This is hilarious...left wingers defend Sharia know, where being gay is against the law...

There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

No...the march is against the imposition of sharia in local, state and federal jurisdictions...the counter march is showing the muslims how stupid the left is.....

muslim extremists want to impose sharia in this country, as they have done in Britain, France and Germany in the enclaves they asswipes have no idea what you are doing.....

you guys are sitting there essentially supporting the nazis...while those who oppose the nazis are your enemies...
And just where in this nation has that happened, you dumb fuck? You are trying to justify your blind hatred and racism.

Here you have a left winger trying to apply sharia law to their banking ass....

Major U.S. city poised to implement Islamic law

Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Ed Murray was so concerned that Muslims and other residents weren’t buying enough homes in his city that he had a committee investigate how that could be rectified.

One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.

Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.

The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” said Murray, at a recent press conference.

“More and more lenders are offering Shariah-compliant financing, according to a USA Today report,” the Journal reports. “The sector has grown to more than $1.6 trillion in assets worldwide over the past three decades, and analysts see potential for continued growth as the number of Muslims in the United States and Europe grows.”
We support religious freedom too.....shari does not allow religious opposes guys support those who oppose peaceful coexistence...and you don't even see are defending the nazis.......and attacking those who oppose the nazis...
The regressives have decided to defend a religion that treats women as second-class citizens and gays even below that.

That's how fucked up their ideology is. Look at the atrocities for which they have to spin and deflect.

It's incredible to watch.

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
Here's an answer from a REAL liberal, a guy who puts his life on the line every single day.

How about YOU answer in your words instead of repeatedly posting the same imagery?

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
The regressives have decided to defend a religion that treats women as second-class citizens and gays even below that.

That's how fucked up their ideology is. Look at the atrocities for which they have to spin and deflect.

It's incredible to watch.

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
Here's an answer from a REAL liberal, a guy who puts his life on the line every single day.

How about YOU answer in your words instead of repeatedly posting the same imagery?

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
Who is defending the religion overall? The Regressive Left. Thousands of posts, all over this board. The same people who attack Christians at every opportunity.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.
Look at this one: Why be a liberal?

You can't make this shit up.
I defend religious freedom, Mac in the middle, not religious laws.

We support religious freedom too.....shari does not allow religious opposes guys support those who oppose peaceful coexistence...and you don't even see are defending the nazis.......and attacking those who oppose the nazis...
The regressives have decided to defend a religion that treats women as second-class citizens and gays even below that.

That's how fucked up their ideology is. Look at the atrocities for which they have to spin and deflect.

It's incredible to watch.
Well Mac, I grew up in a family that was very conservative Evangelical. No dancing, no socializing with people not of the same faith, no listening to rock music, and women were to be subserviant to their husbands, no matter what. Now, even now, I would not outlaw those sects. And I feel the same way about Islam, I disagree with most of it's tenants, but the choice is that of the individual, not the state.
Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Ed Murray was so concerned that Muslims and other residents weren’t buying enough homes in his city that he had a committee investigate how that could be rectified.
One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.

Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.

The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” said Murray, at a recent press conference.

“More and more lenders are offering Shariah-compliant financing, according to a USA Today report,” the Journal reports. “The sector has grown to more than $1.6 trillion in assets worldwide over the past three decades, and analysts see potential for continued growth as the number of Muslims in the United States and Europe grows.”
I fail to see the problem? .... :dunno:

It's just a way to restructure the home loan in order to meet muslim religious requirements.

Many banks and financial institutions already offer the service to muslim home buyers. It just makes good business sense. .... :cool:
Last edited:
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

No...the march is against the imposition of sharia in local, state and federal jurisdictions...the counter march is showing the muslims how stupid the left is.....

muslim extremists want to impose sharia in this country, as they have done in Britain, France and Germany in the enclaves they asswipes have no idea what you are doing.....

you guys are sitting there essentially supporting the nazis...while those who oppose the nazis are your enemies...
And just where in this nation has that happened, you dumb fuck? You are trying to justify your blind hatred and racism.

