This Guy is Going Nowhere in Democratic Party

Three strikes gainst him: heterosexual...White...male. This species is endangered in Democratis/Socialist Party.
Jeff Merkley is not on the 2020 presidential radar ... yet -

CNN is deciding who will be the next president? Again? One would think people would tire of that.
They are already attempting to overturn results of last election.

Sure they are and they will have the help of some of the Republicans because of money.

However, it's almost automatic at this point that there is a group of people who don't even bother to think beyond their name brand.
"he ate a Reuben sandwich and chatted up the waitress"

I can get onboard with that. lol

Merkley 2020. I'm giving him my support.
He will not get nomination...nor will "Crazy Joe" Biden.

You never know. I hope he does because Merkley would get my vote in 2020. I'm pretty frustrated with my party. If we nominate Booker, I will have to hold my nose the way I did for Hillary in November.

Thus proving you resist nothing. :bang3:

I resist crazy Trump, but Booker is no prize. Merkley all the way.
Merkley 2020. I'm giving him my support.
He will not get nomination...nor will "Crazy Joe" Biden.

You never know. I hope he does because Merkley would get my vote in 2020. I'm pretty frustrated with my party. If we nominate Booker, I will have to hold my nose the way I did for Hillary in November.

Thus proving you resist nothing. :bang3:

I resist crazy Trump, but Booker is no prize. Merkley all the way.

You do what your told.
Merkley 2020. I'm giving him my support.
He will not get nomination...nor will "Crazy Joe" Biden.

You never know. I hope he does because Merkley would get my vote in 2020. I'm pretty frustrated with my party. If we nominate Booker, I will have to hold my nose the way I did for Hillary in November.

Thus proving you resist nothing. :bang3:

I resist crazy Trump, but Booker is no prize. Merkley all the way.

You do what your told.

I do what I tell myself to do.
...and you're lousy speller. Are you here legally? English seems not to be one of your strong points.
They're spelling and grammar Nazis?
Are you asking us or telling us? Got a problem with punctuation, too?
That's all you have? Now back to your safe space snowflake.
It's more than you have, troll!
In all 57 states and under sniperfire?
That all you got? What happened to, who lost China? :blahblah:
Three strikes against him: heterosexual...White...male. This species is endangered in Democratic/Socialist Party. Jeff Merkley is not on the 2020 presidential radar ... yet -
Another post based on no facts. Most of the current Democratic "frontrunners" like Biden or Franken are white heterosexual males.

I believe Biden will be too old and Franken would be another Mondale.

It is better to look outside the box like what happen in 2008 and find someone less known.


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