This happened where I live

You can' shoot someone who is running away. At that point they are no longer a danger to you.
Plug a Thug

Another idiotic use of "they" with a singular. Are you afraid of excluding female thugs?

The post proves your anti-social selfishness. It's not about the victim not being in danger. It's about him letting a dangerous humanoid loose on the rest of us if he doesn't kill the thug who's running away.
Plug a Thug

Another idiotic use of "they" with a singular. Are you afraid of excluding female thugs?

The post proves your anti-social selfishness. It's not about the victim not being in danger. It's about him letting a dangerous humanoid loose on the rest of us if he doesn't kill the thug who's running away.
You are nuttier than squirrel shit.
Every Liberal Dreams of Being Raped by Some Sweaty Savage

Thug-huggers would disagree, and they make our laws for us.
OK, time to call the orderlies on you.
Do not let the pronoun thing trigger you. I think it's silly too. However, "they" has been used as a genetic pronoun for unspecified people of indeterminate sex and or numbers for a lot longer than this thing has been goin on.
He's just...batshit.
YOu can' shoot someone who is running away. At that point they are no longer a danger to you.

It's really not that hard to figure out.
True. Shoot them down while they are attempting to rob you, hitting what you aim at until you are certain they are no longer a threat.
Plug a Thug

Another idiotic use of "they" with a singular. Are you afraid of excluding female thugs?

The post proves your anti-social selfishness. It's not about the victim not being in danger. It's about him letting a dangerous humanoid loose on the rest of us if he doesn't kill the thug who's running away.
In most places, even the cops can't shoot a fleeing felon.
Your average joe can't hit shit.
You are correct about that. I qualified Expert with whatever weapon assigned (actually every weapon or weapon system I ever worked with) for over twenty years starting in Basic Training. That's a lot of weapons, everything the Armored/Armored Cavalry inventory of the day, including all tank tables, and I was a Range OIC and trainer on all of those weapons, as well. Now I only shoot pistol and AR-15. I am on a range at the very least, every three months, as I shoot, with my brother-in-law, and/or one of my sons, as he also lives in this town. The Chief (a retired CW4) another permitted carrier is equally good, maybe better, in that he practices with a greater variety of pistols on any range day, while I stick to my carry weapon the PPQ. We all shoot ARs. My son is better with his AR, but he has the eyes of a 34-year-old beyond 400 meters, though none of us would have a problem qualifying Expert by Army standards, even now. He can still unassisted ring the steel pretty consistent at 600 meters. I am thinking of mounting a scope. While steady enough, I lose definition in the weeds beyond 400. We mostly do an outdoor range, even on pistol, so practice on standing and kneeling, and firing on the move from short halt, often on multiple lanes if we have the place to ourselves, which is often the case on weekdays. You practice, to maintain your skills. What you don't use, you lose and not just with distant eyesight.
Do not let the pronoun thing trigger you. I think it's silly too. However, "they" has been used as a genetic pronoun for unspecified people of indeterminate sex and or numbers for a lot longer than this thing has been going on.
A Permissive ("Descriptive") Dictionary Is a Contradiction in Terms

The same people who say, "I ain't got no use for no grammar nohow" had been using it all along, so they shouldn't be taken seriously. And it's not being used irrationally for unspecified "people," but for one person. So you show that your thinking about number has been affected by this command economy on grammar.

The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords pushed this nonsense on us because it is literally collectivist to treat an individual as plural. But the anti-collectivists blindly use it, too, because they only criticize what their gurus tell them to criticize. The fact that both the Left and the Right media use the same retarded grammar indicates that they are in the same clique.

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