This forum needs a sex offender list to identify libs

gross weight

Sep 10, 2024
Some of you have already seen my lists regarding the child groomers-sexual predators here.

We need to take this one step further. There needs to be a central list of all these sick scum. These are the filth who support and promote

--child mutilation

--child sex changes

--homosexual story hour

--Biden’s documented sexual assault of children

If you approve, then tell your mod.
USMB is a safe haven for groomers.

Every groomer profile needs a label. A Scarlett Letter, if you will.

If you are caught being a groomer supporter, then your profile should where this tag

Child Groomer-Sexual Predator
USMB is a safe haven for groomers.

Every groomer profile needs a label. A Scarlett Letter, if you will.

If you are caught being a groomer supporter, then your profile should where this tag

Child Groomer-Sexual Predator
This is being done on at least one other forum I have patronized. The Groomers left because they no longer have a safe haven.
Forum cockroaches.


This forum needs a sex offender list to identify libs​

Some of you have already seen my lists regarding the child groomers-sexual predators here.
What are you talking about? You have made only one post to USMB and there has been no response (other than the one I am making now) or discussion about it. Are you out of your mind?
Some of you have already seen my lists regarding the child groomers-sexual predators here.

We need to take this one step further. There needs to be a central list of all these sick scum. These are the filth who support and promote

--child mutilation

--child sex changes

--homosexual story hour

--Biden’s documented sexual assault of children

If you approve, then tell your mod.
Thank you for posting this. These people need to be exposed. They are degenerate and morally corrupt and tearing the fabric of our founding principles of decency, ethics, and honor.
Tax dollars pay for homosexual story hour. The groomers here approve or turn a blind eye. The mods, in turn, also turn a blind eye.

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