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This country is doomed, not just because African Americans, but because the country will be minority white by 2040??????

Blacks and Hispanics will call it a time to seek revenge for things they have imagined.
It’s already starting. The reason the left is indoctrinating school kids to believe whites are racist oppressors and blacks their poor, helpless victims is do get them to vote for reparations ten years from now.
You want to see racism in action on the right? Look at how they treat welfare. You look at any person of color who uses welfare, and the right will find a way to make the claim that they only need welfare because they are lazy, even if they work full time, but white people on welfare are looked at completely different.

WIC is a form of welfare that this hypocrisy comes through the most. I've literally seen black families accused of only having kids to get WIC, because they are too lazy to work, even when both parents work full time, and they only have one kid, but still cant make ends meet.
But If you look at a white family, lets say Duggers, since they are a very public example, who use WIC and other forms of welfare, several kids, and publically admitted to purposely having more kids to get WIC and extra tax credits, the same people who condemn black people who use welfare as lazy, wont say anything.
that's total babble crap --you have have no proof of that
..blacks graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates-FACT--tell me what is the problem there?? and don't say racism/etc
..blacks PRAISE jackass criminals and HATE brave/industrious/intelligent/etc people like Columbus
You say this shit wth full knowledge of the things whites have done and are still doing to maintain white preference.
..blacks were far behind long before white contact--so you can't blame whitey
I saw only racists at that rally on the right. If there were others -- show them...
Faun.. you are ethnic. If you lived in a neighborhood of your ethnic background and it changed to African American would you stay? This is what racism and bigotry really is. Isn't it?
They are admitted on race just as much as every other non white group. Your racism allows you to automatically make blacks and hispanics underqualified. The real America has always made race a qualification for representation. It has been this way for so long that whites have come to believe they are entitled to everything. Your opposition to AA is based upong your belief of white entitlement.

IQ tests have long been proven inaccurate measures of intelligence. So much so that nearly 1,000 colleges and universitites have eliminated them as a requirement or made taking them optional. bEven beforethis was done, SAT scores were just one criteria in a setof criteria used for admission. Given that we have seen cheating scandals by both whites and Asians, basing qualification on test scores certainly has no merit.

So put down the racism. Whites are not being cheated, nor are Asians. What's even worse for you racists is that Asians reject your use of them in your attempt to end AA becausse they know that if the policy ends Asians will get screwed.
plain and simple--blacks graduate high school at LOWER rates = not qualified
....these are PUBLIC high rates----private school rates are higher and private schools are mostly white :
No you don't. You want white men to be given everything again. Because if you really wanted what you claim, then you recognize that whites have not gooten much based on qualifications and that in fact the policies you oppose allow white men to stop making being white thhe only qualification.

You are a fool and a liar. Don’t tell me I didn’t get where I am due to qualifications and performance.

How about we take all reference to race and gender off of college admission applications and eliminate any interviews that may be required? No information that would indicate race or gender would be admissible. What do you think would happen? Would there be the diversity you so desperately seek? This is not something you nor the rest of your ilk would be much in favor of. You see, it isn’t REALLY about qualifications, it is about what you perceive as “fairness” in your minds.
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You say this shit wth full knowledge of the things whites have done and are still doing to maintain white preference.

What is currently being done to maintain white preference? Careful, because there is plenty being done that is quite the opposite.
You are a fool and a liar. Don’t tell me I didn’t get where I am due to qualifications and performance.

How about we take all reference to race and gender off of college admission applications and eliminated any interviews that may be required? No information that would indicate race or gender would be admissible. What do you think would happen? Would there be the diversity you so desperately seek? This is not something your nor the rest of your ilk would be much in favor of. You see, it isn’t REALLY about qualifications, it is about what you perceive as “fairness” in you
You are a fool and a liar. Don’t tell me I didn’t get where I am due to qualifications and performance.

How about we take all reference to race and gender off of college admission applications and eliminated any interviews that may be required? No information that would indicate race or gender would be admissible. What do you think would happen? Would there be the diversity you so desperately seek? This is not something your nor the rest of your ilk would be much in favor of. You see, it isn’t REALLY about qualifications, it is about what you perceive as “fairness” in your minds.
That poster just wants to keep insisting that blacks’ failures can all be blamed on racism, and none of whites’ successes can be credited to personal traits and ability.

And to answer your question as to what would happen if all references to race were omitted on college applications, I can give you the answer for the specific higher educational program for which I worked: the number of blacks would drop by two-thirds. That is because only one of three admitted blacks would have qualified under the more stringent standards applied to whites.
That poster just wants to keep insisting that blacks’ failures can all be blamed on racism, and none of whites’ successes can be credited to personal traits and ability.

And to answer your question as to what would happen if all references to race were omitted on college applications, I can give you the answer for the specific higher educational program for which I worked: the number of blacks would drop by two-thirds. That is because only one of three admitted blacks would have qualified under the more stringent standards applied to whites.

He is going to call you a racist now for certain for stating facts that don’t fit is agenda.

On a side note, it kind of makes you wonder if this line of thinking has crept into science as well. Scientists don’t get the outcome they so desperately want so they ignore the results or change the experiment instead of further investigating. I reallize that is against the scientific method, but their indoctrination is very strong and outweighs any workplace ethics or morals to these folks. Democrats like to claim they follow the science but the reality may be that the “science” follows the Democrats.

