This Forum is the Most Depressing on USMB. Let's Cheer It Up

I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

Naw. . I think the Israeli/Pali sub-forum is worse. But yeah, this one comes in a close second.

Both are completely devoid of reasonable, rational, logical, unbiased discussion, and lack all empathy for the other side.

Both are utter wastes of time.

I never visit the other one, because it is mostly inhabited by folks from foreign nations or those with duel citizenships. OTH, this sub-forum attracts most of our minority community.

I like to come here on the off chance a reasonable and rational thread will start, but, they invariably break down into an verbal race riot.

View attachment 267532
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.
The ability, and willingness to discriminate has been key to our success, and survival.

How thirsty are you?

Agree. Discrimination itself is not bad...."to discern". The PC "othering" crap is nonsense. We all other; it's thinking logically. It's one of the first things babies do actually...I am me, mommy is not me. Etc.

But it's all in the's what and how you discern, and on what basis.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

Naw. . I think the Israeli/Pali sub-forum is worse. But yeah, this one comes in a close second.

Both are completely devoid of reasonable, rational, logical, unbiased discussion, and lack all empathy for the other side.

Both are utter wastes of time.

I never visit the other one, because it is mostly inhabited by folks from foreign nations or those with duel citizenships. OTH, this sub-forum attracts most of our minority community.

I like to come here on the off chance a reasonable and rational thread will start, but, they invariably break down into an verbal race riot.


Never been to the Israel/Pal forum. I can only imagine
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

The problem with your first line is that you and yours have been imposing their views about us from day one to this moment .

Number 2, when I talk about injustice, I mean overall unjust behavior. Jesus was about all of mankind. Because his father created all of mankind. So he used individual instances to teach group lessons sometimes and when he walked the earth and huge crowds followed just to hear him, he was addressing the group. So like I said, we all see people as individuals, you conservatives talk this silly mess as a tactic to avoid having to deal with the hard conversation ALL OF US, REGARDLESS OF RACE, must have in this country.

Individuals like you only want things done on your terms. Then you want to talk that you can't force your views on me and mine mess.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

The problem with your first line is that you and yours have been imposing their views about us from day one to this moment .

Number 2, when I talk about injustice, I mean overall unjust behavior. Jesus was about all of mankind. Because his father created all of mankind. So he used individual instances to teach group lessons sometimes and when he walked the earth and huge crowds followed just to hear him, he was addressing the group. So like I said, we all see people as individuals, you conservatives talk this silly mess as a tactic to avoid having to deal with the hard conversation ALL OF US, REGARDLESS OF RACE, must have in this country.

Individuals like you only want things done on your terms. Then you want to talk that you can't force your views on me and mine mess.

I do have a view of you that I can't escape. You have a view of me that you can't escape. That's called a paradigm. Now we can each inform the other of our paradigms, but I will never be in your shoes and you will never be in mine. This seems fundamental to me.

Jesus never talked about group responsibility even to large groups. He never said, "Oh people of Israel, you must band together, every one of you give 15%, and take them to Samaria" or something. He always taught at the level of the individual--because that is how, in fact, you are saved. It is not a collective. It is individual salvation.

Last, I'm getting really tired of you telling me what I MUST do. I don't have to do a darn thing at your say-so, and you don't have to do a darn thing at mine.

Freedom is lovely
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

This is part of the problem.

IM2 points out the fact, which is not a view or opinion, that the establishment/institutions have traditionally treated, and, to this day, continue to treat the majority population in a preferential way, it is a statistical fact that is born out by social statistics research.

When tax payers pay their money into the system, the majority of the collective pool of the community money for police protection, fire protection, infrastructure repair and community reinvestment go back into communities where there are a majority of white population.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.

Humanity started in Africa, civilization started in the fertile crescent.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

The problem with your first line is that you and yours have been imposing their views about us from day one to this moment .

