This is great

Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says He’s Innocent

He's trashing people for not backing him....

and he is still fighting, I can not wait for this trial
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.
It is a wet dream, because you guys do this shit all the act like it's worst than the 50s......because you're full of shit.
Another reality denier
Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says He’s Innocent

He's trashing people for not backing him....

and he is still fighting, I can not wait for this trial
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.

HIs parents were political activists. He stated he was attacked by two guys in MAGA hats because we all know how common those are in liberal Chicago. And you don't think politics had anything to do with it?
Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says He’s Innocent

He's trashing people for not backing him....

and he is still fighting, I can not wait for this trial
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.

HIs parents were political activists. He stated he was attacked by two guys in MAGA hats because we all know how common those are in liberal Chicago. And you don't think politics had anything to do with it?
Obviously it involved politics - it just doesn’t have anything to do with a trend of liberals faking this shit.
Oh sure. Cops do that every day. They plant drugs on 100 people because..........because.........oh....just because when it doesn't benefit them the least, and they can end up losing their job and career.

Because they need to keep their arrest rate up and they figured these poor people living in the projects wouldn't have the resources to fight back...

and they were right. It took years to figure out what these guys were doing.

But keep believing that the cops never, ever abuse people of color and those darkies totally have it coming... because that's what you do, Ray. It makes you feel better about your own failed life.

I never said that, I'm sure there are some, but extremely few. Cops need to keep their arrest rates up? Since when? What city ever had a quota on arrest rates?

A police officer does not just arrest a person. It's a lot of work afterwards. They have to interrogate the subject, they have to fill out lengthy police reports, they have to attend the court date to testify against the accused, they have to answer to the defense lawyer(s). It's not just slap cuffs on him or her and that's the end of it. For that reason, police often try to avoid arresting people of any race.

You think I have a failed life, yet you are ant anti-semite self-hating white. You have no room to throw rocks.
Jussie Smollett “Feels Betrayed” After $100K Bail Hearing; Says He’s Innocent

He's trashing people for not backing him....

and he is still fighting, I can not wait for this trial
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.

HIs parents were political activists. He stated he was attacked by two guys in MAGA hats because we all know how common those are in liberal Chicago. And you don't think politics had anything to do with it?
Obviously it involved politics - it just doesn’t have anything to do with a trend of liberals faking this shit.

Of course it doesn't.

NYPD arrest Muslim woman who claimed attack by Trump supporters

Among the phony stories:

– An openly bisexual student at North Park University, claimed to be the target of hateful notes and emails following Trump’s election in November 2016. NBC News ran with the story. Turned out the student wrote the notes herself.

– A Philadelphia woman claimed in November 2016 that she was harassed at a gas station by white, Trump-supporting males, one of whom pulled a weapon on her. Never happened.

– An 18-year-old Muslim woman in Louisiana claimed in November 2016 that two white men, one of whom was wearing a Trump hat, attacked and robbed her. She made it up.

Fake Hate Crimes, False Narratives
HIs parents were political activists. He stated he was attacked by two guys in MAGA hats because we all know how common those are in liberal Chicago. And you don't think politics had anything to do with it?

We have a lot of MAGA-Nazis here. Unfortunately.

Among the phony stories:

So you found, what, 4 stories over the last two years?

Hate crimes are up in America's 10 largest cities. Here's why

The number of hate crimes reported in those cities totaled 1,038, up from 923 in 2016, according to the May study. In New York, nearly half of hate crimes last year were committed against Jewish people. In Los Angeles, gay men were targeted most. And in Boston the largest demographic hit by hate crimes were African Americans.
I think it is bad that he will actually be enjoying prison. He will only be there for three years, and that will three years in faggot heaven.

Dirty typical black asshole.

So let's look at that. Jason van Dyke shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times. BUt because he was a white cop, he only got six years and will probably be out in three if no one shanks him in the chow line.

So you should get a harsher sentence for filing a false police report than for actually killing a black child? That seems kind of messed up.
Juicy disparaged MILLIONS of people with his FUCKING LIE. He should get one day in a pound-me-in-the-ass prison for every person he wrongfully, fraudulently disparaged.