Wait a minute, what? Did he really just say that?

The posts source a quotation to “Joe Biden 12/22/2020 Leaked ZOOM call” that reads: “This country is doomed, it is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European – you hear me? Minority white European. And Blacks are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make a larger portion of population than y’all do.

So, left wing fact check acknowledges the quote but they claim it was taken out of context.

It is doomed, but just BECAUSE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS but because the country will be MINORITY WHITE by 2040?


Lol at the left.

White grievance politics, replacement theory, and the hateful, racist right – that’s the true threat to America.
  • Funny
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Blacks and Hispanics will call it a time to seek revenge for things they have imagined.
Actually one of the fastest growing groups in the US is people of 'two and more races'. If this trend continues on, the interracial relations will be smoothing. And the policy based on 'white guilt' will become irrelevant.
He is going to call you a racist now for certain for stating facts that don’t fit is agenda.

On a side note, it kind of makes you wonder if this line of thinking has crept into science as well. Scientists don’t get the outcome they so desperately want so they ignore the results or change the experiment instead of further investigating. I reallize that is against the scientific method, but their indoctrination is very strong and outweighs any workplace ethics or morals to these folks. Democrats like to claim they follow the science but the reality may be that the “science” follows the Democrats.
Absolutely. When studies don’t support what Democrats want to be true, they alter the studies to get the outcome they want.
White grievance politics, replacement theory, and the hateful, racist right – that’s the true threat to America.
The true threat to America is the hateful, racist left trying to indoctrinate children into thinking this is a racist country, that whites are evil oppressors, and blacks their helpless victims. The left is doing that because you‘ve got to get gullible Americans to buy into all that in order to allow the destruction of America to continue.
  • Thanks
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White grievance politics, replacement theory, and the hateful, racist right – that’s the true threat to America.

Yeah I know I am a white, working male that pays a lot of taxes. I shouldn’t have any grievances and God forbid I complain about people not working and those same people voting for free stuff out of my pocket.
Faun.. you are ethnic. If you lived in a neighborhood of your ethnic background and it changed to African American would you stay? This is what racism and bigotry really is. Isn't it?
I grew up in South Florida which is very diverse. So living and working with blacks and Hispanics and others means nothing to me or my wife. I work for a large company which strives for diversity and where whites are a minority. On my team of 40, there are 7 whites. I have no problem with that and have no intention of leaving my job which is with a fortune 100 company. My neighborhood had a few black families and even more Hispanic families when we moved in. Since then, more blacks and Hispanics have moved in than whites. We live in a great house in a really good neighborhood where whites are probably still a majority but not by much. We love our house and have no intention of moving anytime soon. And my house value has roughly doubled since we moved in. We could have sold it about 6 months ago for significantly more than the double it's worth when the market was going crazy but we didn't entertain any offers because we love our house. The makeup of our neighborhood wasn't even a thought that entered our heads. And of my direct neighbors, none are white. One is black, two are Hispanic, one is Indian and the other house was white but was recently purchased to be flipped, so I don't know yet who's moving in and we don't care as long as they're nice.

Wait a minute, what? Did he really just say that?

The posts source a quotation to “Joe Biden 12/22/2020 Leaked ZOOM call” that reads: “This country is doomed, it is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European – you hear me? Minority white European. And Blacks are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make a larger portion of population than y’all do.

So, left wing fact check acknowledges the quote but they claim it was taken out of context.

It is doomed, but just BECAUSE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS but because the country will be MINORITY WHITE by 2040?


Lol at the left.

Brandon is clearly full of shit.

What he fails to consider is the increases in who is considered to be officially "white". Jews, Poles, Italians, etc., were considered racial minorities in the not so distant past. Listen to the rantings of liberal actor Carroll O'Connor back in the day. O'Connor was distraught about minorities as well, just like Sleepy Joe is today.

Expect a large number of current "minority" people to be considered as part of the majority population and as Honorary Honkies in the none too distant future.

Further, we may well see the welcoming of numerous persecuted honky piopulations from places like the Union of South Africa where those folks are having their livelihoods taken from them.
There is no such thing as "African Americans". That's just stupid language white people were programmed to say to cater to blacks.

If you're born in America then you're American. If you're born in Africa then you're African.

Blacks are the only ones who get special language. No one ever says German American, or Japanese American, or Mexican American.
White people should just chill out - and learn some facts and truth.

Yea we white people(actually I'm 1/64th American Indian...NOT native because "Indians" are immigrants to America..see The ancestors of living Native Americans arrived in what is now the United States at least 15,000 years ago,Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia) are evil. So evil that the average life span of an immigrant American Indian was 30 years when the evil white man immigrated to America.

Today thanks to the "evil" white man's medicine...(no pipes, no dancing, no costume wearing(maybe white coat!!) the immigrant American Indian's life span is over 2 times that ... 70 years. Now unlike the ignorant Lakhota... here are the facts:
Today most industrialized countries boast life expectancy figures of more than 75 years, according to comparisons compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency.

In the meantime...Indian casinos' 2019 gross gaming revenue was $34.6 billion.
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