Thinking of a Reno Vacation, traveler beware!


The master mind of JFK
Sep 10, 2010
While going to stay in the Reno area, On the week end I noticed a strange air about the place as no tourist, pretty much nobody, walked or drove the town?

Could it be because "the local city police dept in Reno"has ran off tourist. You might think it's over for tourist season, but Reno Nevada has tourist from a great many states year round especially from California.

While - my wife and I were thrilled about the free stay at Boom-Town! When we drove our "California licensed plate Volvo," throw a green light, turning yellow, on one of the main streets of Reno, NV. We were pulled over by, officer Turso one of Reno's finest.

The officer replied to me saying why did I go throw a red light. Both my wife and I said the light was yellow to the officer. Officer Turso got really offended buy us saying the light was Yellow. He printed out his ticket ask me to sign his notepad for receiving his ticket. I thought, I would give it a quick read over, and didn't understand some of the clauses on the"Notepad." Then the officer said "if I don't sign his note- pad he'll book me and take me to jail! He wasn't going to tell me again, said the officer.

Now back to the real problem.

Today's police officers are way too, on a power-trip. And thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if you were to check the 'City of Reno's' records are people from other state's being penalized with fraud ticketing practice by; "The Reno Police Dept." This is based of fact, people.

A scam - probably practiced by, many cities as no one will hold them accountable "going for "California plates" to help their city budget!

This is the main problem not me receiving a ticket.

It's what follows when a govern leadership like the Reno Police Dept, invest into corruption racketeering and fraud to enhance city profits at the expenses of tourist. This generally gets started from; (inter-connected staff members coming up with a plan to increase revenue...

And that plan is you! The tourist, Reno is waiting for your stay with them.


Ed Verdon
Investigative reporter
While going to stay in the Reno area, On the week end I noticed a strange air about the place as no tourist, pretty much nobody, walked or drove the town?

Could it be because "the local city police dept in Reno"has ran off tourist. You might think it's over for tourist season, but Reno Nevada has tourist from a great many states year round especially from California.

While - my wife and I were thrilled about the free stay at Boom-Town! When we drove our "California licensed plate Volvo," throw a green light, turning yellow, on one of the main streets of Reno, NV. We were pulled over by, officer Turso one of Reno's finest.

The officer replied to me saying why did I go throw a red light. Both my wife and I said the light was yellow to the officer. Officer Turso got really offended buy us saying the light was Yellow. He printed out his ticket ask me to sign his notepad for receiving his ticket. I thought, I would give it a quick read over, and didn't understand some of the clauses on the"Notepad." Then the officer said "if I don't sign his note- pad he'll book me and take me to jail! He wasn't going to tell me again, said the officer.

Now back to the real problem.

Today's police officers are way too, on a power-trip. And thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if you were to check the 'City of Reno's' records are people from other state's being penalized with fraud ticketing practice by; "The Reno Police Dept." This is based of fact, people.

A scam - probably practiced by, many cities as no one will hold them accountable "going for "California plates" to help their city budget!

This is the main problem not me receiving a ticket.

It's what follows when a govern leadership like the Reno Police Dept, invest into corruption racketeering and fraud to enhance city profits at the expenses of tourist. This generally gets started from; (inter-connected staff members coming up with a plan to increase revenue...

And that plan is you! The tourist, Reno is waiting for your stay with them.


Ed Verdon
Investigative reporter

You put this is the right forum, since there is no make-believe forum.
While going to stay in the Reno area, On the week end I noticed a strange air about the place as no tourist, pretty much nobody, walked or drove the town?

Could it be because "the local city police dept in Reno"has ran off tourist. You might think it's over for tourist season, but Reno Nevada has tourist from a great many states year round especially from California.

While - my wife and I were thrilled about the free stay at Boom-Town! When we drove our "California licensed plate Volvo," throw a green light, turning yellow, on one of the main streets of Reno, NV. We were pulled over by, officer Turso one of Reno's finest.

The officer replied to me saying why did I go throw a red light. Both my wife and I said the light was yellow to the officer. Officer Turso got really offended buy us saying the light was Yellow. He printed out his ticket ask me to sign his notepad for receiving his ticket. I thought, I would give it a quick read over, and didn't understand some of the clauses on the"Notepad." Then the officer said "if I don't sign his note- pad he'll book me and take me to jail! He wasn't going to tell me again, said the officer.

Now back to the real problem.

