Third Intifada Simmering in Jerusalem: Who's to Blame?

Since there was no Israel for Rome to conquer, how can anyone deny it? Since there are no West Bank "Jordanians" , what's to deny?


Why do you insist on demonstrating that you have a poor grasp of history. You do know you are making a fool of yourself. As they say "Tis better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"

You deny the Roman conquest of Jerusalem and claim a firm grasp on history?
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

Judea was comprised of Jews; very stubborn Jews.
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.
For those who feel that there is no "occupation" I urge you to watch this video...

Clear, concise and factual....

Reality Check: Gaza is still occupied

Jews can't just go visiting in gaza. No reason for "free" access to Israel. Hamas brought that problem on themselves when they went to war with Fatah and the WB. As for supplies, they have to pay for many of them, even paying the PA for their fuel, which they refuse to do quite often.
Supplies go in and out of gaza, just certain items are banned. Fishing area has doubled in size.
Hamas has the power to end this at any time, but they won't even speak to Israel or recognized it. Many countries have tight control of border control and requiring special visas to come and go. When not lobbing rockets at Israel, gazans can enter for many reason, but Israel will not allow them to flood into and wage war on Israel. When Israel is attacked they have a right to respond. The blockade is legal.

Egypt does not give gazans free access to the sinai. They only open the Rafah crossing a few days a year. Hamas brought that on themselves as well.

Israel pulled all Israelis out of gaza. It does not occupy that part of the land.

As long a hamas is calling for attacks and war on Israel, restrictions will remain. Blame hamas

Let me ask you a question....

When was it that the occupied and oppressed had "the power to end" the occupation and oppression?

Seems that is the wrong way round....

Israel should end its occupation and oppression of Gaza pure and simple...

Only the one IN power has the power to make that decision....

Then let's see if the potential Intifada starts!

Palestinians have turned down a number of peace agreements including part of jerusalem and land exchange.

Even a disarming, ending all attacks on Israelis and a unity government could have opened the blockade

Palestinians have always had the power to end the conflict.

Care to enlighten us as to when an UNCONDITIONAL peace agreement was put forward to the Palestinians?

"Disarming"? Does that include Israel disarming?

A peace process does not fit into the Israeli plans... End of story!
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!

That's funny!
Next you're gonna tell me that Tel Aviv existed during the Babylonian exile.
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!

That's funny!
Next you're gonna tell me that Tel Aviv existed during the Babylonian exile.

It's your history that's screwed not mine!
End the occupation, including the sea/air blockade and allow Egypt to have normal border controls with Gaza, and there won't be any need for resistance.

There is no need for resistance now. What are the Gazans resisting against? They have a self-governing national entity that Israel will drop like a hot potato for the asking. Israel has no interest whatsoever in keeping Gaza under its sovereignty.

The blockade is a RESULT of belligerent hostile acts against Israel's civilian population which Israel is obligated to defend, not the CAUSE of it.

The real reason for the continued attacks is not to end the so-called "occupation" of Gazan territory (that would be far more easily done through peaceful means than belligerent ones). The real reason for the "resistance" is to end the Jewish State.

The ideology that the Jewish people have no rights to a homeland or a State is the root cause of the conflict and ultimately to blame for a Third Intifada.
Perhaps not collecting Gaza taxes would be a start. It's not just the capacity to send troops, it is the fact that the Israelis do enter Gaza and wreak havoc on a regular basis.

Only when required to do so by its obligation to defend its citizens. That isn't occupation. That is just self-defense.

And again, end the attacks and there is no more conflict. Easy peasy.

The self defense argument simply doesn't stand up does it...

If it did then there wouldn't be any rocket fire would there!

Not sure what you are arguing here. That it isn't self-defense unless the attacker is rendered completely unable to continue an attack? So if a guy is about to rape me, if I just scare him off it wasn't really self-defense? Its only self-defense if I kill him so he will never be able to rape me in the future?
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!
According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
End the occupation, including the sea/air blockade and allow Egypt to have normal border controls with Gaza, and there won't be any need for resistance.

There is no need for resistance now. What are the Gazans resisting against? They have a self-governing national entity that Israel will drop like a hot potato for the asking. Israel has no interest whatsoever in keeping Gaza under its sovereignty.

The blockade is a RESULT of belligerent hostile acts against Israel's civilian population which Israel is obligated to defend, not the CAUSE of it.

The real reason for the continued attacks is not to end the so-called "occupation" of Gazan territory (that would be far more easily done through peaceful means than belligerent ones). The real reason for the "resistance" is to end the Jewish State.

The ideology that the Jewish people have no rights to a homeland or a State is the root cause of the conflict and ultimately to blame for a Third Intifada.

Zionut brainwashed at it's best...

Stop occupying territory that is not yours and you will see the freedom fighters stop their hostilities...

It's that simple...

Israeli declarations of righteousness, of capitals... Against international laws is just fucking stupid...

Get over it, learn something and understand that Israel is NOT holier than thou!
Perhaps not collecting Gaza taxes would be a start. It's not just the capacity to send troops, it is the fact that the Israelis do enter Gaza and wreak havoc on a regular basis.

Only when required to do so by its obligation to defend its citizens. That isn't occupation. That is just self-defense.

And again, end the attacks and there is no more conflict. Easy peasy.

The self defense argument simply doesn't stand up does it...

If it did then there wouldn't be any rocket fire would there!

Not sure what you are arguing here. That it isn't self-defense unless the attacker is rendered completely unable to continue an attack? So if a guy is about to rape me, if I just scare him off it wasn't really self-defense? Its only self-defense if I kill him so he will never be able to rape me in the future?

Then you shouldn't be here if you are unsure of what is being discussed!

Come back when you are more aware of the WHOLE situation!
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!
According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote you... "biblical tradition" has NO place in historical fact...

Israel did not even exist in Roman times... So how can it have been the capital of Israel?
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!
According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote you... "biblical tradition" has NO place in historical fact...

Israel did not even exist in Roman times... So how can it have been the capital of Israel?
Who told you that lie?
I never denied the Roman conquest of Jerusalem. You claimed there was a Roman conquest of Israel. You have no grasp of history. Trying to wiggle your way out after checking Wiki, I see. Check first, then write. You will make less of a fool of yourself. Israel ceased to exist around 722 BC, 7 centuries before the Roman conquest of Judea.

You're playing a game of semantics.
The Romans wanted Jerusalem for 2 reasons...
[1] They wanted the Capital of Israel, just as an enemy would want to conquer Washington, DC, NOT New York State.
[2] They wanted the treasure from The Temple.

Jerusalem wasn't the capital of Israel idiot!

It still isn't!
According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote you... "biblical tradition" has NO place in historical fact...

Israel did not even exist in Roman times... So how can it have been the capital of Israel?

Assyrian captivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Northern Kingdom was captured by the Assyrians, not the Southern Kingdom.
Wait! Was I expecting you to read an ENTIRE article?

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