This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?
That is because you "normal people" are mentally deficient.

That is as bad an analogy as you could ever dream up.
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?

I think I've seen those folks on man on the street interviews and like most regressivecrats they didn't have a clue about anything. I see why the OP likes them, birds of a feather and all.
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?


Yeah right. Progressive logic also would say that conservatives would say...

Pressure cookers don't cause mutilation and death, explosions cause mutilation and death.

Cars don't cause mutilation and death, accidents cause mutilation and death.

Knives don't cause mutilation and death, slashing someone with one causes mutilation and death.

So let's have it your progressive way and make it mandatory for cars, knives, and pressure cookers, etc, etc, etc,... to be totally restricted items that require background checks, training, a license, serial numbers, etc, etc, etc,... to purchase. Oh!!!!! Let's not forget to limit the types of these products that can be produced for purchase.


"If only he'd had a gin and tonic before he drove off, then he woulda been safe against that drunk driver" :rofl:

That's my fave.
"If only he'd had a gin and tonic before he drove off, then he woulda been safe against that drunk driver" :rofl:

That's my fave.


We can always reestablish the 21st Amendment if that's what you want.



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