Here you have a left winger trying to apply sharia law to their banking ass....

Major U.S. city poised to implement Islamic law

Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Ed Murray was so concerned that Muslims and other residents weren’t buying enough homes in his city that he had a committee investigate how that could be rectified.

One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.

Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.

The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” said Murray, at a recent press conference.

“More and more lenders are offering Shariah-compliant financing, according to a USA Today report,” the Journal reports. “The sector has grown to more than $1.6 trillion in assets worldwide over the past three decades, and analysts see potential for continued growth as the number of Muslims in the United States and Europe grows.”

That's exactly the kind of example that is being mischarecterized.

There is no "law" being made requiring banks to do this. In areas with large Muslim communities - they want to increase home buying and are looking into ways to do that by getting together with banks and such to discuss ideas.

In fact, it's the banking equivalent of the food industry offering Kosher or Halal items. Do you consider private business' offering Kosher or Halal as examples of religious law being brought into our legal system?
Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
Here's an answer from a REAL liberal, a guy who puts his life on the line every single day.

How about YOU answer in your words instead of repeatedly posting the same imagery?

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
Who is defending the religion overall? The Regressive Left. Thousands of posts, all over this board. The same people who attack Christians at every opportunity.

Or are they defending RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? There's good stuff and crap stuff in all religions - you can defend the good, and attack the crap - or, say it's all crap but support their right to follow the crap in this country where religious freedom is an important foundation.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Im laughing..........if liberals think we are ever going to even get close to THIS >>

Then they really are mental cases and need to be treated as domestic terrorists.....and they will be treated as such.
Here's an answer from a REAL liberal, a guy who puts his life on the line every single day.

How about YOU answer in your words instead of repeatedly posting the same imagery?

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
Who is defending the religion overall? The Regressive Left. Thousands of posts, all over this board. The same people who attack Christians at every opportunity.

Or are they defending RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? There's good stuff and crap stuff in all religions - you can defend the good, and attack the crap - or, say it's all crap but support their right to follow the crap in this country where religious freedom is an important foundation.
I would agree with you if I saw anything approaching balance.

Instead, what I see is a non-stop assault on any and every Christian value, and a non-stop defense of every Islamic action. On USMB alone, insult after insult after insult of Christians, and consistent, passionate defense of Islam, no matter what.

And I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way. But this is blatant and obvious. The Left has clearly made a choice.

Great. The Left can live with it.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.

So are you saying Mexicans all assimilated in the US and we didn't see assnine people making kids take off their America T shirts and crap so not to offend a Mexican?

There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?
Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.

So are you saying Mexicans all assimilated in the US and we didn't see assnine people making kids take off their America T shirts and crap so not to offend a Mexican?


Let's refresh your memory...

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

2a and Sunni, I see no difference between you two. Switch labels, and your attitudes and prejudices would be the same, just different labels.
Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
An anti-sharia protest is not is protesting the attempts to push sharia law in this country...and it is it happened in Europe......
Who has pushed Sharia Law in this country?

Show me an instance
Where are they defending Sharia? :dunno:

The march isn't about Sharia. It's just anti-muslim march. That's like saying people who object to the KKK marching are defending racism.

We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?
I am not upset about protesting sharia law in the US. No more than I not upset with those that would protest some people protesting against the imposition of some Christian sects laws in the US. It is just that the latter has happened here, and the former has not.
How about YOU answer in your words instead of repeatedly posting the same imagery?

Who's defending the treatment of women as second class citizens or the abuse of gays, Mac? Maybe you can provide a link?

Or - are you confusing defending religious freedom with defending illegal actions done in the name of religion?
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
Who is defending the religion overall? The Regressive Left. Thousands of posts, all over this board. The same people who attack Christians at every opportunity.

