This is hilarious...left wingers defend Sharia know, where being gay is against the law...

Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?
I am not upset about protesting sharia law in the US. No more than I not upset with those that would protest some people protesting against the imposition of some Christian sects laws in the US. It is just that the latter has happened here, and the former has not.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?
I am not upset about protesting sharia law in the US. No more than I not upset with those that would protest some people protesting against the imposition of some Christian sects laws in the US. It is just that the latter has happened here, and the former has not.

But it was always the 10 commandments in court houses

Like I said the liberals are the enemy with in
Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
I don't know what halal meat is. What type of animal does it come from.
People have to remember..........many liberals are highly naïve when it comes to this stuff. They think Sharia is some boogie makey-uppey thing promoted by the right. Their deep PCness does not allow them to recognize potential threats that can be right under their usual, its a failure to connect the dots...........

Muslims in Minnesota want sharia law in America; approve of killing those who insult Muhammad

Sharia in America: Minneapolis Offers Sharia-Compliant Loans to Muslim Business Owners - Geller Report

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
I don't know what halal meat is. What type of animal does it come from.
Google is my friend. I know now. Halal meat isn't that big of a deal to me, although there may be more humane ways to prepare meat.
Here is what the group who is conducting this protest believes (ACT):

“A practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Quran to be the word of Allah … who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day — this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen of the United States,” said Gabriel during a course at the Department of Defense’s Joint Forces Staff College in 2007.

ACT also discourages any interfaith dialogue with Muslims because they believe ALL members of the faith are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“If you or someone you know is aware of a church or synagogue involved in or considering interfaith outreach, please warn them about organizations and individuals connected to the Muslim Brotherhood,” (from a 2012 statement)
Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
Well, for example, not being against rape is at best being indifferent to it which isn't much better than being for rape. Now replaced rape with sharia law and you will understand what I mean.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
I don't know what halal meat is. What type of animal does it come from.
Google is my friend. I know now. Halal meat isn't that big of a deal to me, although there may be more humane ways to prepare meat.

Halal is an example of Sharia law.
So you support our right to be Trans? That is good to know.
Yep, you have the right to cut your dick off and take female harmones and pretend to be a woman if you like. But stay out of the girls locker room while you still have a penis.
Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
I don't know what halal meat is. What type of animal does it come from.
Google is my friend. I know now. Halal meat isn't that big of a deal to me, although there may be more humane ways to prepare meat.

Halal is an example of Sharia law.
I sure some parts of Sharia law are just fine. Care to talk female circumcision?
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

View attachment 132176

Are you in support of christian sharia law?
OK, let's go with that. WHAT the hell are you alluding to? Do we stone people to death for being apostates? Do we chop off hands of thieves? Since when did this happen? Since when did Christians do a mass decapitations in HD? Or Burn someone alive lately? Since when did Christians infiltrate a society, then crash planes and use suicide tactics to destroy it and harm innocent victims? Islam is the last bastion of the sociopath. Christians are more than not the victims of these assholes. Islam better wake the hell up, no excuses needed.
Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
Well, for example, not being against rape is at best being indifferent to it which isn't much better than being for rape. Now replaced rape with sharia law and you will understand what I mean.

The problem is - rape is a crime. It's a specific act.

"Sharia" is a body of law both civil and criminal, that is most analogous to Jewish law. It's a body of Quran-based guidance that helps Muslims live an Islamic life. Most people think only of the penal part of it, and even then - only in the way it is applied in the most extreme countries or by groups like ISIS. Even the penalties, while barbaric - require a significant amount of evidence first. Most Muslims who follow Sharia conceptually, do not think of it as a substitute for civil or criminal law. So if you are anti-Sharia - what are you actually against?

If you are against punishments like stoning, death penalty for adulterers and homosexuals - I totally agree. But I'm not too worried about it in this country because it would never pass Constitutional muster.
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
I don't know what halal meat is. What type of animal does it come from.
Google is my friend. I know now. Halal meat isn't that big of a deal to me, although there may be more humane ways to prepare meat.

Halal is an example of Sharia law.
I sure some parts of Sharia law are just fine. Care to talk female circumcision?

Sure, I'll talk about FGM. Can you show me where in the Quran it is mentioned?
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

No...the march is against the imposition of sharia in local, state and federal jurisdictions...the counter march is showing the muslims how stupid the left is.....

muslim extremists want to impose sharia in this country, as they have done in Britain, France and Germany in the enclaves they asswipes have no idea what you are doing.....

you guys are sitting there essentially supporting the nazis...while those who oppose the nazis are your enemies...
And just where in this nation has that happened, you dumb fuck? You are trying to justify your blind hatred and racism.