Today's police officers are way too, on a power-trip. And thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if you were to check the 'City of Reno's' records are people from other state's being penalized with fraud ticketing practice by; "The Reno Police Dept." This is based of fact, people.

A scam - probably practiced by, many cities as no one will hold them accountable "going for "California plates" to help their city budget!

This is the main problem not me receiving a ticket.

It's what follows when a govern leadership like the Reno Police Dept, invest into corruption racketeering and fraud to enhance city profits at the expenses of tourist. This generally gets started from; (inter-connected staff members coming up with a plan to increase revenue...

And that plan is you! The tourist, Reno is waiting for your stay with them.


Ed Verdon
Investigative reporter

Other than whining about your ticket

Got any data showing Reno is ticketing tourists for the revenue?
You can go to jail anywhere in Nevada if you are given the opportunity to sign a citation and you refuse to sign the citation. It is not an admission of guilt if you sign a citation, but is a promise to appear. If you refuse to sign the citation you are to be taken before a justice of the peace for an arraignment.
I got such a ticket once. If the light is yellow, you are not to enter the intersection.
I got such a ticket once. If the light is yellow, you are not to enter the intersection.

Correct but if it turns yellow after you enter or when it is to late to stop you did not run a red light nor enter on yellow.

Got some advice from an officer on that once. he pulled me over for running a yellow light. I told him it was to late for me to stop when it turned yellow. he said don't say that, say that you looked down while it was green and when you looked up you were already in the intersection.
Christopher Bowen · Top Commenter · Las Vegas, Nevada

As a Reno cab driver, I want to say that the police presence in Reno on the weekends is becoming obscene. It's no wonder we are losing so much tourism during events like Nevada Day, etc. Parked along Arlington avenue in front of the Imperial, about every 10th car is a police cruiser on a Friday night. Everywhere I see kids in handcuffs, cars pulled over, red and blue lights flashing as if there are riots in the streets of a crime riddled community. This is predatory behavior by a battalion of cops there to intimidate a public that has every right to expect to be allowed to enjoy themselves without harassment. . .in my eyes.
Some of you guys are missing the point but that's OK! Reno's finest are socking the tourist and their kids, this story needs to be bigger than my own points... Mainstream media-will cover for the police thugs!

My other point is that, the Reno officer who, gave the ticket was a fraud officer a " Shill Patrolman" for the inter-connected who are running their; should I say it! Should I dare say it! Should I have to, Oh my god here it comes!! " CONSPIRACY AGENDA"
Some of you guys are missing the point but that's OK! Reno's finest are socking the tourist and their kids, this story needs to be bigger than my own points... Mainstream media-will cover for the police thugs!

My other point is that, the Reno officer who, gave the ticket was a fraud officer a " Shill Patrolman" for the inter-connected who are running their; should I say it! Should I dare say it! Should I have to, Oh my god here it comes!! " CONSPIRACY AGENDA"

I think they are out to get you....

You should be careful what you know how they can get
Some of you guys are missing the point but that's OK! Reno's finest are socking the tourist and their kids, this story needs to be bigger than my own points... Mainstream media-will cover for the police thugs!

My other point is that, the Reno officer who, gave the ticket was a fraud officer a " Shill Patrolman" for the inter-connected who are running their; should I say it! Should I dare say it! Should I have to, Oh my god here it comes!! " CONSPIRACY AGENDA"

I think they are out to get you....

You should be careful what you know how they can get

Some of you guys are missing the point but that's OK! Reno's finest are socking the tourist and their kids, this story needs to be bigger than my own points... Mainstream media-will cover for the police thugs!

My other point is that, the Reno officer who, gave the ticket was a fraud officer a " Shill Patrolman" for the inter-connected who are running their; should I say it! Should I dare say it! Should I have to, Oh my god here it comes!! " CONSPIRACY AGENDA"

I've never known anyone to be pleased with the cop that gave them a ticket.

The point is you're making claims based on hearsay that can't be verified and there but one side of your story.

I imagine the scene was more like, you got pulled over, you didn't like it, you let the cop know your displeasure. He was going to let you off with a warning but your attitude changed his mind.
While going to stay in the Reno area, On the week end I noticed a strange air about the place as no tourist, pretty much nobody, walked or drove the town?

Could it be because "the local city police dept in Reno"has ran off tourist. You might think it's over for tourist season, but Reno Nevada has tourist from a great many states year round especially from California.

While - my wife and I were thrilled about the free stay at Boom-Town! When we drove our "California licensed plate Volvo," throw a green light, turning yellow, on one of the main streets of Reno, NV. We were pulled over by, officer Turso one of Reno's finest.

