’s where you come in!

Lame excuse, loser.

I'm glad to see you're not letting education get in the way of your ignorance.

"...due to PC's reputiation...."

So....I take it you weren't a finalist in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, huh.

You're as useless as the "ay" in "Okay."

Ya OKAY PC, or OK or Okey Dokey. And I am so sorry for putting an i in the word reputation.
Your source is as a expected, a gross exaggeration and distortion. Using your link, I began watching the film "The Soviet Story". The source you reference comes in at 16:05. There was no poster as you claim. What is depicted is the Tag der Arbeit medal. And even that medal does not display the hammer and sickle and the official symbol. It shows the Swastika Eagle symbol and a hammer behind one wing, a sickle behind the other wing and the body of the eagle along with a figure of a face and head separating the hammer and sickle. The Tag der Arbeit in no way represents what you claim. The swastika eagle is separating the communist symbol.
As always, reality is quite different from PompousCheek's cut & paste fantasy land. It was an attempt by Hitler's Nationalists to hijack the divided workers Parties. It had nothing to do with Marx or Marxism.

German Holidays and Customs in May

Tag der Arbeit - 1. Mai
Oddly, the widespread custom of celebrating Labor Day on the first of May (am ersten Mai) was inspired by events in the United States, one of the few countries that does not observe Labor Day in May! In 1889, a congress of world socialist parties was held in Paris. The attendees, sympathizing with striking workers in Chicago in 1886, voted to support the United States labor movement's demands for an 8-hour day. They selected May 1, 1890 as a day of commemoration for the Chicago strikers. In many countries around the world May 1 became an official holiday called Labor Day—but not in the U.S., where that holiday is observed on the first Monday in September. Historically the holiday has had special importance in socialist and communist countries, which is one reason it is not observed in May in America. The U.S. federal holiday was first observed in 1894. Canadians also have observed their Labor Day since September 1894.
In Germany, May Day (erster Mai, May 1st) is a national holiday and an important day, partly because of Blutmai ("bloody May") in 1929. That year in Berlin the ruling Social Democratic (SPD) party had banned the traditional workers' demonstrations. But the KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) called for demonstrations anyway. The resulting bloodbath left 32 people dead and at least 80 seriously injured. It also left a big split between the two workers' parties (KPD and SPD), which the Nazis soon used to their advantage. The National Socialists named the holiday Tag der Arbeit ("Day of Labor"), the name still used in Germany today.

From wiki:


In April 1933, the recently installed Nazi government declared May 1 the "Day of National Work," an official state holiday, and announced that all celebrations were to be organized by the government. Any separate celebrations by communists, social democrats or labour unions were banned. After the World War II, May 1 remained a state holiday in both East and West Germany. In communist East Germany, workers were de facto required to participate in large state-organized parades on Mayday. Today in Germany it is simply called the "Day of Labour" ("Tag der Arbeit"), and there are numerous demonstrations and celebrations by independent workers' organizations. Today, Berlin witnesses yearly demonstrations on May Day, the largest organized by labour unions, political parties and others by the far left and Autonomen.
did we really win? what exactly did we win? the cost of the Korean war? the Vietnam war? Yugoslavia? Afghanistan? Iraq? the cold war? the cost of protecting Europe and japan? the cost of rebuilding them? the cost of all of our other police actions and massive foreign aid when we can't even take care of our own people? Is Russia $17,000,000,000,000 in debt and counting? do we really have the freedoms we claim we have? our government spies on us just as much as Russia. our government takes away our freedoms when they need to for their own advantage. hell they even have liberals willingly helping them to do so.

Can we add this?

1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished
(The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Perhaps 95% of Europeans support some sort of state provision of health care. Tell me PC are we all Bolsheviks? Am I one too?
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Jews.

Sometimes comments on message boards are so wrong headed that they take one's breath away. The Jews were essentially wiped out in Europe. Thriving and productive communities were eradicated. And you think they WON the war?

They got support to establish their own country, and still use the holocaust today to gain sympathy and support for their cause and country. Slam dunk winners.
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Jews.

Sometimes comments on message boards are so wrong headed that they take one's breath away. The Jews were essentially wiped out in Europe. Thriving and productive communities were eradicated. And you think they WON the war?

They got support to establish their own country, and still use the holocaust today to gain sympathy and support for their cause and country. Slam dunk winners.

Western support for the establishment of the state of Israel long preceded WWII. from memory the Balfour declaration was made in 1924.

My sympathy and support for Israel does not rest on the holocaust but on its nature as a democracy and a decent state: the only one in what is more properly called the Near East.
Sometimes comments on message boards are so wrong headed that they take one's breath away. The Jews were essentially wiped out in Europe. Thriving and productive communities were eradicated. And you think they WON the war?

