This country is doomed, not just because African Americans, but because the country will be minority white by 2040??????


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Wait a minute, what? Did he really just say that?

The posts source a quotation to “Joe Biden 12/22/2020 Leaked ZOOM call” that reads: “This country is doomed, it is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European – you hear me? Minority white European. And Blacks are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make a larger portion of population than y’all do.

So, left wing fact check acknowledges the quote but they claim it was taken out of context.

It is doomed, but just BECAUSE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS but because the country will be MINORITY WHITE by 2040?


Lol at the left.

Wait a minute, what? Did he really just say that?

The posts source a quotation to “Joe Biden 12/22/2020 Leaked ZOOM call” that reads: “This country is doomed, it is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European – you hear me? Minority white European. And Blacks are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make a larger portion of population than y’all do.

So, left wing fact check acknowledges the quote but they claim it was taken out of context.

It is doomed, but just BECAUSE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS but because the country will be MINORITY WHITE by 2040?


Lol at the left.

Wow short stack; thanks for coming out and demonstrating why the GOP is having such trouble expanding their base.
White racism created a dysfunctional country that has wasted massive amounts of human resources and created an unnecessary multi trillion dollar defict. If this was a business whites would be fired.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”

Now white racists can continue to lie to themselves or face the fact that our country is doomed unless shit changes and that means white racism must end or be reduced to a fringe element that has no role in decision making anywhere.
White racism created a dysfunctional country that has wasted massive amounts of human resources and created an unnecessary multi trillion dollar defict. If this was a business whites would be fired.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”

Now white racists can continue to lie to themselves or face the fact that our country is doomed unless shit changes and that means white racism must end or be reduced to a fringe element that has no role in decision making anywhere.
Where in all that is the fact that blacks themselves are responsible, at least to a large degree, for all these disparities due to their high out-of-wedlock birth rate? It is strongly correlated with low educational attainment, poverty, and high crime.

I say that blacks should lower the OOW birthrate to that similar to whites (which means a drop from 75% to 20%), do that for an entire generation, and then examine the “disparities.” At that point we can blame racism, to a large degree, if big disparities still exist.
Where in all that is the fact that blacks themselves are responsible, at least to a large degree, for all these disparities due to their high of-wedlock birth rate?

I say that blacks should lower the OOW birthrate to that similar to whites (which means a drop from 75% to 20%), do that for an entire generation, and then examine the “disparities.” At that point we can blame racism, to a large degree, if big disparities still exist.
You have to be one of the dumbest animals on here. No, you'll find something else to try to blame before racism. It's what you do.
What is it with these liberals who take a well-articulated point, such as that there is a strong correlation between high out-of-wedlock birthrate and poverty, crime, and poor educational levels - and simply respond with ”disagree”? Just tells me that they can’t really argue.
What is it with these liberals who take a well-articulated point, such as that there is a strong correlation between high out-of-wedlock birthrate and poverty, crime, and poor educational levels - and simply respond with ”disagree”? Just tells me that they can’t really argue.

Actually, it should tell you that we think you're too far gone!

Where in all that is the fact that blacks themselves are responsible, at least to a large degree, for all these disparities due to their high out-of-wedlock birth rate? It is strongly correlated with low educational attainment, poverty, and high crime.

I say that blacks should lower the OOW birthrate to that similar to whites (which means a drop from 75% to 20%), do that for an entire generation, and then examine the “disparities.” At that point we can blame racism, to a large degree, if big disparities still exist.
Out of wedlock births aren't the problem. The problem has been public policy. Whites such as yourself want to look for everything else and talk about responsibility while you guys take none. Poverty is lack of money, a black man earns less than a white man even when everything else is the same. Getting married to have children does not eliminate that.

I will talk about 245 years of racist public policy and not the white opinion. Because whites annually have more out of wedlock births than blacks have total births. And if you want to end black out of wedliock births you go on and saunter up to a married black female professional who has decided not to have children and see what they tell you.

Hopefully you won't have to go get dental implants.
Where in all that is the fact that blacks themselves are responsible, at least to a large degree, for all these disparities due to their high out-of-wedlock birth rate? It is strongly correlated with low educational attainment, poverty, and high crime.

I say that blacks should lower the OOW birthrate to that similar to whites (which means a drop from 75% to 20%), do that for an entire generation, and then examine the “disparities.” At that point we can blame racism, to a large degree, if big disparities still exist.
“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”.
Out of wedlock births aren't the problem. The problem has been public policy. Whites such as yourself want to look for everything else and talk about responsibility while you guys take none. Poverty is lack of money, a black man earns less than a white man even when everything else is the same. Getting married to have children does not eliminate that.

I will talk about 245 years of racist public policy and not the white opinion. Because whites annually have more out of wedlock births than blacks have total births. And if you want to end black out of wedliock births you go on and saunter up to a married black female professional who has decided not to have children and see what they tell you.

Hopefully you won't have to go get dental implants.
No, the opposite, Liberals want to blame everything OTHER than the choices that blacks themselves make which contribute to the disparitIes.

And stop with the 254 years stuff. Slavery ended 150 years ago, and Jim Crow 60. Are you honestly insisting that blacks are completely blameless? Every single thing is whites’ fault? (I see you’ve been brainwashed by the CRT.)

As far as the black professional woman who chooses to have a baby, you can always pull out exceptions. I’m talking about the inner-city slums, where black girls are having babies in their teens, unable to support them.

Blacks earn less than whites because they are less than educated. and they are less educated because babies born out-of-wedlock have lower educational attainment. Until blacks are willing to acknowledge that SOME of the disparity is due to their poor choices, things will not improve.
“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”.
And what type of public policy is it that you want whites to create for blacks? More of the affirmative action stuff, that unfairly punishes whites (and Asians)? And how many more generations will we have to favor blacks over whites for?

Or more welfare in general, which benefits blacks proportionate to their numbers more than whites? I know that Harris wants to give families.$25,000 for a house down payment since she said that will close the ownership gap between blacks and whites.

Are we supposed to just keep handing out more and mor, and favoring blacks over whites in areas beyond college admissions, without requiring that they, as a group, make changes to their OWN behavior which is contributing to the problem?
No, the opposite, Liberals want to blame everything OTHER than the choices that blacks themselves make which contribute to the disparitIes.

And stop with the 254 years stuff. Slavery ended 150 years ago, and Jim Crow 60. Are you honestly insisting that blacks are completely blameless? Every single thing is whites’ fault? (I see you’ve been brainwashed by the CRT.)

As far as the black professional woman who chooses to have a baby, you can always pull out exceptions. I’m talking about the inner-city slums, where black girls are having babies in their teens, unable to support them.

Blacks earn less than whites because they are less than educated. and they are less educated because babies born out-of-wedlock have lower educational attainment. Until blacks are willing to acknowledge that SOME of the disparity is due to their poor choices, things will not improve.
Incorrect. but that's what you are radicalized to believe. I won't stop taking about 245 years of policy becaust these policies impact us today as well as newer version of those policies still exist. Slavery didn't really end until the 1940's when you consider convict leasing and Jim Crow only ended on paper.

I stated that blacks earn less than white even when education is the same. This is documented fact. A baby born out of wedlock was recently a two term president. So take your out of wedlock bullshit and stick it.

If you are picking inner city slums you are pulling out exceptions because many blacks don't live in inner cities and it is documented fact that more married black women are choosing not to have children. Being white you don't know this and have chjosen to argue a racist meme. Go do some research.

I am black, I won't be listening to a white right wng idiot who ignores 245 years of poor choces by whites that turned into laws that have impacted people of color in a very negative way.

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