It should be easy. I bet Trump knows exactly how many millions of MAGA hats he has distributed.

.10,000 years should do it.
I think it is bad that he will actually be enjoying prison. He will only be there for three years, and that will three years in faggot heaven.

Dirty typical black asshole.

So let's look at that. Jason van Dyke shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times. BUt because he was a white cop, he only got six years and will probably be out in three if no one shanks him in the chow line.

So you should get a harsher sentence for filing a false police report than for actually killing a black child? That seems kind of messed up.
Juicy disparaged MILLIONS of people with his FUCKING LIE. He should get one day in a pound-me-in-the-ass prison for every person he wrongfully, fraudulently disparaged.

It should be easy. I bet Trump knows exactly how many millions of MAGA hats he has distributed.

.10,000 years should do it.
Does not even phase them.

Hate them yet?
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.
It's a conspiracy against WHITE PEOPLE accusing us ALL of being racists, an accusation which many of us have grown tired of defending, ESPECIALLY when it is a PROVEN crock of COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I don't want to hear another cocksucking word about racism. It is a lie.

There is no racism.

Shut the fuck up.

Hate them yet?

But racism, white supremacy, and oppression is a proven FUCKING lie.

There is no racism.

Nobody is being oppressed.


The next person that cries about race or white supremecy should be called a lying fucking liar.

From this point forward, I don't believe ANYTHING claimed as racial or homophobic oppression. As far as I am concerned, those doing allegedly racist or homophobic shit are co-conspirators of the multitude of asswipes pushing the intolerance narrative.

Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.
It's a conspiracy against WHITE PEOPLE accusing us ALL of being racists, an accusation which many of us have grown tired of defending, ESPECIALLY when it is a PROVEN crock of COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I don't want to hear another cocksucking word about racism. It is a lie.

There is no racism.

Shut the fuck up.

I wouldn't go so far as to say there is no racism. However, what I would say is this. There is NO "nazi" threat that is going to take over the world. The kkk is not a factor in any way shape or form. This is where they bring up Charlottesville or the church being shot up or the Temple where the Trump hater shot up Jews and the left pretended to be pro Israel for a week as they called Trump a nazi as they can never explain why Israel is naming a train station after Trump.

No, they are twisted. There is racism. I would say in a lot of ways the left are very complicate in creating the NEW RACISM. I am also sick and tired of democrats using the blacks (every minority) as political weapons and I am even more sickened by blacks allowing themselves to be used. If I was polite to blacks simply because they are black that would be me patronizing them. That, is what white liberals like moonglow do. That is their racism. They don't get that patronizing them is racism. They won't stop. They are too indoctrinated in beating down the black race by convincing them they are nothing but victims and will always be victims until America is destroyed.

Oh, there is racism. On both sides. It is just that they glorify one version of it, while the attack the more antiquated version. They know the kkk is not a problem and really has not been a problem since at least the 60s. They know it.

I have not even gotten to their racism towards whites, which they call reverse racism. When you reverse racism, it means there is no racism. They feel so loud and proud about attacking whites and I know the morons actually think whites invented slavery. Hell, they already think whites "kidnapped" blacks with nets from Africa and brought them here like that.

Most of the racism is on their side and they are doing a wonderful job of making people like me sick and tired of the black race that by and large allow themselves to be used. Their chants of racism while they are given every fucking thing is why we are all fucking tired of them. That is not racism. That is me treating them the same way I treat white liberals. If I talked to them different, I would be patronizing them.
Lol this kind of story is a wet dream for republicans. Sure, we can all agree what Smollett did was pathetic, but republicans have to take it a step further and extrapolate it as some ridiculous conspiracy from the left against Trump.
It's a conspiracy against WHITE PEOPLE accusing us ALL of being racists, an accusation which many of us have grown tired of defending, ESPECIALLY when it is a PROVEN crock of COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I don't want to hear another cocksucking word about racism. It is a lie.

There is no racism.

