THIS is a REAL parent.


Rebelious Youngin
Oct 16, 2009
"I lie, I steal": Mom doles out unique punishment - CBS News

(CBS News)

When traditional punishment wasn't enough, one Fort Wayne, Ind. mother took a more creative route to get her son to change his ways: She made him wear a placard publicly proclaiming his crimes.

Dynesha Lax made her 14-year-old son stand on a street corner for two hours, wearing a sign that said, "I lie, I steal, I sell drugs, I don't follow the law," after saying that few hours of community service he received for his law-breaking behavior wasn't enough.

"Since he's looking for attention, we're going to get you attention," Lax said.

The sign has garnered controversy, with people split on the issue.

"Boy, that seems awfully harsh," parent Dean Vidal said to CBS station WCBS in New York.

She deserves a hand clap.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

To all the idiots who think this is "too harsh" she made the comment "the system is quick to tell me about the 300 dollar fee that comes with my sons probation but isn't doing anything to help change his behavior".

That's her job, and she's doing it.

She gets an A for trying to be the best parent she can be. America needs more people like this!:clap2:
If that is what real parents do I'm glad mine were fake. We all did fine, and there were many of us. A salute to fake parents who raise children with discipline but without the abuse of a public display of a child. Oh and our kids are doing OK too.
I wonder how many people stopped to get his phone number ?
Great advertising campaign.
Wha kina drug you B habbin dawg ?
it is easy to be a sorry parent....takes a lot of work to be a good parent,,,,,most people are too damn lazy to put the time in that a child needs
and people who have kids cant always know that their government is goiing to crash the economy and distroy their lives causing them to lose their homes and jobs and have to work three grunt jobs to survive.

That leaving them very little time with their children.

You see it does take a village to raise a child.
and people who have kids cant always know that their government is goiing to crash the economy and distroy their lives causing them to lose their homes and jobs and have to work three grunt jobs to survive.

That leaving them very little time with their children.

You see it does take a village to raise a child.

The village don't want to raise somebody elses children, if they did they would have had their own.
"I lie, I steal": Mom doles out unique punishment - CBS News

(CBS News)

When traditional punishment wasn't enough, one Fort Wayne, Ind. mother took a more creative route to get her son to change his ways: She made him wear a placard publicly proclaiming his crimes.

Dynesha Lax made her 14-year-old son stand on a street corner for two hours, wearing a sign that said, "I lie, I steal, I sell drugs, I don't follow the law," after saying that few hours of community service he received for his law-breaking behavior wasn't enough.

"Since he's looking for attention, we're going to get you attention," Lax said.

The sign has garnered controversy, with people split on the issue.

"Boy, that seems awfully harsh," parent Dean Vidal said to CBS station WCBS in New York.

She deserves a hand clap.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

To all the idiots who think this is "too harsh" she made the comment "the system is quick to tell me about the 300 dollar fee that comes with my sons probation but isn't doing anything to help change his behavior".

That's her job, and she's doing it.

She gets an A for trying to be the best parent she can be. America needs more people like this!:clap2:

She is trying. We clap for her, but what about the parent who goes too far? What is too far? Who gets to decide how parents raise their children? This is tricky.
Truthmatters, I was a working parent. My hubs and I worked out our jobs so that he worked days and I worked nights. That left a mere 2-hour window where both parents were gone.

It's not possible to get a babysitter for high school kids, the best that can be done is to have a neighbor keep an eye on them.

My kid got in trouble for skipping school. More than once. I don't like being called in to talk with the principal if it's going to make me late for work. I grounded him - and that didn't work.

So the third time I got a phone call I went to the school dressed in my oldest, saggiest, most faded pink sweatpants, the ones that were all pilled up and had paint stains on them, and my green polo shirt with the bleach and gravy stains all down the front. I found an old pair of jelly shoes, and I didn't comb my hair. I walked into the school and asked every single kid I saw, "Hi, I'm _______'s mom, I'm here to pick him up, he was supposed to be by the main entrance, have you seen him?"

His attendance improved.
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good for you.

Part of being a parent is knowing your child well enough to know what works.

We leave parents on their own in this country.

Our society is showing the rends of this non involvement
good for you.

Part of being a parent is knowing your child well enough to know what works.

We leave parents on their own in this country.

Our society is showing the rends of this non involvement

Leave parents on their own?????:eek:

:eusa_hand: Have you ever seen Child Protective Services at work?

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