Number 2, when I talk about injustice, I mean overall unjust behavior. Jesus was about all of mankind. Because his father created all of mankind. So he used individual instances to teach group lessons sometimes and when he walked the earth and huge crowds followed just to hear him, he was addressing the group. So like I said, we all see people as individuals, you conservatives talk this silly mess as a tactic to avoid having to deal with the hard conversation ALL OF US, REGARDLESS OF RACE, must have in this country.

Individuals like you only want things done on your terms. Then you want to talk that you can't force your views on me and mine mess.

I do have a view of you that I can't escape. You have a view of me that you can't escape. That's called a paradigm. Now we can each inform the other of our paradigms, but I will never be in your shoes and you will never be in mine. This seems fundamental to me.

Jesus never talked about group responsibility even to large groups. He never said, "Oh people of Israel, you must band together, every one of you give 15%, and take them to Samaria" or something. He always taught at the level of the individual--because that is how, in fact, you are saved. It is not a collective. It is individual salvation.

Last, I'm getting really tired of you telling me what I MUST do. I don't have to do a darn thing at your say-so, and you don't have to do a darn thing at mine.

Freedom is lovely

Jesus was talking about the responsibility that mankind as a whole has. When he said love your neighbor, that meant it was all of mankinds responsibility.

We are both free Sue. The question is are we living according to what God says. He will make that judgement at each of our appointed times.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.

Humanity started in Africa, civilization started in the fertile crescent.

That is basically the same area.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.
View attachment 267532
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.
The ability, and willingness to discriminate has been key to our success, and survival.

How thirsty are you?

Agree. Discrimination itself is not bad...."to discern". The PC "othering" crap is nonsense. We all other; it's thinking logically. It's one of the first things babies do actually...I am me, mommy is not me. Etc.

But it's all in the's what and how you discern, and on what basis.

Othering started in 1790 when it was determined who could be a citizen of this country. Discrimination by force of law is what people refer to when they talk about discrimination. Not choosing your friends.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.

Humanity started in Africa, civilization started in the fertile crescent.
I guess that hinges on what one determines is “the beginning of civilization”. The formation of group identity? Or perhaps constructing buildings? Art? Language? Some of those are incredibly difficult to put a date on. Maybe even impossible.
This complex, was constructed supposedly before agriculture had even been established...
Inside the World's First Known Temple - 6,000 Years Older than Stonehenge
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Thank you for weighing in. There is no doubt about it: leftists will call you "racist" if you don't buy into their entire Orthodoxy. I reject it utterly and it no longer affects me at all. It never really did but anymore it's like brushing a gnat away, which is sad in a way--they have watered down a serious charge to the weight of a gnat.

In short if you don't like their big gov't schemes you are 'racist'.

It's a con.

So if someone posts the image of Congress by party, which sees more individuals rather than race?

Which one is all white men?
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.

Humanity started in Africa, civilization started in the fertile crescent.

That is basically the same area.
Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia
Single or multiple cradles
A traditional theory of the spread of civilization is that it began in the Fertile Crescent and spread out from there by influence.[13] Scholars more generally now believe that civilizations arose independently at several locations in both hemispheres. They have observed that sociocultural developments occurred along different timeframes. "Sedentary" and "nomadic" communities continued to interact considerably; they were not strictly divided among widely different cultural groups. The concept of a cradle of civilization has a focus where the inhabitants came to build cities, to create writing systems, to experiment in techniques for making pottery and using metals, to domesticate animals, and to develop complex social structures involving class systems.[4]

Current scholarship generally identifies five sites where civilization emerged independently:[6][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]

  1. Fertile Crescent
  2. Indo-Gangetic Plain
  3. North China Plain
  4. Andes
  5. Mesoamerica

I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Lol! Racism is more than using slurs.

No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.

I think you've engaged in this plenty by posting how civilization started in Africa and etc, etc, etc.

Actually the archeologists have shown proof that civilization started in Africa. And there is nothing I have said that infers racial superiority of blacks. This is part of the problem with this discussion. Those like you want to pretend an asymmetrical relationship is symmetrical. Just like you now want to hold a micro level discussion about a macro level issue.