They got support to establish their own country, and still use the holocaust today to gain sympathy and support for their cause and country. Slam dunk winners.

Western support for the establishment of the state of Israel long preceded WWII. from memory the Balfour declaration was made in 1924.

My sympathy and support for Israel does not rest on the holocaust but on its nature as a democracy and a decent state: the only one in what is more properly called the Near East.

Not to worry, I'm totally on the opposite side of any side that arabs are on. :D

But without WWII, maybe Israel is never born.
Western support for the establishment of the state of Israel long preceded WWII. from memory the Balfour declaration was made in 1924.

There was nothing about an exclusive "Jewish state" in the Balfour declaration.
The Jewish banker Rothshild just demanded from the Brits that they would have to conquer Palestine and allow the Jews to settle there, if they wanted to get any help from Jewish bankers. Great Britain was in a desperate situation, they were losing the war, and they were ready to sign a peace agreement with Germany.

Jewish bankers used their influence and promised to British government that they would involve the USA into the WWI, if the Brits conquered Palestine.

But in this declaration there was nothing about a separate Jewish State, and Brits would not have signed a declaration that guarantees to the Jews a separate state on the cleansed Palestinian territory. Brits were fooled by the Zionists, they tried their best and fought the Jewish terrorism in Palestine, losing a lot of British soldiers who were killed by Jewish extremists in Palestine.

If Brits knew what will happen after they signed the Balfour Declaration, they would probably signed a peace treatment with Germany.

My sympathy and support for Israel does not rest on the holocaust but on its nature as a democracy and a decent state: the only one in what is more properly called the Near East.

Israel was created via terror, Menachem Begin was a bloody terrorist who killed nonsenses British soldiers.

The first leader, who recognized Israel, was the mass murderer Stalin, and Stalin was the one who voted with 5 votes for the partition of Palestine, and he was the first to help Israel with weapons.

After that Zionists started their ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and replaced the native Semitic population of the region with migrants from different countries.

This was a violation of international laws, ethnic cleansing and the replacement of the population is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions.

But due to the influence of the Israel Lobby in the USA Zionists can get away with their crimes.

Israel is an apartheid regime which goes on with ethnic cleansing and land theft, the Israeli government is still promoting segregation.

How can somebody in his right mind call Israel, which has a racial "law or return" (only Jews are permitted to migrate to Israel, but the expelled Palestinians are prohibited from returning to their homes) a democracy?

Do non-Jewish Palestinians have the same value in Israel, like Jewish Israelis?

Would American Jews be happy, if they were treated in the USA like Israeli Arabs are treated in Israel?

Would Jewish Americans be happy, if Christian Americans called the USA a "Christian State" and forced the Jews to pledge allegiance to the "Christian state"?

Would the American Jews be happy, if in the USA only marriages between Christians and Jews were illegal, like it is the case in Israel?

Would the American Jews be happy, if white Christians had a privileged right to migrate to the USA?

In Israel, white Jews have a privileged right to "return" to Israel!

Can you answer these simple questions?
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Not to worry, I'm totally on the opposite side of any side that arabs are on. :D

But without WWII, maybe Israel is never born.

Zionists dreamed about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine since 1851.
The British "Christian" Benjamin Disraeli decided in 1877 that Brits would have to conquer Palestine for the Jews, and he was sure in 1877 that in fifty years (about 1927) a million of Jewish migrants will already be resettled to Palestine. How could they have achieved their dream without ethnic cleansing and genocides against the native Semitic population of Palestine?

In 1851, correspondence between Lord Stanley, whose father became British Prime Minister the following year, and Benjamin Disraeli, who became Chancellor of the Exchequer alongside him, records Disraeli's proto-Zionist views: "He then unfolded a plan of restoring the nation to Palestine—said the country was admirably suited for them—the financiers all over Europe might help—the Porte is weak—the Turks/holders of property could be bought out—this, he said, was the object of his life...." Coningsby was merely a feelermy views were not fully developed at that time—since then all I have written has been for one purpose. The man who should restore the Hebrew race to their country would be the Messiah—the real saviour of prophecy!" He did not add formally that he aspired to play this part, but it was evidently implied. He thought very highly of the capabilities of the country, and hinted that his chief object in acquiring power here would be to promote the return".[20][21] 26 years later, Disraeli wrote in his article entitled

"The Jewish Question is the Oriental Quest" (1877) that within fifty years, a nation of one million Jews would reside in Palestine under the guidance of the British.

History of Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fate of Palestinians was already signed in 1877, the money of Jewish bankers was used to achieve this goal. That is why Zionists supported the Brits in WWI (Brits were ready to sign a peace agreement with Germans, because they were losing in WWI), and that was the reason why they managed to involve the USA in WWII.

And Hitler was the guy who laid the foundation of Israel with his Haavara Agreement and his anti-Jewish policy.

