This administration is now actively encouraging illegal immigration

It used to be that this republic had a few completely rational requirements relative to immigrants seeking to get Green Cards and then, perhaps, even citizenship. One of those completely rational requirements was that the immigrant must be able to demonstrate that he or she would not become a burden on the rest of us.

But now? Even if the get our largess in the form of free food and free medical care, this Administration chooses to have those facts ignored. I don’t understand how the Executive Branch has the legal authority to change our laws like that absent explicit Congressional approval.
You're surprised that most immigrants need some type of assistance to get started in a new country. Get over it, this is nothing new.
They do not. They are doing it hoping no one will challenge them in court. Biden is a criminal that needs to be put in prison along with the rest of his criminal cabal.
Plus the record of Biden thus far.How many outright abuses of power
has this skeleton-brained Unamerican boob committed.
Like possibly too many to keep count.Where strangely I doubt
his former Boss { Obama } doesn't disagree on even one of
those named abuses.No need for simple gossip about this
impossibly Unamerican President and All his Men.
It's Legion.It's every day.It's never ended persecution that
some days makes Joseph Stalin seem like a good humor man,
in comparison.
You're surprised that most immigrants need some type of assistance to get started in a new country. Get over it, this is nothing new.
Own up like a Patriotic citizen and explain the difference
between legal Immigration and Illegals crossing our Border.
Or can't yer moss-entangled brain understand the difference.
Which is Ironic.Most Immigrants who arrived in the Big Apple
during the Wave of The turn of the century 1900 and often
arrived at Ellis Island with maybe a few dollars on their person
learned and knew the difference between an Illegal and a
Immigrant looking to gain legal entry.
You PuTz

It used to be that this republic had a few completely rational requirements relative to immigrants seeking to get Green Cards and then, perhaps, even citizenship. One of those completely rational requirements was that the immigrant must be able to demonstrate that he or she would not become a burden on the rest of us.

But now? Even if the get our largess in the form of free food and free medical care, this Administration chooses to have those facts ignored. I don’t understand how the Executive Branch has the legal authority to change our laws like that absent explicit Congressional approval.
Remember when trump threw a fit and he didn't want anybody coming here who already had family here, he called it " chain migration ". Well he's a total hypocrite, not only did he get melania's parents into this country, he fast track their naturalization process to become US citizens. The very thing he preached against he went ahead and did.
Own up like a Patriotic citizen and explain the difference
between legal Immigration and Illegals crossing our Border.
Or can't yer moss-entangled brain understand the difference.
Which is Ironic.Most Immigrants who arrived in the Big Apple
during the Wave of The turn of the century 1900 and often
arrived at Ellis Island with maybe a few dollars on their person
learned and knew the difference between an Illegal and a
Immigrant looking to gain legal entry.
You PuTz
First of all you're using the wrong terminology. According to the US government immigrants are either documented or undocumented. There's nothing illegal about either one according to our immigration laws. The only point at which an immigrant can be said to be illegal is if he fails to prove his need for asylum in the immigration Court, then they are here illegally and they're sent back to their home country. So we don't have any illegals here in the country. As you well know or maybe you don't, although it's preferred cross at a immigration checkpoint into our nation, it is legal to cross our border anywhere if one is seeking asylum. I myself prefer that there were no undocumented immigrants, it invites too many problems, including exploitation and even death of the immigrants. This nation was built on immigrants. That's not going to change our population is getting elderly and we need new blood more than ever. We can't even fill all the jobs that are available with our own people.
Remember when trump threw a fit and he didn't want anybody coming here who already had family here, he called it " chain migration ". Well he's a total hypocrite, not only did he get melania's parents into this country, he fast track their naturalization process to become US citizens. The very thing he preached against he went ahead and did.