Sure it did. I think there's little dispute over that. But then you all get into p!ssing matches about who had kings, who had this, who had that. That's superiority/inferiority.

Anyone who says "my race is superior and yours is inferior" is a racist and has a soul problem. You can't argue with that really IMO there's no use in trying. Walk away and pray for them.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

This is part of the problem.

IM2 points out the fact, which is not a view or opinion, that the establishment/institutions have traditionally treated, and, to this day, continue to treat the majority population in a preferential way, it is a statistical fact that is born out by social statistics research.

When tax payers pay their money into the system, the majority of the collective pool of the community money for police protection, fire protection, infrastructure repair and community reinvestment go back into communities where there are a majority of white population.

Yes but, other resources go back into other communities for other purposes. For example: student grants and scholarships via Affirmative Action come from taxpayers and they are given much more readily to minorities. And I'm okay with that overall, on a case by case basis.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

We all see people as individuals, how about we talk about the effects of laws and policies based on not seeing people as individuals. Laws and policies you and your family benefitted from that mine did not. Laws and policies that exist now.

That's what America has been to individuals like me. And we should not bebullied into seeing this country by the way individuals like want to force us to see.

As a Christian you should not choose to ignore continuing injustices. Jesus didn't do that.

1. You can see this country any way you want--that's freedom. You do not have the right to impose your view on me and vice versa.

2. Jesus absolutely did not come to enforce political systems on anyone: not on believers or unbelievers. He dealt on the individual level: YOU feed the hungry; YOU visit the sick; YOU tend the lonely. When you talk about "injustice" you mean political systems. In fact he outright rejected those who would force Him to operate that way.

The problem with your first line is that you and yours have been imposing their views about us from day one to this moment .

Number 2, when I talk about injustice, I mean overall unjust behavior. Jesus was about all of mankind. Because his father created all of mankind. So he used individual instances to teach group lessons sometimes and when he walked the earth and huge crowds followed just to hear him, he was addressing the group. So like I said, we all see people as individuals, you conservatives talk this silly mess as a tactic to avoid having to deal with the hard conversation ALL OF US, REGARDLESS OF RACE, must have in this country.

Individuals like you only want things done on your terms. Then you want to talk that you can't force your views on me and mine mess.

I do have a view of you that I can't escape. You have a view of me that you can't escape. That's called a paradigm. Now we can each inform the other of our paradigms, but I will never be in your shoes and you will never be in mine. This seems fundamental to me.

Jesus never talked about group responsibility even to large groups. He never said, "Oh people of Israel, you must band together, every one of you give 15%, and take them to Samaria" or something. He always taught at the level of the individual--because that is how, in fact, you are saved. It is not a collective. It is individual salvation.

Last, I'm getting really tired of you telling me what I MUST do. I don't have to do a darn thing at your say-so, and you don't have to do a darn thing at mine.

Freedom is lovely

Jesus was talking about the responsibility that mankind as a whole has. When he said love your neighbor, that meant it was all of mankinds responsibility.

We are both free Sue. The question is are we living according to what God says. He will make that judgement at each of our appointed times.

Absolutely not. Jesus expressly did not talk about "mankind" going through the narrow gate. He consistently talked about--and KNEW--that He was an individual Savior, not a collective one. I'm reading Luke right now; this is pervasive throughout all the Gospels.

The problem honestly with liberalism is it makes getting off the hook TOO EASY. If you are on the right "team", if you talk the talk, if you protest and march for the right "causes", then you are basically advocating for the money to go to the right places. Just someone's money, maybe not YOURS. And this is borne out in stats actually--liberals are not the best personal givers.

Jesus goes beyond this: He says, no, YOU give, YOU work, YOU sacrifice, YOU carry your cross every day. Honestly that's why, quietly, you see born again Christians working soup kitchens and giving things away and not saying much about it. We don't give others' time, talent, and money away. We know it's our personal obligation--and we know (believe us) how deeply we fall short.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

I see only the individual. I also feel if you voted for the Orange Virus, you don't matter anymore.

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