This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:

Jared Kushner will be the next one to be indicted. That's going to put Trump on a Valium/Maalox-blend drip and hopefully, rather than give up his money-laundering operations, will resign and the whole trashy bunch will go back to their rotting Tower in Manhattan.
I'm gonna write this down. Feed it back to you.
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

I was just going to say, they're probably going to initiate another gigantic sub-prime mortgage market again and then, rinse, repeat and .....Ooops! Too big to fail.
Fuck Trump.
And the stupid, idiotic motherfuckers who voted for him.

Too big to fail was the bushies, and your hero, the obummers mantra. Remember, they love each other, and they love them their wealthy contributors. The poor and the middle class though? Well, based on clear evidence from the past, they just want their votes. After that they smell too much to hang around.

You and Trump, got such a whanker for Obama, don't you? It just eats you out that he had 8 great years and makes Trump look like the POS that he is.

What I find amusing is you think 1.5% GDP growthg was "great", and you accepted your hero, the obummers assertion that that was the best we could ever hope to expect to see again, and trump comes in and even with overwhelming propaganda directed at him he blows your hero, the obummers GDP gains out of the water. In less than a year trump has enacted policies that have allowed us to get back to 3% GDP growth that your hero the obummer was trying to halt.

You have to ask yourself why was your hero, the obummer, trying to destroy the US economy? Was it because he hates you, or was it because he was stupid and incompetent?
Wow, are you so stupid as to not understand that a unemployment benefit is not a bonus?

No, moron.....all i'm telling you is that Obama did NOT hand out bonuses for rich people (your orange fuck head sure has)..........Obama was facing a DEPRESSION and took care of the less fortunate and unemployed.....

Now, either simple reading comprehension escapes you OR, you're just a moronic liar on here looking for some attention.
And you still ignore the fact that under your hero, the obummer, it was only the rich who got bonuses. Hypocrite much?

Unless you wanted an all-out wanna-be dictator (like Trump)....This is what Obama DID do....................Want to venture a wild guess if the orange charlatan will do the same? .....
(tell me if you want MORE citations to prove you're a lying idiot.)

Obama imposes limits on executive pay - Business - US business ...

Obama plan limits bonuses, golden parachutes - ABC News

Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St. Bonuses - The New York ...

Forbid companies in bankruptcy from giving executives bonuses

It was your hero, the obummer, who was acting like the dictator. Almost all of trumps EO's have countermanded your hero, the obummers, illegal EO's. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that what your hero, the obummer, was doing was illegal, or did you simply not care because he was doing things that you as a statist agreed with so were willing to allow him his dictatorial ways?
Wow, are you so stupid as to not understand that a unemployment benefit is not a bonus?

No, moron.....all i'm telling you is that Obama did NOT hand out bonuses for rich people (your orange fuck head sure has)..........Obama was facing a DEPRESSION and took care of the less fortunate and unemployed.....

Now, either simple reading comprehension escapes you OR, you're just a moronic liar on here looking for some attention.

Your hero the obummer did nothing, moron. The unemployment benefits is money that the unemployed workers had ALREADY paid in to the system. What the obummer did was force the companies to continue paying into the system long after they were supposed to stop. He INCREASED the misery and that was borne out by the fact that manufacturing jobs were fleeing this country.

As I said, you really are that stupid.
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

I was just going to say, they're probably going to initiate another gigantic sub-prime mortgage market again and then, rinse, repeat and .....Ooops! Too big to fail.
Fuck Trump.
And the stupid, idiotic motherfuckers who voted for him.

Too big to fail was the bushies, and your hero, the obummers mantra. Remember, they love each other, and they love them their wealthy contributors. The poor and the middle class though? Well, based on clear evidence from the past, they just want their votes. After that they smell too much to hang around.

You and Trump, got such a whanker for Obama, don't you? It just eats you out that he had 8 great years and makes Trump look like the POS that he is.

What I find amusing is you think 1.5% GDP growthg was "great", and you accepted your hero, the obummers assertion that that was the best we could ever hope to expect to see again, and trump comes in and even with overwhelming propaganda directed at him he blows your hero, the obummers GDP gains out of the water. In less than a year trump has enacted policies that have allowed us to get back to 3% GDP growth that your hero the obummer was trying to halt.

You have to ask yourself why was your hero, the obummer, trying to destroy the US economy? Was it because he hates you, or was it because he was stupid and incompetent?

Where did I say that? You're lying, I never said anything like this.
Hey, "MOD", in case you didn't notice, this thread is about the Big Banks tax breaks under Trump?
Follow the rules.
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

Hmmm, let's see here. Under your hero obummer, the only people who got bonuses were the wealthy bankers and stock market manipulators. Under trump hundreds of thousands of the rank and file workers are getting bonuses. Who to support......Hmmm...

