Thirty Years of Rush

Then you don't listen to enough 'righties.'
i see plenty of them right here.....apparently you dont pay enough attention to what they post...

Just a few points.
--I am what you would call a 'rightie' and I am nowhere near alone in criticizing what Maddow says without attacking her personally.

--So again you don't pay enough attention to what they post. I have zero problem with anybody who criticizes what Rush says--Lord knows I have criticized what he says when I think he is out of line or wrong over the years--but I don't respect anybody who debates via deliberate dishonesty, 'proof texting', and/or insults.

--This thread is not about Rachel Maddow but is about Rush Limbaugh's 30 years of unprecedented success.

--And anytime somebody defends their position with a 'they do it too' argument, well, that's just pretty pathetic.
I am what you would call a 'rightie' and I am nowhere near alone in criticizing what Maddow says without attacking her personally.
well good for you...but there are a whole bunch here who have and will do if she is mentioned.....
And anytime somebody defends their position with a 'they do it too' argument, well, that's just pretty pathetic
i have no position on the woman,i cant watch her,i was just telling you that the right does the same thing as the left doubt the ones doing the personal attacks are the far right and left...thats what they are good at....but the right does the same type of shit....

Yes, some on the right do the same type of shit and that is just as offensive to me as it is when the left does it.

But again, that is not what this thread is about and I would appreciate those participating to respect that. There are hundreds of other USMB theads to do that in.
well you said this earlier....."But I note that conservatives/libertarians/moderates can discuss the pros and cons of Rush intelligently and without rancor. And I find that refreshing over the inevitable insults and hate speech from the haters.".....all i was guilty of was saying that many righties are no different and do the same thing.....its called a conversation....

And I hear that kind of 'conversation' in that context as 'making excuses for your side's bad conduct and/or a deliberate attempt to derail a thread. The 'they or you do it too' is a really lame tactic in that regard. I will accept that was not your intent and I will agree that some on the right are guilty of that kind of hateful and useless rhetoric. I don't like it any better when they do it than I do when the left does it.

The difference between the right and left, however, is that most on the right can make a counter argument to a point made without being personally insulting. I find very very few on the left who can or will do that. To them tearing down the person is a valid argument. As I see it, that is the worst kind of argument.

I can appreciate those who don't like Rush's personality, his sense of humor, his type of satire, his delivery style, and/or the content of his program. If he was universally appreciated, nobody would be able to compete for any market share whatsoever during his program. Such is not the case. (He nevertheless will be #1 in his time slot anywhere in the country which is pretty impressive.)

And if you listen to Rush with an open mind, you may or may not agree with him, but he is mostly attacking what people say and do. Take 'feminazis' for instance--tongue in cheek, there are only about 10 of them in the world according to Rush--who are characterized and skewered by him for their rhetoric, what they do, what they promote, what they want to accomplish. He is not demeaning or criticizing them for being women or even feminists.

But instead of accurately rebutting what he is arguing if they disagree, the haters will attack Rush for the use of the word, for being misogynistic, for being fat, for being a drug addict, for being a failure, for being a draft dodger, for hate speech, for being an egotistical patriarchal blowhard. In so doing, they fail to make their own case and instead are themselves engaging in hate speech.

Which Rush is pretty good at pointing out. :)
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His scholarship is amazing and usually perfectly on point and you are right that he does provide facts and insight that others aren't providing. He has sent me back to the 'books' more than once to fact check him. Sometimes I find that he has a fact wrong, but it is pretty rare.
Again that is hogwash. Russia Limbaugh's "facts" are ALWAYS wrong, you have been brainwashed to believe his "accuracy rating" is 99.8%, it isn't.

Here is one of my favorite "facts" that is nothing but a lie that he tells over and over.
When you looked up this one how many quarters over 3% did you find? Oh that's right you never looked it up.

Dec 14, 2017
RUSH: In fact, during eight years of Obama we never had a gross domestic product in any quarter anywhere near 3%.
This is one of your less cognizant observations. "Commentary Magazine" has discussed the Limbaugh Theorum as the Limbaugh Theorum at length without once suggesting Noah Rothman came up with it first. Rothman is associate editor of the magazine. So your attack here--no doubt once again cut and pasted from a hate Limbaugh site--is absurd on the face of it.
And there is your brainwashing on full display again. Your MessiahRushie programmed you to parrot that knee jerk statement every time he is exposed as the lying phony he is. If I got it from some website, why didn't you post a link to that site? I'll tell you why, because you know what you were programmed to parrot is not true!!!

Russia Limbaugh got the idea that Obama was never governing because he is always campaigning from Noah Rothman when he wrote for Medaite.

Obama’s Perpetual Campaign: When Will The Nation Tire Of Not Having An Executive In The White House?

Obama’s perpetual campaign has begun to assume some familiar characteristics. The president has already mobilized a tread worn social media campaign and will hit the road to stump Philadelphia and it’s collar counties in Pennsylvania. Surely, the president hopes those rallies will dominate the airwaves and increase public pressure on Republicans.

The White House applied similar tactics when they sought to extend the payroll tax cut and raise the debt ceiling limit in 2011.

Campaigning is comfortable territory for politicians and it is an especially cozy place for President Obama to occupy – he is an extraordinary campaigner and has spent the majority of his political career on the trail seeking one or the other public office. But is this an effective tool for governing? One need only look at Obama’s accomplishments in his first term to determine that it is not.

Mar 5, 2013
RUSH: You know, there’s an editorial today, the Washington Examiner, and there’s an excellent point in this piece. It’s about the sequester, and it’s also about the Limbaugh Theorem, in a way. That’s what these people are all urging me to talk about. I am being inundated with e-mails from you in the audience who are telling me that you can’t turn on the television these days or read anything without hearing somebody mention my theory about Obama never governing, always campaigning, always appearing as the outsider, you know, that whole spiel that I started two weeks ago. Basically I got people e-mailing me saying, “Everybody’s using that now, but nobody’s mentioning your name.”

So as you can see the so called Limbaugh Theorem comes directly from the Noah Rothman screed, but what is most interesting is how neither attacks Donnie Dirtbag for doing the same thing!!!!!

Somebody responded to this old thread and I read through a lot of it. Nothing changes much on USMB does it. The same trolls were just as incapable of actually forming an argument then as they are now.

But since I made this thread six years ago, in January of 2020, Rush was diagnosed with State 4 lung cancer and given a matter of months to live. I watched with a full heart and tears as President Trump, in his February SOTU that year, awarded the obviously dying man with a much deserved Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Rush missed some shows due to effects of chemotherapy, but stayed on the air throughout his illness until the last two weeks when he just couldn't do it any more. He died February 17, 2021. I still miss him on the air even though I didn't listen regularly to him the last several years. So far there has been nobody comparable to step up and replace the huge hole he left in the national conversation.

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