Zone1 This is one way to get the Jehovah's Witness boys to leave you alone.

I'm always polite at first, and tell them I respect their beliefs, but I have my own beliefs, and they won't change my mind any more than I will change theirs. If they don't leave then, I'll ask them to do the Hokey Pokey with me, or sing I did it my way, or stare at their ass and rub my junk.
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In the town I moved away from, the Mormons were merciless. One jerk stood at my door arguing his legal right to be on my property after I had told him to leave, and only left when I grabbed my phone and started dialing 911. Police got a lot of complaints and I got a big dog and a sign explaining his preferred diet.


all you have to do is put up a "no trespassing" sign...they will not violate civil laws...i worked with a jw and she told me this....havent had one in years with the no trespassing sign...why make it hard?

The article said they had never seen a naked woman. LOL! That has to be a shocker. I bet they don't go to her door again.
Nah, the elders will go and try to purify her while sinning…

I just tell them I am Lucifer and will only welcome them in if they offer their souls to me and for some reason they walk away looking like they want to burn me at the stake!
Years ago we had 4 friends living within 2 blocks of each other. If one got caught by the JW, we called the other 3 to warn them.

I did learn one trick though. If I answered the door with our 6' python around my neck, the JWs suddenly didn't seem as worried about my soul.
Were you eating an apple when you carried the serpent to the door? LOL
That woman better be careful. Those two guys could make a legal case against her worth millions, if they were willing to do it.

the only thing there is a criminal, not a civil case.. public indecency or whatever they call it nowadays
I have a WAY better (and legal ) way

Just tell them that you are Catholic (whether that is true or not doesn't matter vis a vis getting rid of JWs)

and that there's no way in Hell you are going to convert because you have read the entire Bible and know that the CC is the Church Christ founded and that the JWs didn't come along until the 1800s so it couldn't be the original Church.

Again, it doesn't matter whether you believe that or not

I have found it makes JWs either leave immediately --or once again offer you one of their pc of literature.. and then leave when you say Forget it or words to that effect
all you have to do is put up a "no trespassing" sign...they will not violate civil laws...i worked with a jw and she told me this....havent had one in years with the no trespassing sign...why make it hard?
some don't see Trying to save souls

as trespassing?

or No Soliciting

just sayin
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I had a handmade sign on my door saying "Day Sleeper - Do Not Disturb". They routinely ignored it.

Waking me up after I worked all night is NOT the way to save my soul or bring out the polite side of me.

If these were true hardcore Jehovah Witnesses, they are deeply religious and pious. Seeing a naked woman chasing them yelling about her devil pussy could literally be a trauma to them that could disrupt their lives and religious purity and aspirations for years, if not longer. A good lawyer could sue her for millions for causing these two guys a lifetime of trauma and disruption to their spiritual piety.

Of course, I wouldn't expect a legal system as debauched as ours to place much value on a lifetime of spiritual effort.

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