THIS is a REAL parent.

If that is what real parents do I'm glad mine were fake. We all did fine, and there were many of us. A salute to fake parents who raise children with discipline but without the abuse of a public display of a child. Oh and our kids are doing OK too.

"Abuse of a public display"? Are you for real?

You haven't indicated how YOU would handle the same situation. What would you do if YOUR child were lying, stealing, doing drugs, and were constantly in trouble with the law?

A stern talking to? ...and when that doesn't work?

Do outline your process for such an ordeal. I can't wait to read it...
good for you.

Part of being a parent is knowing your child well enough to know what works.

We leave parents on their own in this country.

Our society is showing the rends of this non involvement

Leave parents on their own?????:eek:

:eusa_hand: Have you ever seen Child Protective Services at work?

that is to protect children not parents

exactly. No one helps the parents. We are weak on the assisstance and heavy on the punishment of parents. I believe the brain washing of the anti-abortion people is starting to work. Some people shouldn't have kids...period.
and people who have kids cant always know that their government is goiing to crash the economy and distroy their lives causing them to lose their homes and jobs and have to work three grunt jobs to survive.

That leaving them very little time with their children.

You see it does take a village to raise a child.

and it takes an idiot to complete a village

thanks for doing your part
many dont have the luxury of time to fully parent.

There's an easy answer to that. If you don't have the time to devote to raising children with the love, care and the dedication required...don't breed!

The PROBLEM is the commonality of finding a 14 year old kid with a 30 year old mom and no dad.

The failure of government is in not educating the mother back when SHE was making life altering teen age decisions in the back seat of a Buick.

Education. Education. Education. No bullshit. No judgement. Just accurate information on teenage actions and life changing consequences.
"I lie, I steal": Mom doles out unique punishment - CBS News

(CBS News)

When traditional punishment wasn't enough, one Fort Wayne, Ind. mother took a more creative route to get her son to change his ways: She made him wear a placard publicly proclaiming his crimes.

Dynesha Lax made her 14-year-old son stand on a street corner for two hours, wearing a sign that said, "I lie, I steal, I sell drugs, I don't follow the law," after saying that few hours of community service he received for his law-breaking behavior wasn't enough.

"Since he's looking for attention, we're going to get you attention," Lax said.

The sign has garnered controversy, with people split on the issue.

"Boy, that seems awfully harsh," parent Dean Vidal said to CBS station WCBS in New York.

She deserves a hand clap.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

To all the idiots who think this is "too harsh" she made the comment "the system is quick to tell me about the 300 dollar fee that comes with my sons probation but isn't doing anything to help change his behavior".

That's her job, and she's doing it.

She gets an A for trying to be the best parent she can be. America needs more people like this!:clap2:

Exactly what makes you believe this will be effective?

300 for probation, says he would be still doing time. Why make the payout?
This kid got the idea someplace that breaking the law, lying and drugs were acceptable. It's not from his parents, so it must be elsewhere.

Too bad we have this asinine and absurd prohibition against child labor. He might have appreciated his mother if he had to shift his ass for a bowl of rice a day.
How the hell did she get him to stand there for two hours with the placard on? Gunpoint? My kid would have thrown it to the ground and walked off. (my kid will also argue that it's raining when the sun is shinning. :rolleyes:)
(my kid will also argue that it's raining when the sun is shinning. :rolleyes:)


To all the idiots who think this is "too harsh" she made the comment "the system is quick to tell me about the 300 dollar fee that comes with my sons probation but isn't doing anything to help change his behavior".
That's how govt's look at us: As ATM machines that they can make a withdrawal from whenever they want. They're probably HOPING the kid stays in trouble.
Good for this lady, maybe she will prevent her child from slipping into the system.
This kid got the idea someplace that breaking the law, lying and drugs were acceptable. It's not from his parents, so it must be elsewhere.

Too bad we have this asinine and absurd prohibition against child labor. He might have appreciated his mother if he had to shift his ass for a bowl of rice a day.

The kid could still work, when you are fourteen you can still do all kinds of things. When I was fourteen, I made good money for a fourteen year old being an umpire and babysitting.
I am sorry, I don't want sweat shops so our children can learn a lesson.
When I was 13 I made excellent money as a waitress. I got 50 cents an hour. In a year I did well enough to get a raise to 75 cents an hour.
To all the idiots who think this is "too harsh" she made the comment "the system is quick to tell me about the 300 dollar fee that comes with my sons probation but isn't doing anything to help change his behavior".
That's how govt's look at us: As ATM machines that they can make a withdrawal from whenever they want. They're probably HOPING the kid stays in trouble.

It's guaranteed that the for profit prison contractors see his remaining in trouble as job security...
The taxpayers..? Probably not so much.​

Depends on how you define 'government'.
many dont have the luxury of time to fully parent.

That's a bullshit cop-out excuse.
Everybody has exactly 24 hours in a day, we all have the same amount of time. How we choose to spend it is solely upon each individual. I chose to parent my children and not use bullshit excuses to abdicate my responsibilities as a parent.
If that is what real parents do I'm glad mine were fake. We all did fine, and there were many of us. A salute to fake parents who raise children with discipline but without the abuse of a public display of a child. Oh and our kids are doing OK too.

So what do you suggest she do? Seriously...

What's your BIG bright idea on this one?

Ever dealt with a 14-year-old that sells drugs? Ever dealt with the criminal justice system?

There is no empathy for the plight of parents in the nation, absolutely none. This woman was totally in her right to have her child stand outside for a couple hours with a sign on his neck. Shot when I was a child if my mother had gotten wind of this idea she'd probably made me wear it to school... and call all my teachers to make sure I was wearing it.:lol:

While millions of parents across this nation let their children run the street and just simply don't care where they are (and this bullcrap excuse about jobs only works in extreme cases, YES there are FAR more parents that are just to lazy to know where they're kids are or are to busy running the streets themselves to care).... this woman not only knows where he child is but PUT him there and made him take responsibility for his actions. Instead of applauding we criticize her methods (however imperfect they may be).

I'm getting sick and tired of 17 year old girls having babies because they think they're cute and cuddly. They clothe them, feed them, and play with them till they get to be around 6 and then just start letting the "village" do all that raising stuff after that. Heck no. It takes a PARENT to raise a child. This is coming from the son of a single mother, who raised 5 children by largely herself while working two jobs at one point. Did we always do what we were supposed to? No. But she surely instilled two things in us: fear of God and fear of HER.:lol:

It kept us in line. When one of us got to be 14, he decided he wanted to go the drug dealing route too. She found some in his room, took everything out of his room including his clothes, tv, desk, etc until there was nothing but a mattress and a lamp. He was driven back and forth to school by an uncle of mine every day for the rest of that school year., and she even took him off the freshman football team. When he needed to get dress his clothes were in the downstairs closet, she picked his clothes out. We didn't have rights and opinions in my moms house, we were told what to do and did it. If she was in the house and our bedroom door was locked she had my step-dad take it off the handle. She didn't play mess. We grew up in some rough areas, and she refused to let us go the wrong direction.
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