I don't hate anyone you stupid fuck......The U.S. Constitution is completely and utterly incompatible with sharia law......and if we don't stand against it now...we will end up with No Go Zones just like Britain and the rest of Europe.
"I don't hate anyone, you stupid fuck" What a fabulous line! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.

And I suppose anti-zionims is anti-zionism then :rolleyes-41: And no, not being anti- anything does not automatically mean you are pro-anything.

Do you have a problem with business selling halal meat?
Well, for example, not being against rape is at best being indifferent to it which isn't much better than being for rape. Now replaced rape with sharia law and you will understand what I mean.

The problem is - rape is a crime. It's a specific act.

"Sharia" is a body of law both civil and criminal, that is most analogous to Jewish law. It's a body of Quran-based guidance that helps Muslims live an Islamic life. Most people think only of the penal part of it, and even then - only in the way it is applied in the most extreme countries or by groups like ISIS. Even the penalties, while barbaric - require a significant amount of evidence first. Most Muslims who follow Sharia conceptually, do not think of it as a substitute for civil or criminal law. So if you are anti-Sharia - what are you actually against?

If you are against punishments like stoning, death penalty for adulterers and homosexuals - I totally agree. But I'm not too worried about it in this country because it would never pass Constitutional muster.

That's interesting then how did it pass German laws?

Germany Submits to Sharia Law: "A parallel justice system has established itself in Germany"

  • A German court has ruled that seven Islamists who formed a vigilante patrol to enforce Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal did not break German law and were simply exercising their right to free speech. The "politically correct" decision, which may be appealed, effectively authorizes the Sharia Police to continue enforcing Islamic law in Wuppertal.

  • The self-appointed "Sharia Police" distributed leaflets which established a "Sharia-controlled zone" in Wuppertal. The men urged both Muslim and non-Muslim passersby to attend mosques and to refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, music, pornography and prostitution.

  • Critics say the cases — especially those in which German law has taken a back seat to Sharia law — reflect a dangerous encroachment of Islamic law into the German legal system.

  • In June 2013, a court in Hamm ruled that anyone who contracts marriage according to Islamic law in a Muslim country and later seeks a divorce in Germany must abide by the original terms established by Sharia law. The landmark ruling effectively legalized the Sharia practice of "triple-talaq," obtaining a divorce by reciting the phrase "I divorce you" three times.

  • A growing number of Muslims in Germany are consciously bypassing German courts altogether and instead are adjudicating their disputes in informal Sharia courts, which are proliferating across the country.

  • "If the rule of law fails to establish its authority and demand respect for itself, then it can immediately declare its bankruptcy." — Franz Solms-Laubach, Bild's parliamentary correspondent.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Yep...the left is supporting a system of law that beats women, and stones gays.....

sharia is everything the left lies about christianity about...but they embrace it....because they are insane....

This is what the left wing is defending......

Sharia - Wikipedia

Criminal cases[edit]
A confession, an oath, or the oral testimony of Muslim witnesses are the main evidence admissible, in sharia courts, for hudud crimes, that is the religious crimes of adultery, fornication, rape, accusing someone of illicit sex but failing to prove it, apostasy, drinking intoxicants and theft.[105][106][107][108] Testimony must be from at least two free Muslim male witnesses, or one Muslim male and two Muslim females, who are not related parties and who are of sound mind and reliable character. Testimony to establish the crime of adultery, fornication or rape must be from four Muslim male witnesses, with some fiqhs allowing substitution of up to three male with six female witnesses; however, at least one must be a Muslim male.[109] Forensic evidence (i.e., fingerprints, ballistics, blood samples, DNA etc.) and other circumstantial evidence is likewise rejected in hudud cases in favor of eyewitnesses, a practice which can cause severe difficulties for women plaintiffs in rape cases.[110][111]

Muslim jurists have debated whether and when coerced confession and coerced witnesses are acceptable.[citation needed] In the Ottoman Criminal Code, the executive officials were allowed to use torture only if the accused had a bad reputation and there were already indications of his guilt, such as when stolen goods were found in his house, if he was accused of grievous bodily harm by the victim or if a criminal during investigation mentioned him as an accomplice.[112] Confessions obtained under torture could not be used as a ground for awarding punishment unless they were corroborated by circumstantial evidence.[112]
So, the same bunch who are constantly whining about blacks being considered 3/5ths a person over 150 years ago are now fully supportive of a religion that considers women less than half a man? OhhhhKaaayy.

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