Trump says U.S. will "CEASE TO EXIST" if he loses

You mad bro? Cuz you seem mad. :lol:
Just stating facts. trump is and always has been about trump. He cares nothing about America and it's people. A very malignant egotistical narcissist , what else could one expect coming from that type of source.
You mad bro? Cuz you seem mad. :lol:
Every 4 years we hearthstone is the most important election in our lifetimes" Yada Yada Yada. Complete load of bunk
The liberal retards are too stupid to understand politics, they vote based on HOW THE MSM MAKES THEM FEEL.
They think its just a game that they have to win with no concept of consequences.

Democrats are totally in the Multi-national and Defense industry pocket which is why they are clamoring for WAR.
Texas will come crawling back when a Cat 4 hurricane wrecks Houston and those FEMA funds start looking good.
I'm all for giving Texas back to Mexico though and being done with it.

Rugged Tex-Ass Individuality will become a hand begging for FEMA Money.
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Yep, Trump declared that in the event Joe Biden once again beats him in the election, “I think our country is going to cease to exist.” He added some additional fearmongering to the rant: “It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that.

Wow, that really sounds bad. Why does Trump use so much fear-mongering Armageddon type language? What do you think?

The "United" States of America has already ceased to exist. Biden has driven the final nail in the coffin for being united, un-uniting the country more than it has ever been and turned us into a Banana Republic, after promising in 2020 that he would unite the country.
Texas will come crawling back when a Cat 4 hurricane wrecks Houston and those FEMA funds start looking good.
I'm all for giving Texas back to Mexico though and being done with it.
If Texas secedes, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama and the Carolinas won't be far behind. They can form their own country.
If Texas secedes, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama and the Carolinas won't be far behind. They can form their own country.
They've already tried it once. Didn't work out well for them.
You can still find a few of their participation trophies here and there in public squares and parks all over the south though.
They've already tried it once. Didn't work out well for them.
You can still find a few of their participation trophies here and there in public squares and parks all over the south though.

Paid for and by the Daughters of The Confederacy, of which my Grand Mother was a Member. I loved her dearly, her Chicken Ala King was best. Her homemade fried chicken was to die for. Her bigotry and hate, I had to stop seeing her.

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