Think You Know Who Won WWII?

There needs to be a Faux History sub-forum reserved as PoliticalChic's sandbox.

What an....'interesting'

I was especially fascinated to read the examples of falsity that you were able to glean. couldn't find were simply blowing hot air.....

I'll say this for you,'re consistent.
" ....such was the hate by the Nazis for Marx!"

But not Goebbels, and not Hitler.

They believed, and began, as Marxists.....that is the import of the article.


"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction." -Mein Kampf

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews." -Hitler Quote Bullock

The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism." - Adolf Hitler

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight." -Adolf Hitler

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

You can run but you can't hide.

Stick to the photo that you posted.

Who related Nazism and communism????

Right....Goebbels and Hitler.

You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!
You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

The Hitler quotes clearly show his hatred for Marxism and the newspaper article clearly quotes only Goebbels, not your idol, Hitler. Not only that Goebbels relates Hitler to Marx, not Communism. As the article points out Goebbels tried it twice with riotous results for contradicting the Fuehrer both times. You take liberties with the facts.
How the heck can I be a great poster, when the only opposition I get is gnats like Syndy, Ed, and Camp????

I mean, seriously.....Would Muhammad Ali have been considered great if his opposition was nothing but three year olds????

What are the chances that I could talk you three into triple suttee?

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction." -Mein Kampf

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews." -Hitler Quote Bullock

The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism." - Adolf Hitler

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight." -Adolf Hitler

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

You can run but you can't hide.

Stick to the photo that you posted.

Who related Nazism and communism????

Right....Goebbels and Hitler.

You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!
You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

The Hitler quotes clearly show his hatred for Marxism and the newspaper article clearly quotes only Goebbels, not your idol, Hitler. Not only that Goebbels relates Hitler to Marx, not Communism. As the article points out Goebbels tried it twice with riotous results for contradicting the Fuehrer both times. You take liberties with the facts.

Actually, it's more than simple to prove that you are the liar.....and, in your case the word "simple" is more than appropriate.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article (the photo which you were so good as to supply) about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

Yes, Hitler invested his psychotic needs with doctrines learned from Karl Marx, the first modern political philosopher to recommend genocide.

And that is why this quote has great moment:

"Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

And so, dear friends, Eddie-boy serves the purpose he was born to serve: comic relief.
You can run but you can't hide.

Stick to the photo that you posted.

Who related Nazism and communism????

Right....Goebbels and Hitler.

You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!
You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

The Hitler quotes clearly show his hatred for Marxism and the newspaper article clearly quotes only Goebbels, not your idol, Hitler. Not only that Goebbels relates Hitler to Marx, not Communism. As the article points out Goebbels tried it twice with riotous results for contradicting the Fuehrer both times. You take liberties with the facts.

Actually, it's more than simple to prove that you are the liar.....and, in your case the word "simple" is more than appropriate.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article (the photo which you were so good as to supply) about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight[, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses.]...." November 27, 1925.
That half quote has already been discredited, I added the part you edited out so you can't play dumb again. Stamping your feet and repeating your lies will never make them the truth, child.
There needs to be a Faux History sub-forum reserved as PoliticalChic's sandbox.

What an....'interesting'

I was especially fascinated to read the examples of falsity that you were able to glean. couldn't find were simply blowing hot air.....

I didn't look for any. Why? Because...

You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

So why should I bother?
Yes, Hitler invested his psychotic needs with doctrines learned from Karl Marx, the first modern political philosopher to recommend genocide.

Do you know who was the teacher of Marx!

Moses Hess, who talked about race struggle!

Hess originally advocated Jewish integration into the universalist socialist movement, and was a friend and collaborator of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Hess converted Engels to Communism, and introduced Marx to social and economic problems. He played an important role in transforming Hegelian dialectical idealism theory of history to the dialectical materialism of Marxism, by conceiving of man as the initiator of history through his active consciousness.

Hess was probably responsible for several "Marxian" slogans and ideas, including religion as the "opiate of the people." Hess became reluctant to base all history on economic causes and class struggle, and he came to see the struggle of races, or nationalities, as the prime factor of history.

Moses Hess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The student of Moses Hess (Marx) was preaching (to non-Jews) the class struggle and the negation of the existence of racial interests or racial solidarity.

But Moses Hess himself was preaching (to Jews) the race struggle and racial solidarity.


"Even an act of conversion cannot relieve the Jew of the enormous pressure of German anti-Semitism. The Germans hate the religion of the Jews less than they hate their race - they hate the peculiar faith of the Jews, less than their peculiar noses."

"The race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary. The last dominating race is the German."

Moses Hess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moses Hess was a German citizen, but he believed that German Christians and German Jews were of different races, and he preached a race struggle between the Jewish race and the Germanic race. He believed that Germanic race is an enemy of the Jewish race.

BTW, his book "Rome and Jerusalem" was written before Adolf Hitler was born.

Hess is buried in Israel and he is considered to be one of the most important proto- Zionist:

Hess's contribution, like Leon Pinsker's Autoemancipation,[3] became important only in retrospect, as the Zionist movement began to crystallize and to generate an audience in the late nineteenth century. When Theodor Herzl first read Rome and Jerusalem he wrote about Hess that "since Spinoza jewry had no bigger thinker than this forgotten Moses Hess" and that he would not have written Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) if he had known Rome and Jerusalem beforehand. Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky honored Hess in The Jewish Legion in World War as one of those people that made the Balfour declaration possible, together with Herzl, Rothschild and Pinsker.
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You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

The Hitler quotes clearly show his hatred for Marxism and the newspaper article clearly quotes only Goebbels, not your idol, Hitler. Not only that Goebbels relates Hitler to Marx, not Communism. As the article points out Goebbels tried it twice with riotous results for contradicting the Fuehrer both times. You take liberties with the facts.