Or are they defending RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? There's good stuff and crap stuff in all religions - you can defend the good, and attack the crap - or, say it's all crap but support their right to follow the crap in this country where religious freedom is an important foundation.
I would agree with you if I saw anything approaching balance.

Instead, what I see is a non-stop assault on any and every Christian value, and a non-stop defense of every Islamic action. On USMB alone, insult after insult after insult of Christians, and consistent, passionate defense of Islam, no matter what.

And I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way. But this is blatant and obvious. The Left has clearly made a choice.

Great. The Left can live with it.

I agree, there are a lot of attacks on Christians - but a lot of defenders as well. I see very few defenders of Muslims, and those that do are dog piled. How many anti-Muslim threads do you see on USMB compared to anti-Christian threads? And most of those are by the same predictable individuals.

Shouldn't we fight against broad brushing instead of labeling those who do "regressives"?
We got rid of the KKK that wanted to kill people, you are promoting bringing them back under another form.


Where am I promoting anything of the kind? :dunno:

Sounds like you are..

Sharia judicial proceedings have significant differences from other legal traditions, including those in bothcommon law and civil law. Sharia courts traditionally do not rely on lawyers;plaintiffs and defendants represent themselves. Trials are conducted solely by the judge, and there is no jury system. There is no pre-trial discovery process, and no cross-examination of witnesses. Unlike common law, judges' verdicts do not set binding precedents[95][96] under the principle of stare decisis,[97] and unlike civil law, sharia is left to the interpretation in each case and has no formally codified universal statutes.[98]

The rules of evidence in sharia courts also maintain a distinctive custom of prioritizing oral testimony.[99] Witnesses, in a sharia court system, must be faithful, that is Muslim.[100] Male Muslim witnesses are deemed more reliable than female Muslim witnesses, and non-Muslim witnesses considered unreliable and receive no priority in a sharia court.[101][102] In civil cases in some countries, a Muslim woman witness is considered half the worth and reliability than a Muslim man witness.[103][104] In criminal cases, women witnesses are unacceptable in stricter, traditional interpretations of sharia, such as those found in Hanbali madhhab.[100]

Really, really stupid. Nobody is going to institute sharia law in the US.
Then why be upset against protesting against sharia law?

Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".
Anti-sharia is anti-sharia. Those that are not anti-sharia are defecto for sharia.
You'll notice I have never used the term "defending". Ever. You're more than welcome to provide a link if I'm wrong.

I say "spin" and "deflect", and there are thousands of examples on this board, for anyone who is honest.

I agree with the honest liberal above, a guy who puts his life on the line every day. You can disagree to your heart's content.

You just did earlier - when you said regressives are defending a religion that so on and so forth. It's there in your words.

So who is defending those things?
Who is defending the religion overall? The Regressive Left. Thousands of posts, all over this board. The same people who attack Christians at every opportunity.

Or are they defending RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? There's good stuff and crap stuff in all religions - you can defend the good, and attack the crap - or, say it's all crap but support their right to follow the crap in this country where religious freedom is an important foundation.
I would agree with you if I saw anything approaching balance.

Instead, what I see is a non-stop assault on any and every Christian value, and a non-stop defense of every Islamic action. On USMB alone, insult after insult after insult of Christians, and consistent, passionate defense of Islam, no matter what.

And I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way. But this is blatant and obvious. The Left has clearly made a choice.

Great. The Left can live with it.

I agree, there are a lot of attacks on Christians - but a lot of defenders as well. I see very few defenders of Muslims, and those that do are dog piled. How many anti-Muslim threads do you see on USMB compared to anti-Christian threads? And most of those are by the same predictable individuals.

Shouldn't we fight against broad brushing instead of labeling those who do "regressives"?
Well, when you redifine anti-sharia as being anti Muslim, that means there will be a lot more anti-Muslim threads from your perspective.

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