This administration is now actively encouraging illegal immigration

If the DOJ wasn't so busy trying to frame Trump of heinous crimes and more involved in equally enforcing the law....they would do something about the Department Of Homeland Security and their failure to secure our borders.
I think trump framed himself. I didn't see the DOJ taking boxes out of the White House with stuff in them that didn't belong to trump. That was all his own doing, and he graduated to an even more hideous crime this time. I didn't think you could any worse, but he outdid himself this time. And before he left the presidency he increased the penalties for the crime he committed. Sort of like the story of John Atherton. Do you know your history ? Here's the archbishop of the church in Ireland in the mid 1600s. He pushed a law through Parliament to make buggery ( anal sex ) punishable by the death penalty. A few years later he and a buddy of his were convicted of the crime and hanged. It's sad but true, trump was never hung. But he is facing much stiffer penalties thanks to his desire to seek revenge on others.
I think trump framed himself. I didn't see the DOJ taking boxes out of the White House with stuff in them that didn't belong to trump. That was all his own doing, and he graduated to an even more hideous crime this time. I didn't think you could any worse, but he outdid himself this time. And before he left the presidency he increased the penalties for the crime he committed. Sort of like the story of John Atherton. Do you know your history ? Here's the archbishop of the church in Ireland in the mid 1600s. He pushed a law through Parliament to make buggery ( anal sex ) punishable by the death penalty. A few years later he and a buddy of his were convicted of the crime and hanged. It's sad but true, trump was never hung. But he is facing much stiffer penalties thanks to his desire to seek revenge on others.
He stiffed himself, if you know what I mean.
I think trump framed himself. I didn't see the DOJ taking boxes out of the White House with stuff in them that didn't belong to trump. That was all his own doing, and he graduated to an even more hideous crime this time. I didn't think you could any worse, but he outdid himself this time. And before he left the presidency he increased the penalties for the crime he committed. Sort of like the story of John Atherton. Do you know your history ? Here's the archbishop of the church in Ireland in the mid 1600s. He pushed a law through Parliament to make buggery ( anal sex ) punishable by the death penalty. A few years later he and a buddy of his were convicted of the crime and hanged. It's sad but true, trump was never hung. But he is facing much stiffer penalties thanks to his desire to seek revenge on others.
Stop lying.
If the DOJ wasn't so busy trying to frame Trump of heinous crimes and more involved in equally enforcing the law....they would do something about the Department Of Homeland Security and their failure to secure our borders.
Migration policy institute. Biden at the one year mark a greater change in direction on immigration that is recognized. January 19th., 2022. Excerpt from this article in case you don't bother to read it, " and rebuilding an asylum system at the us-mexico border that was largely dismantled during the prior ( trump's ) administration." Just a note, if you dismantle the machinery, you can't address the problem. That's exactly what trump did.
If the DOJ wasn't so busy trying to frame Trump of heinous crimes and more involved in equally enforcing the law....they would do something about the Department Of Homeland Security and their failure to secure our borders.
I didn't make 210 more executive actions than trump on immigration issues ( 296 ) in the first year of his presidency and trump did in his first year of presidency. ( 86 ). Biden's executive actions were more lenient and productive. trump's actions were more restrictive and non-productive. The proof is in the staring you right in the face.

It used to be that this republic had a few completely rational requirements relative to immigrants seeking to get Green Cards and then, perhaps, even citizenship. One of those completely rational requirements was that the immigrant must be able to demonstrate that he or she would not become a burden on the rest of us.

But now? Even if the get our largess in the form of free food and free medical care, this Administration chooses to have those facts ignored. I don’t understand how the Executive Branch has the legal authority to change our laws like that absent explicit Congressional approval.

It used to be that this republic had a few completely rational requirements relative to immigrants seeking to get Green Cards and then, perhaps, even citizenship. One of those completely rational requirements was that the immigrant must be able to demonstrate that he or she would not become a burden on the rest of us.

But now? Even if the get our largess in the form of free food and free medical care, this Administration chooses to have those facts ignored. I don’t understand how the Executive Branch has the legal authority to change our laws like that absent explicit Congressional approval.
What the hell are you going to do!! Free food and medical care that's the least we can do for them. I don't like it too, but denying them free food and medical care makes it a lot worst. Congress needs to act.
It's a very good thing Biden has actually done all this hard work and actually addressed the issue, this backlog has been increasing for decades. Thank GOD somebody's taking charge of the situation.
It's a very good thing Biden has actually done all this hard work and actually addressed the issue, this backlog has been increasing for decades. Thank GOD somebody's taking charge of the situation.
Boundless - A Modern Immigration Company>blog Biden administration outlines new measures to reduce massive backlog of immigration applications that has hamstrung the US agency tasked with processing them. May 29th., 2022.
Like one poster basically said, Biden and his cabal are criminal's that need to go to prison maybe.

Biden undoubtedly has help that probably comes in the form of an Obama, otherwise upon these multiple agenda's that are in play possibly, because the man Biden is not well, at least not enough to play his dirty hand of card's in which we've seen in play lately..
How mush more Irony can We the People endure.
Instead of Building more and better Prisons with
all the historic money Biden and gang have fleeced
from Taxpayers they are endeavoring to support
scum like a Fetterman who wants to release as many
prison inmates as possible.And Pushing fer it.
Like he hasn't been successful enough in destroying the
city he brags about living in { Braddock,Pa. }
Proving again how easy it is to watch fecal matter float.
Remember when trump threw a fit and he didn't want anybody coming here who already had family here, he called it " chain migration ". Well he's a total hypocrite, not only did he get melania's parents into this country, he fast track their naturalization process to become US citizens. The very thing he preached against he went ahead and did.

First of all you're using the wrong terminology. According to the US government immigrants are either documented or undocumented. There's nothing illegal about either one according to our immigration laws. The only point at which an immigrant can be said to be illegal is if he fails to prove his need for asylum in the immigration Court, then they are here illegally and they're sent back to their home country. So we don't have any illegals here in the country. As you well know or maybe you don't, although it's preferred cross at a immigration checkpoint into our nation, it is legal to cross our border anywhere if one is seeking asylum. I myself prefer that there were no undocumented immigrants, it invites too many problems, including exploitation and even death of the immigrants. This nation was built on immigrants. That's not going to change our population is getting elderly and we need new blood more than ever. We can't even fill all the jobs that are available with our own people.
Chain migration is a real issue. But he never said what you falsely attribute to him.
What the hell are you going to do!! Free food and medical care that's the least we can do for them. I don't like it too, but denying them free food and medical care makes it a lot worst. Congress needs to act.
Wrong. If they come here illegally, we can lodge them very temporarily in our Immigration detention centers and of course take care of them with food and medical care. But then, send them back.

That’s what we can and should do. We should REFRAIN from giving them any inducement to even try to illegally enter.

Again, via the legal method, our nation is the kindest and most open that exists on immigration. Bar none. We’re also excellent with valid Asylum seekers. There is no good reason anybody else should be given legal status here. We should make sure that the ones who try to jump the line — ahead of those applying legally — get turned away.
This nation has the best record of any nation on Earth regarding legal immigration.
We should continue to be so too.

We should continue to be the beacon of the free world that is proven by a liberal immigration policy.

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