This country is so divided

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.
How old is your son? He should have had the test. My doctor would not test my wife or kids because they didn't show symptoms but living with me definitely had it. COVID-19 is a form of a cold but it turns some people to go real bad. My ancestry is that of Russians as my parents came from the old Soviet Union. So maybe my DNA handles is better IDK? My doctor said I was the first case of his that didn't have a fever but lost so much weight so quickly. Sad they have a lot more to learn about this but he was confident once you had it that you develop antibodies and are good to go. He is a good guy and very good MD so I trust him. Harvard Med School.
I have had some of those "symptoms", if I indeed was sick, such as lack of appetite and I've been sleeping
for ten hours at a time though I usually sleep a lot.
And I've had a lingering stuffed or runny nose for months. That could just be a winter cold.
I guess only testing will tell for sure.
It would be better to unite vs. a common enemy and we cannot even do that. Sadly.

Uh huh. Sure. Last time they used that line on us and got away with it, our pants ended up around our ankles at the arbitrary discretion of a man with a badge.

It would be better to unite vs. a common enemy and we cannot even do that. Sadly.

Uh huh. Sure. Last time they used that line on us and got away with it, our pants ended up around our ankles at the arbitrary discretion of a man with a badge.

LOL - never had that happen to me. Must be somewhere down South?

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.
How old is your son? He should have had the test. My doctor would not test my wife or kids because they didn't show symptoms but living with me definitely had it. COVID-19 is a form of a cold but it turns some people to go real bad. My ancestry is that of Russians as my parents came from the old Soviet Union. So maybe my DNA handles is better IDK? My doctor said I was the first case of his that didn't have a fever but lost so much weight so quickly. Sad they have a lot more to learn about this but he was confident once you had it that you develop antibodies and are good to go. He is a good guy and very good MD so I trust him. Harvard Med School.

Matt is 41, I'll ask him if he and the doctor spoke about a test. He's on the road today, so I won't be able to talk to him this evening.

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.
How old is your son? He should have had the test. My doctor would not test my wife or kids because they didn't show symptoms but living with me definitely had it. COVID-19 is a form of a cold but it turns some people to go real bad. My ancestry is that of Russians as my parents came from the old Soviet Union. So maybe my DNA handles is better IDK? My doctor said I was the first case of his that didn't have a fever but lost so much weight so quickly. Sad they have a lot more to learn about this but he was confident once you had it that you develop antibodies and are good to go. He is a good guy and very good MD so I trust him. Harvard Med School.

Matt is 41, I'll ask him if he and the doctor spoke about a test. He's on the road today, so I won't be able to talk to him this evening.
He should be well past it now but shame on his employer. He is only two years older than me and should have been tested.

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.
How old is your son? He should have had the test. My doctor would not test my wife or kids because they didn't show symptoms but living with me definitely had it. COVID-19 is a form of a cold but it turns some people to go real bad. My ancestry is that of Russians as my parents came from the old Soviet Union. So maybe my DNA handles is better IDK? My doctor said I was the first case of his that didn't have a fever but lost so much weight so quickly. Sad they have a lot more to learn about this but he was confident once you had it that you develop antibodies and are good to go. He is a good guy and very good MD so I trust him. Harvard Med School.

Matt is 41, I'll ask him if he and the doctor spoke about a test. He's on the road today, so I won't be able to talk to him this evening.
He should be well past it now but shame on his employer. He is only two years older than me and should have been tested.

I wonder that too. I suspect that Kaiser wants to do most none critical issues over the phone, actually they have apps to make the interview fact to face (technology way beyond anything I could do). He feels fine, didn't lose any weight or have any other issues which might have alerted his doctor.

Pretty good interview. I think it fairly illustrates how divided we are and how emotions can impact logic.

It's not time to further divide the public to consider any possibility anything other than how to protect yourself and your family from reality; this virus has killed over 41,000 people in our Country. Fox News, has already been culpable for putting biddable people in harms way by making claims that make no sense.

Example: The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
I had it and it was mild. We are sacrificing 99% for 1%. Which is fine but for how long?

What were your mild symptoms, and how do you know it wasn't a cold or flu?
Because I had the COVID-19 test and it came back positive:

#1) Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and had no appetite
#2) I wasn't tired when working and such but had to sleep close to 10 hours a day and the last three days, 12-14 hours. Otherwise felt like a bad hangover.
#3) Mild wet cough.
#4) No fever.

Had a blood test as Doc was concerned about the weight loss and blood test was fine. But he saw some low iron and then sent me for a COVID-19 test and positive. By that time I actually felt better and started getting my appetite back. Below are the EXACT words in a letter from him to me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn't matter but here it is.

If you asked me to help you move furniture while I had it, I could but would just be really tired afterward. Now I am symptom free, feel great and trying to keep the weight off. I hope this helps.

It has been more than 14 days since the onset of his symptoms. He is currently feeling well and has been for greater than 72 hours. He has never had any fever.

Therefore he may return to work without restrictions. He is immune from Covid 19 infection for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that last sentence is either informative or (and I hope not) too optimistic. Thanks for your response.

My son, who drives for UPS self isolated himself for 7 days, he had no fever, only a sour throat for the day before and the next day when he had a stuffed nose, a wet cough and was fatigued. His primary Doctor said it sounded like a cold and released him to go back to work when the symptoms disappeared.
How old is your son? He should have had the test. My doctor would not test my wife or kids because they didn't show symptoms but living with me definitely had it. COVID-19 is a form of a cold but it turns some people to go real bad. My ancestry is that of Russians as my parents came from the old Soviet Union. So maybe my DNA handles is better IDK? My doctor said I was the first case of his that didn't have a fever but lost so much weight so quickly. Sad they have a lot more to learn about this but he was confident once you had it that you develop antibodies and are good to go. He is a good guy and very good MD so I trust him. Harvard Med School.

Matt is 41, I'll ask him if he and the doctor spoke about a test. He's on the road today, so I won't be able to talk to him this evening.
He should be well past it now but shame on his employer. He is only two years older than me and should have been tested.

I wonder that too. I suspect that Kaiser wants to do most none critical issues over the phone, actually they have apps to make the interview fact to face (technology way beyond anything I could do). He feels fine, didn't lose any weight or have any other issues which might have alerted his doctor.
Yeah. Therein lies the problem, this virus is highly unpredictable and impacts many people so radically differently. Glad he is OK!

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