First of all you're using the wrong terminology. According to the US government immigrants are either documented or undocumented. There's nothing illegal about either one according to our immigration laws. The only point at which an immigrant can be said to be illegal is if he fails to prove his need for asylum in the immigration Court, then they are here illegally and they're sent back to their home country. So we don't have any illegals here in the country. As you well know or maybe you don't, although it's preferred cross at a immigration checkpoint into our nation, it is legal to cross our border anywhere if one is seeking asylum. I myself prefer that there were no undocumented immigrants, it invites too many problems, including exploitation and even death of the immigrants. This nation was built on immigrants. That's not going to change our population is getting elderly and we need new blood more than ever. We can't even fill all the jobs that are available with our own people.
Talk about a pathetic,pukey Redefining of language to benefit
Illegality.The word " Illegal " is absolute and clear in it's
professional as well casual use.It means " a person who is NOT
legally authorized to work or live in a country ".
Totally acceptable for many decades until the drat democrats
decided to game the system and deem the word " Illegal " as
Offensive.I think most American citizens consider it " Offensive "
to make up a word " Undocumented " in place of " Illegal "
Typical of the way that the Power mad Democrats are transforming
this once Great Land of Opportunity into their own Private Idaho.
Meaning they decide who is Legally here.
Like the daffy way " Illegal " can be applied.If one is here legally
{ Via an inspection and proper documentation } but have overstayed
their Visa they can THEN be considered an " Illegal ".
One explanation { I'm not buying } is that the word " Illegal "
is uselessly vague.
No! that would be the Drat Democrat Party.
Their outright Unamericanism is low Legion.Pervasive.
Democrats are useless in Maintaining a strong,Vibrant
Country.A Great Country.But they're to be considered the experts
when it comes to Immigration.Don't make me laugh.
Like " experts " when it came to Covid and Lockdowns.
Don't Get Stooged
Talk about a pathetic,pukey Redefining of language to benefit
Illegality.The word " Illegal " is absolute and clear in it's
professional as well casual use.It means " a person who is NOT
legally authorized to work or live in a country ".
Totally acceptable for many decades until the drat democrats
decided to game the system and deem the word " Illegal " as
Offensive.I think most American citizens consider it " Offensive "
to make up a word " Undocumented " in place of " Illegal "
Typical of the way that the Power mad Democrats are transforming
this once Great Land of Opportunity into their own Private Idaho.
Meaning they decide who is Legally here.
Like the daffy way " Illegal " can be applied.If one is here legally
{ Via an inspection and proper documentation } but have overstayed
their Visa they can THEN be considered an " Illegal ".
One explanation { I'm not buying } is that the word " Illegal "
is uselessly vague.
No! that would be the Drat Democrat Party.
Their outright Unamericanism is low Legion.Pervasive.
Democrats are useless in Maintaining a strong,Vibrant
Country.A Great Country.But they're to be considered the experts
when it comes to Immigration.Don't make me laugh.
Like " experts " when it came to Covid and Lockdowns.
Don't Get Stooged
No, you don't understand. People have been saying illegal for so long in reference to immigrants that they actually believe it. It wasn't correct to begin with, look up the US immigration laws. Immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented. Our immigration laws are in accordance with international immigration laws which protect the nation and immigrants. You have to have it both ways otherwise you're some kind of fascist state you're not a Democratic or Free Nation.
You're surprised that most immigrants need some type of assistance to get started in a new country. Get over it, this is nothing new.
Hey Moron person of low I.Q.
The way it worked { Legal Immigration } and used for many decades
was simple.In order to get into the Country legally it took papers.
One had to apply first and then have a sponser { for a place to live
and have proper food and shelter and job prospects }.
Like the Book ... - Brooklyn - { 2009 } by gifted writer Colm Toibin
" A classic American story about an immigrants lonely,unspoken
yearnings ... "
No, you don't understand. People have been saying illegal for so long in reference to immigrants that they actually believe it. It wasn't correct to begin with, look up the US immigration laws. Immigrants are classified as documented or undocumented. Our immigration laws are in accordance with international immigration laws which protect the nation and immigrants. You have to have it both ways otherwise you're some kind of fascist state you're not a Democratic or Free Nation.
According to your insane pukey logic than I guess Biden has NOT
Violated his Oath of Office when Inaugurated.
To Keep America and Americans Safe.Considering he's not done
One Goddamned thing to Stop the unbelievable surge of Illegals
crossing into our Land.
Hey Moron person of low I.Q.
The way it worked { Legal Immigration } and used for many decades
was simple.In order to get into the Country legally it took papers.
One had to apply first and then have a sponser { for a place to live
and have proper food and shelter and job prospects }.
Like the Book ... - Brooklyn - { 2009 } by gifted writer Colm Toibin
" A classic American story about an immigrants lonely,unspoken
yearnings ... "
Both sets of my grandparents came here at the turn of the 20th century. They came across in steerage. Filled out papers while they were on the boat. Got off in Philadelphia. Were processed that day and the rest is history. That was during the Great migration, it gave us 40 million new Americans almost overnight. Once Biden gets the immigration courts backup and running well the the years and years of backlogged immigration will be settled. But I think he'll need at least two terms to get things back to normal after trump defunded and sabotaged most of the apparatus.
Both sets of my grandparents came here at the turn of the 20th century. They came across in steerage. Filled out papers while they were on the boat. Got off in Philadelphia. Were processed that day and the rest is history. That was during the Great migration, it gave us 40 million new Americans almost overnight. Once Biden gets the immigration courts backup and running well the the years and years of backlogged immigration will be settled. But I think he'll need at least two terms to get things back to normal after trump defunded and sabotaged most of the apparatus.
Cry us all a River ... pally.We're talkin' Today.Not some Mark Twain
story about - Huckleberry Finn - { 1884 }
Clemens also wrote :
- What is Man - { published posthumously }
" The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his
intellectual superiority to the other creatures,but the fact that
he can do no wrong proves his mental inferiority to any creature
that cannot. "
The problem with Biden and his Democrats is they actually feel

they can do no wrong.While simultaneously Doing No good.
Obviously you are stuck between a rock and Biden's Democrats.
I remember a decade ago getting into arguments with USMB members who said that Obama didn't create Obamacare and then fill it with illegal immigrants. They swore on stack of Korans that they weren't giving them free healthcare.