Shut the fuck up.

I wouldn't go so far as to say there is no racism. However, what I would say is this. There is NO "nazi" threat that is going to take over the world. The kkk is not a factor in any way shape or form. This is where they bring up Charlottesville or the church being shot up or the Temple where the Trump hater shot up Jews and the left pretended to be pro Israel for a week as they called Trump a nazi as they can never explain why Israel is naming a train station after Trump.

No, they are twisted. There is racism. I would say in a lot of ways the left are very complicate in creating the NEW RACISM. I am also sick and tired of democrats using the blacks (every minority) as political weapons and I am even more sickened by blacks allowing themselves to be used. If I was polite to blacks simply because they are black that would be me patronizing them. That, is what white liberals like moonglow do. That is their racism. They don't get that patronizing them is racism. They won't stop. They are too indoctrinated in beating down the black race by convincing them they are nothing but victims and will always be victims until America is destroyed.

Oh, there is racism. On both sides. It is just that they glorify one version of it, while the attack the more antiquated version. They know the kkk is not a problem and really has not been a problem since at least the 60s. They know it.

I have not even gotten to their racism towards whites, which they call reverse racism. When you reverse racism, it means there is no racism. They feel so loud and proud about attacking whites and I know the morons actually think whites invented slavery. Hell, they already think whites "kidnapped" blacks with nets from Africa and brought them here like that.

Most of the racism is on their side and they are doing a wonderful job of making people like me sick and tired of the black race that by and large allow themselves to be used. Their chants of racism while they are given every fucking thing is why we are all fucking tired of them. That is not racism. That is me treating them the same way I treat white liberals. If I talked to them different, I would be patronizing them.

Rule #2 applies....

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
I never said that, I'm sure there are some, but extremely few. Cops need to keep their arrest rates up? Since when? What city ever had a quota on arrest rates?

A police officer does not just arrest a person. It's a lot of work afterwards. They have to interrogate the subject, they have to fill out lengthy police reports, they have to attend the court date to testify against the accused, they have to answer to the defense lawyer(s). It's not just slap cuffs on him or her and that's the end of it. For that reason, police often try to avoid arresting people of any race.

Yeah, so funny we have so many cops busting people, planting drugs, etc.... because they can get away with it...

You think I have a failed life, yet you are ant anti-semite self-hating white. You have no room to throw rocks.

Naw, Dude. You are a failure. You live in a slum... you don't have health insurance and you can't get a better job because you are broken down, no one will hire you and you never bothered to gain any other skills in 50 years..

Which is why you need to hate on minorities.
Juicy disparaged MILLIONS of people with his FUCKING LIE. He should get one day in a pound-me-in-the-ass prison for every person he wrongfully, fraudulently disparaged.

It should be easy. I bet Trump knows exactly how many millions of MAGA hats he has distributed.

.10,000 years should do it.

So wait... hurting your feelings is worse than shooting a black kid in the back 16 times?
It's a conspiracy against WHITE PEOPLE accusing us ALL of being racists, an accusation which many of us have grown tired of defending, ESPECIALLY when it is a PROVEN crock of COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I don't want to hear another cocksucking word about racism. It is a lie.

There is no racism.

Shut the fuck up.

There's shitloads of racism, and you know it. No one is accusing all white folks of being racists, just the ones who wear MAGA hats... who think the worst thing ever was a black guy legitimately won the presidency.
It's a conspiracy against WHITE PEOPLE accusing us ALL of being racists, an accusation which many of us have grown tired of defending, ESPECIALLY when it is a PROVEN crock of COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I don't want to hear another cocksucking word about racism. It is a lie.

There is no racism.

Shut the fuck up.

There's shitloads of racism, and you know it. No one is accusing all white folks of being racists, just the ones who wear MAGA hats... who think the worst thing ever was a black guy legitimately won the presidency.
Accusing someone of racism by virtue of their wearing a MAGA hat is utter bigotry. You’re a close minded bigot.
How do you qualify a black wearing a MAGA hat of being an anti-black racist, you fucking abject moron?

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