Thinking of bringing the Mafia


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Hey everyone, there's something I'd really like to bring to the table here, but I'd like to here your thoughts on the matter before trying it out.

It's basically a game that's made specifically formatted for message boards. Here's an example of the kind of game it'd be. Every game gets played on its own thread. Before every game can begin tho, you first post a signup thread where people can come on in and join our game.

The beauty of playing Mafia is its versatility. The member (host) who runs the game can create it any way he or she wants to in the signup thread, and then run it. That means you can have a really
simple game with only 4 players, or you can have a massive and comlex game with over 24 players!

Our game, in a nutshell, is simple.

You're part of a group of eight other people. You've all been informed by an outside party that there are killers in your group, pretending to be as honest and innocent as you are. So while you're all up and awake in your isolated area (the Day), you have to all talk it voer and come to a vote on who you guys are gonna kill. So, you kill someone, and then you all find out who the deceased's identity is. Then all of you retire for the Night... and the killers become active, and they conspire on who to kill, and then make their move under the cover of Night. This pattern continues until either the bad guys are dead, or the bad guys equal your numbers.

This game is very intellectually challenging, and can be even more fun that intense political debate. It's a game where everyone is Sherlock Holmes and trying to get to the bottom of who's who before it's too late. It's a game of deceit, and the bad guys are going to say and do anything they can to kill their threats and appease the suspicions of others. It's a very popular game that can take so many twists and turns, it can keep people up wondering who the liars are. :razz:

What I want is for you guys to join in and play this game with me. I've hosted over 20 games across 4 forums, and I've set my sights on USMB. If you're not sure how to play, but want to try something new, please give it a try and we'll get this ball rolling.

If you're curious about playing Mafia and you've got questions, please post'em.

Also, if you'd like to join, all you need to do is post your name on its own line.

However, this must be said: The success of the game heavily depends on how much the players contribute by posting and playing. I hosted a game once where no one was really interested, and the game had to wrap up prematurely. However, there was another game where players were so interested and engaged, the thread shot past 2,000 posts in less than 3 days. It depends on you guys. If you sign up, but can't post even 5 times in a whole week, I'd rather you not join up. But, if you really want to give it a try to get a feel for the core of the game, please, by all means, put your best foot forward.

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