This Is Reason Number One Why socialism ALWAYS Fails


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Always. Not most of the time. Not 90% of the time. Not even 99% of the time.

100% of the time every time.

Why, you ask?

Just look around and what's going on today. Look at the moaning and crying and the refusal by leftists to accept the FACT that they were beaten fair and square by Donald J Trump.

Not only do they refuse to accept it, they are staying on offense. Whatever. They is what they is.

Got it yet?

Okay, I'll tell you --

Once they run out of hate, they got nothing.

Once they take control, total control is all they'll accept, once they have that? They got nothing.

If dimocraps didn't have Trump to whine and cry about, they'd be whining and crying about something or somebody else.

Go ahead, give them what they want.

If you want to treat them like the children they are, give them what they want just to shut them up. It will temporarily.

Until they discover what I already know --

They got nothing.

It happens everywhere leftists take control. Everywhere.

Let them have control. And your children will curse you and spit on your graves for all of eternity.

Or not.

I choose 'not'.

Which is one of the things that sets Americans apart from the Europeans we fled hundreds of years ago. We actually care about our children, and their children. and the children that follow them.
Nobody else sees this?

Nobody else sees the absolute HATE emanating from the dimocrap scum party and the entire media/leftist complex?

Maybe we're doomed to repeat the failures of Venezuela, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba and somewhere around 42 other Countries.

At what point do you have to stop and say, "These motherfuckers are insane"

Right about now would be good

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