Actually, it's more than simple to prove that you are the liar.....and, in your case the word "simple" is more than appropriate.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article (the photo which you were so good as to supply) about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight[, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses.]...." November 27, 1925.
That half quote has already been discredited, I added the part you edited out so you can't play dumb again. Stamping your feet and repeating your lies will never make them the truth, child.

Did Goebbels say it or not?
There needs to be a Faux History sub-forum reserved as PoliticalChic's sandbox.

What an....'interesting'

I was especially fascinated to read the examples of falsity that you were able to glean. couldn't find were simply blowing hot air.....

I didn't look for any. Why? Because...

You just can't stop yourself from lying, even after being exposed to the truth.

So why should I bother? review.....every thing I said is true, and everything you said is a lie. the main topic: you, and suttee.

How about it?
I think it is for more embarrassing to have a thesis about D-Day and WWII without the knowledge of V Missiles and the invasion of Italy than ...

And who is it you imagine to be lacking in such knowledge?
Actually, it's more than simple to prove that you are the liar.....and, in your case the word "simple" is more than appropriate.

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article (the photo which you were so good as to supply) about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight[, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses.]...." November 27, 1925.
That half quote has already been discredited, I added the part you edited out so you can't play dumb again. Stamping your feet and repeating your lies will never make them the truth, child.
Did Goebbels say it or not?
Well, at least you are no longer claiming Hitler said it.
In other words, you are attempting to refute a source without even seeing it? Yeah, that lends you credibility... :rolleyes:

No, I am not refuting the alleged evidence. I am stating that due to PC's reputiation in regards to providing viable sources I am not going to spend my time on what my own evidence indicates is probably a wild goose chase. That is not the same as to refute. I have refuted her evidence plenty of times.
Now work on your reading comprehension.

It’s only fun when someone bites it big time: that’s where you come in!

Lame excuse, loser.

I'm glad to see you're not letting education get in the way of your ignorance.

"...due to PC's reputiation...."

So....I take it you weren't a finalist in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, huh.

You're as useless as the "ay" in "Okay."

Ya OKAY PC, or OK or Okey Dokey. And I am so sorry for putting an i in the word reputation.
Your source is as a expected, a gross exaggeration and distortion. Using your link, I began watching the film "The Soviet Story". The source you reference comes in at 16:05. There was no poster as you claim. What is depicted is the Tag der Arbeit medal. And even that medal does not display the hammer and sickle and the official symbol. It shows the Swastika Eagle symbol and a hammer behind one wing, a sickle behind the other wing and the body of the eagle along with a figure of a face and head separating the hammer and sickle. The Tag der Arbeit in no way represents what you claim. The swastika eagle is separating the communist symbol.
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Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Jews.

That fucking asshole jroc negged me for this comment. I ask you, who came out the best after WWII? The Jews, that's who. They got support to invade Palestine and boot all those lazy arabs out.

Now that dumb ****** unkoretard just negged me and called me an anti-semite? Geez, I'm happy the Jews won. He couldn't figure that out? :confused:
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Jews.

That fucking asshole jroc negged me for this comment. I ask you, who came out the best after WWII? The Jews, that's who. They got support to invade Palestine and boot all those lazy arabs out.

Now that dumb ****** unkoretard just negged me and called me an anti-semite? Geez, I'm happy the Jews won. He couldn't figure that out? :confused:

Is he black? I should have known. No wonder he hates the Confederacy so viscerally.
That fucking asshole jroc negged me for this comment. I ask you, who came out the best after WWII? The Jews, that's who. They got support to invade Palestine and boot all those lazy arabs out.

Now that dumb ****** unkoretard just negged me and called me an anti-semite? Geez, I'm happy the Jews won. He couldn't figure that out? :confused:

Is he black? I should have known. No wonder he hates the Confederacy so viscerally.


Now that dumb ****** unkoretard just negged me and called me an anti-semite? Geez, I'm happy the Jews won. He couldn't figure that out? :confused:

Is he black? I should have known. No wonder he hates the Confederacy so viscerally.



"He" is not black, you mouth-breathing imbeciles. Nice to see that Kenny Konfederacy (brisplat) didn't miss an opportunity to make an ass of himself AGAIN. Nice too, to see that he found a like-minded 'partner' to share intimate moments of stupidity with.
Think You Know Who Won WWII?

The Jews.

That fucking asshole jroc negged me for this comment. I ask you, who came out the best after WWII? The Jews, that's who. They got support to invade Palestine and boot all those lazy arabs out.

Now that dumb ****** unkoretard just negged me and called me an anti-semite? Geez, I'm happy the Jews won. He couldn't figure that out? :confused:

You a racist? You?! I'm shocked. Shocked! :rolleyes: You idiot.

Is he black? I should have known. No wonder he hates the Confederacy so viscerally.



"He" is not black, you mouth-breathing imbeciles. Nice to see that Kenny Konfederacy (brisplat) didn't miss an opportunity to make an ass of himself AGAIN. Nice too, to see that he found a like-minded 'partner' to share intimate moments of stupidity with.
You're the fucking imbecile who couldn't figure out what I was saying. Retard. :lol:

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