The officer replied to me saying why did I go throw a red light. Both my wife and I said the light was yellow to the officer. Officer Turso got really offended buy us saying the light was Yellow. He printed out his ticket ask me to sign his notepad for receiving his ticket. I thought, I would give it a quick read over, and didn't understand some of the clauses on the"Notepad." Then the officer said "if I don't sign his note- pad he'll book me and take me to jail! He wasn't going to tell me again, said the officer.

Now back to the real problem.

Today's police officers are way too, on a power-trip. And thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if you were to check the 'City of Reno's' records are people from other state's being penalized with fraud ticketing practice by; "The Reno Police Dept." This is based of fact, people.

A scam - probably practiced by, many cities as no one will hold them accountable "going for "California plates" to help their city budget!

This is the main problem not me receiving a ticket.

It's what follows when a govern leadership like the Reno Police Dept, invest into corruption racketeering and fraud to enhance city profits at the expenses of tourist. This generally gets started from; (inter-connected staff members coming up with a plan to increase revenue...

And that plan is you! The tourist, Reno is waiting for your stay with them.


Ed Verdon
Investigative reporter

If you are an "investigative reporter" as you claim, I find it hard to believe from the awful spelling and grammar of your post.

As for you being singled out for having a California plate - I doubt it as far too many people living in Nevada are driving around with California plates instead of re-registering when they move here. :eusa_whistle:
Christopher Bowen · Top Commenter · Las Vegas, Nevada

As a Reno cab driver, I want to say that the police presence in Reno on the weekends is becoming obscene. It's no wonder we are losing so much tourism during events like Nevada Day, etc. Parked along Arlington avenue in front of the Imperial, about every 10th car is a police cruiser on a Friday night. Everywhere I see kids in handcuffs, cars pulled over, red and blue lights flashing as if there are riots in the streets of a crime riddled community. This is predatory behavior by a battalion of cops there to intimidate a public that has every right to expect to be allowed to enjoy themselves without harassment. . .in my eyes.

Well, as tourism is down a huge percentage all over Nevada, local police departments have been forced to up their ticket-giving to generate revenue otherwise lost due to those dead heads heeding Obama's advise to go elsewhere to have fun.

Live with it.

[And, on a personal note, as an ex-Las Vegas cabbie, I don't envy your position as trying to make a living off of a bunch of tourist stiffs.] :eek:
Barbara Manley October 30, 2013 at 12:40 PM
We actually had this same sort of thing happen a few years back in Vancouver, B.C., while visiting from California. While parked in a legal parking space near the aquarium, our windshield was cracked and we got a ticket for illegal parking. This was before cell phone cameras, so it was our word against theirs and gee, guess who won to the tune of $250?
1 Recommended

Fox Muldeer October 30, 2013 at 02:14 PM
That makes it a scam world-wide. This subject needs more attention than it's getting. Just to show you how deep this conspiracy goes, Goggle, Yahoo and Bing already took this story off their track record on their websites? You would think that terrorism is bad enough without your own city and state governments and other country governments all inter-connecting, playing the same game on its people, just to keep these crooked law enforcement battalions budgets justified so they can keep their jobs. There's so much "profit" in law enforcement corruption, they couldn't dare play an honest game with the people. Someday before I pass. I hope to see a revolution where the people will take back their government.
Prior to your ticket in Reno, how many tickets had you received?
Barbara Manley October 30, 2013 at 12:40 PM
We actually had this same sort of thing happen a few years back in Vancouver, B.C., while visiting from California. While parked in a legal parking space near the aquarium, our windshield was cracked and we got a ticket for illegal parking. This was before cell phone cameras, so it was our word against theirs and gee, guess who won to the tune of $250?
1 Recommended

Fox Muldeer October 30, 2013 at 02:14 PM
That makes it a scam world-wide. This subject needs more attention than it's getting. Just to show you how deep this conspiracy goes, Goggle, Yahoo and Bing already took this story off their track record on their websites? You would think that terrorism is bad enough without your own city and state governments and other country governments all inter-connecting, playing the same game on its people, just to keep these crooked law enforcement battalions budgets justified so they can keep their jobs. There's so much "profit" in law enforcement corruption, they couldn't dare play an honest game with the people. Someday before I pass. I hope to see a revolution where the people will take back their government.
Longknife - Did you just say Reno police hate all Muslims. I hope not because, You wont catch me stay in any hotels in Reno now!

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