You think those bonuses weren't already planned? No company makes the decision for that size expenditure at the last minute. The bonuses are nothing more than doing what they had already decided to do, but giving Trump credit as a thank you for massive tax breaks
What I find amusing is you think 1.5% GDP growthg was "great"

STOP your fucking lying, moron.....

This is the GDP growth under Obama facing 800,000 new unemployment claims per month under GWB and virtual bankruptcy by both banks and auto industries..


Trump has no self-control and just couldn't wait to get down to Mar A Lago and tell his 1% friends:

Trump tells Mar-a-Lago guests: 'You all just got a lot richer' | New York ...
7 hours ago - Trump made the announcement during a dinner at Mar-a-Lago – the “Winter White House” – on Friday evening, boasting to his fellow one-percenters that the “biggest in history” tax cut he signed earlier in the day would make them even wealthier, CBS reported, citing people sitting near the president's table ...
“You All Just Got a Lot Richer,” Trump Tells Friends at Mar-a-Lago ...
3 hours ago - But the president has repeatedly belied that fact as he'splugged the policy, even claiming on a call to Senate Democrats that his accountant told him he would “get killed” as a result of the legislation. “The deal is so bad for rich people, I had to throw in the estate tax just to give them something,” he added.
TRUMP tells people at Mar-a-Lago that they just got 'a lot richer' from ...
6 hours ago - QUOTE DU JOUR -- OFF MESSAGE: CBS News' Katie Watson: “President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, 'You all just got a lot richer,' referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those ...
Trump told friends at Mar-a-Lago 'you all just got a lot richer' after tax ...
9 hours ago - President Trump reportedly told friends at his Mar-a-Lagoresort in Florida just hours after he signed the GOP tax bill that they all just got wealthier. ... Democrats, though, have argued that the largest benefitswill go to wealthy Americans like the president. — This report was updated at 9:39 a.m..
the obummer, was doing was illegal,

Go on, then, convince your orange douche-bag to bring CHARGES against Obama (and also ask him what ever happened to those private investigators he sent to Hawaii..... they should be well rested and tanned by now.............LOL
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

Hmmm, let's see here. Under your hero obummer, the only people who got bonuses were the wealthy bankers and stock market manipulators. Under trump hundreds of thousands of the rank and file workers are getting bonuses. Who to support......Hmmm...

You think those bonuses weren't already planned? No company makes the decision for that size expenditure at the last minute. The bonuses are nothing more than doing what they had already decided to do, but giving Trump credit as a thank you for massive tax breaks

Some of these corporations are in negotiations for massive mergers or are being scrutinized by the DOJ for anti-trust matters, so this demonstration of generosity is meant to kiss Trump's ass and curry favor.
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

Don't I Know It!!!!!!
And thank God he signed the tax bill into law before the year end!!!!

Thank you Mr Trump for making me boat loads of money!!!!

I take it you haven't fared as well matthew.
the obummer, was doing was illegal,

Go on, then, convince your orange douche-bag to bring CHARGES against Obama (and also ask him what ever happened to those private investigators he sent to Hawaii..... they should be well rested and tanned by now.............LOL

If Trump could, he would. He's got such a massive hard-on of green-eyed jealosy of Obama he tears the zipper in every pair of size 58"-waist trousers that he owns.
Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) | Twitter

This is how much the big banks WON'T pay in taxes next year thanks to the #GOPTaxScam:
Goldman Sachs $1 billion
Bank of America $3.5 billion
Citigroup $1.4 billion
JP Morgan $3.3 billion
Morgan Stanley $833 million
Wells Fargo $3.7 billion
PNC $704 million
US Bancorp $766 million

11:22 AM - Dec 23, 2017
Obscene is the only word. Let the great unwashed eat their cake crumbs. But only for 8 years,
then the engorged Banks can feed them.

Are these not the very same banks the taxpayers rescued at great risk to OUR Treasury?
Ungrateful fucks.

I would much rather they have the money than these stupid government bureaucrats, wouldn't you? The government just waste money like giving it to welfare queens, illegals and Muslim refugees.

If you don't think the filthy ass government is getting enough money then send in a little extra to the Treasury. Until them STFU.
If you don't think the filthy ass government is getting enough money then send in a little extra to the Treasury. Until them STFU. "original" Flashie.....Did you think of that "brilliant" retort all by yourself?.........
Run out of crosses to burn?
Will the south rise again?

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