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zionists needed the young and healthy European Jews in Palestine (they did not care about old Jewish people), and they needed the money of German Jews that were transferred to Palestine via the Haavara Agreement.

There was also a British proposal to create a Jewish State in Uganda, there was a lot of free land in this British colony.

But Zionists did not agree to that plan:

The idea was brought to the Zionist Congress at its sixth meeting in 1903 in Basel. There a fierce debate ensued. The African land was described as an "ante-chamber to the Holy Land" and a Nachtasyl (temporary night shelter), but other groups felt that accepting the offer would make it more difficult to establish a Jewish state in Ottoman Palestine, and also that the Jewish nation would not be able to claim itself as native to that land, since there were no historic or culture links between the Hebrews and East Africa. Before the vote on the matter, the Russian delegation stormed out in opposition.[why?] By a remaining vote of 295 to 177, it was decided to send an "investigatory commission" on expedition to examine the territory proposed.

After receiving this report, the following Congress in 1905 decided to politely decline the British offer. Some Jews viewed this as a mistake; they then split from the ZO and established the Jewish Territorialist Organization, with the explicit aim of establishing a Jewish state anywhere, not just in Palestine. A few[Jews did move to Kenya, but most settled in the urban centres. Some of these families remain to this day.

As we see, most Zionists rejected all other plans for a Jewish State, they needed Palestine because of their racial and religious fanaticism (they were racists that believed that they are the real biological descendants of the ancient Hebrews), and they did not care about the native Palestinian population, they were ready to wage a war against them and ethnically cleans the territory for a couple of million of young and healthy Jewish migrants, and they did not care about the fate of the old and sick Jews.

How could they have achieved their goal without Hitler?

At the Zionist Congress in London in 1937, Dr. Weizmann established the line of policy with his words:

"The hopes of Europe's six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked, 'Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?' I replied, 'No'....From the depths of the tragedy I want to save two million young people...The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world...Only the branch of the young shall survive...They have to accept it."

Chaim Weizmann | True Torah Jews

During the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weizman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated:
"The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important".

Weizman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation
"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

The Role of Zionism in the Holocaust

As we see, Zionists needed only a couple of young and healthy Jews in Palestine, and the needed the money of German Jews.

They were not eager to pay any money for the migration of ALL Jews from Europe to any other place, like Madagascar. They only cared about the migration of young and healthy Jews to Palestine, and they were only ready to pay for this migration.

Rademacher recommended on 3 June 1940 that Madagascar should be made available as a destination for the Jews of Europe. With Adolf Hitler's approval, Adolf Eichmann released a memorandum on 15 August 1940 calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island governed as a police state under the SS.
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They got support to establish their own country, and still use the holocaust today to gain sympathy and support for their cause and country. Slam dunk winners.

Western support for the establishment of the state of Israel long preceded WWII. from memory the Balfour declaration was made in 1924.

My sympathy and support for Israel does not rest on the holocaust but on its nature as a democracy and a decent state: the only one in what is more properly called the Near East.

Not to worry, I'm totally on the opposite side of any side that arabs are on. :D

But without WWII, maybe Israel is never born.
The creation of Israel, the country, was not imperative in order to ensure the survival of Jews, or their religion. There were plenty of Jews, pre-Israel, and there would have been plenty of Jews without the creation of a political state called Israel.
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Allied Forces.

It was in all the papers.

Patton thought WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the Allies because if left most of Eastern Europe in the hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan

Liberals seem to be OK with Soviet Communism
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Allied Forces.

It was in all the papers.

Patton thought WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the Allies because if left most of Eastern Europe in the hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan

Liberals seem to be OK with Soviet Communism
Liberals and conservatives alike were OK with not losing to Nazi Germany, and allying with the Soviets were the only way we were going to win and save Europe.

It was in all the papers!


Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Allied Forces.

It was in all the papers.

Patton thought WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the Allies because if left most of Eastern Europe in the hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan

Liberals seem to be OK with Soviet Communism

Perhaps tha's why Patton was not in command of Overlord, he was fighting a political war and not military. Ike had placed Patton in the right place with the right command.
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Allied Forces.

It was in all the papers.

Patton thought WWII Was a huge strategic failure for the Allies because if left most of Eastern Europe in the hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan

Liberals seem to be OK with Soviet Communism

Perhaps tha's why Patton was not in command of Overlord, he was fighting a political war and not military. Ike had placed Patton in the right place with the right command.

The right position...for Uncle Joe.

Patton would have ended the war 6 months sooner and been in Berlin way ahead of "Uncle" Joe

Patton knew they had the Germans trapped in the Falaise Pocket and did everything short of resigning to make his "Superiors" see the benefit of closing the pocket and crushing German resistance in the West.

How different the world would be without your beloved Communists running most of Eastern Europe

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