Now not only are they giving them free healthcare but free rides to the destination of their choice and putting them up in hotels and giving them pink government checks for them to use to buy groceries.
Like one poster basically said, Biden and his cabal are criminal's that need to go to prison maybe.

Biden undoubtedly has help that probably comes in the form of an Obama, otherwise upon these multiple agenda's that are in play possibly, because the man Biden is not well, at least not enough to play his dirty hand of card's in which we've seen in play lately..
Cry us all a River ... pally.We're talkin' Today.Not some Mark Twain
story about - Huckleberry Finn - { 1884 }
Clemens also wrote :
- What is Man - { published posthumously }
" The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his
intellectual superiority to the other creatures,but the fact that
he can do no wrong proves his mental inferiority to any creature
that cannot. "
The problem with Biden and his Democrats is they actually feel

they can do no wrong.While simultaneously Doing No good.
Obviously you are stuck between a rock and Biden's Democrats.
You really don't get it, trump shirked his duty on immigration ( with the exception of his in-laws ).Biden is following the law, another thing trump didn't do. America can take only so much propaganda from the far-right. You people are ridiculous, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-immigrants, anti-law and order unless it's just for you. Where does all this hatred and bigotry come from. You really got to wonder. Why you guys hate America so much.
You really don't get it, trump shirked his duty on immigration ( with the exception of his in-laws ).Biden is following the law, another thing trump didn't do. America can take only so much propaganda from the far-right. You people are ridiculous, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-immigrants, anti-law and order unless it's just for you. Where does all this hatred and bigotry come from. You really got to wonder. Why you guys hate America so much.
You certainly jest or project here, but fact's you definitely don't deal in nor are you dealing in reality upon the ground.

But that's just it, constantly accuse the other side of your own sides bull crap, otherwise in the same thinking of "keep your friend's close, but keep your enemies even closer with trickery".... This is done by drawing one's enemy in close with the use of one's bull crap logic or rhetoric, otherwise in hopes that the conservatives won't see the knife being thrust into their back's when their back's are slowly turning while being convinced somehow foolishly to do that turn in which they thought was ok.
You certainly jest or project here, but fact's you definitely don't deal in nor are you dealing in reality upon the ground.

But that's just it, constantly accuse the other side of your own sides bull crap, otherwise in the same thinking of "keep your friend's close, but keep your enemies even closer with trickery".... This is done by drawing one's enemy in close with the use of one's bull crap logic or rhetoric, otherwise in hopes that the conservatives won't see the knife being thrust into their back's when their back's are slowly turning while being convinced somehow foolishly to do that turn in which they thought was ok.
During the Great migration from Europe at the turn of the 20th century 12 million people passed through Ellis Island. Of that 12 million only 120,000 were sent back. 3,500 immigrants died on the Ellis Island, most from contagious diseases. Today Ellis Island is a shrine to America's welcome of immigrants. Today's attitude by the far-right against immigrants is shameful, arrogant and very ignorant. Immigrants built this country. And with a rapidly aging population we need all the new blood we can get to keep this nation moving forward. If there is no prejudice involved, most of these immigrants will become new Americans. They should be given a little bit of respect. It wasn't easy for them to get here.
You really don't get it, trump shirked his duty on immigration ( with the exception of his in-laws ).Biden is following the law, another thing trump didn't do. America can take only so much propaganda from the far-right. You people are ridiculous, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-immigrants, anti-law and order unless it's just for you. Where does all this hatred and bigotry come from. You really got to wonder. Why you guys hate America so much.
Biden isn't following the law. He's human-trafficking.
And pointing this out isn't hatred and bigotry.
It's just a fact.
You certainly jest or project here, but fact's you definitely don't deal in nor are you dealing in reality upon the ground.

But that's just it, constantly accuse the other side of your own sides bull crap, otherwise in the same thinking of "keep your friend's close, but keep your enemies even closer with trickery".... This is done by drawing one's enemy in close with the use of one's bull crap logic or rhetoric, otherwise in hopes that the conservatives won't see the knife being thrust into their back's when their back's are slowly turning while being convinced somehow foolishly to do that turn in which they thought was ok. How Trump broke the immigration courts- Politico Magazine June 16th 2019 He backed up immigration cases 68% more which made the delays in immigration courts much more lengthy, the typical case in Denver's immigration Court was almost a thousand day wait.
Biden isn't following the law. He's human-trafficking.
And pointing this out isn't hatred and bigotry.
It's just a fact.
Now I understand you're confusion, Biden is not the guy with the crazy orange hair. Trump's business partners allegedly involved in human trafficking. August 20th., 2020.

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