This is sad beyond words...

I just pray she can rest in peace or her soul gets a second chance. Not sure how the afterlife works, but I know there is one of some sort.

I'm sure the father will never have a good night sleep ever again. I know I wouldn't.

Dad publicly humiliates his daughter...she kills herself. LINK

Sad beyond words.

Cutting off her hair was a very intimate punishment. For a girl that age, her long hair was an important part of her self image and identity. He was bullying her.

The father asks, "Was it worth it?"

Surely he is asking himself the same thing now.

I believe there are people who truly hate and despise their children. If they didn't, they would not do this.

Parents would do well to remember when they were that age.
Because kids use the social media to act out, parents think it is a acceptable to make their punishment as social. It is not. Making an example of your child for all the world to see is a humiliation that could haunt your child for years. Take their computers away, take their keys away, ground them, but don't embarrass them in front of the whole earth. That punishment may far outweigh their crime. I'll bet that dad would give his life to be able to put his arms around her again. Heartbreaking.
Dad publicly humiliates his daughter...she kills herself. LINK

Sad beyond words.
"Based on eight notes Izabel left behind before she died, investigators believe she took her own life because she was ashamed of her own actions on social media and worried the photo she’d sent to a boy would haunt her for the rest of her life."
from link provided by Mr H
In one note, Cool said, Izabel told her father how much she loved him and that he wasn’t to blame for her death.
Are you really suggesting that cutting her hair caused her to commit suicide?

The news story I saw implied it also.

Reports afterwards exposed "liberties" the so called "journalists" took when reporting the story.

It's a tragedy, and it looks like some leftist slugs took an opportunity to condemn a grieving father for his discipline technique when it wasn't part of the issue.


Never believe a "journalist" unless they're trying to sell you a used car.

When the link fails to speculate about the family's religious orientation you can bet your ass that they aren't Christians.
When the link fails to speculate about the family's religious orientation you can bet your ass that they aren't Christians.
Philippino name... Odds are about 8:1 she was Catholic. The Philippines is 81% Roman Catholic and 11% Muslim. The rest are mostly Protestants of varied denominations.
What I would like to know is what made that man think that his doing such a thing was going to make any kind of difference. I mean what made his think that people would actually care about how he chooses to punish his children when its really no one else's business anyways!

God bless you always!!!

What I would like to know is what made that man think that his doing such a thing was going to make any kind of difference. I mean what made his think that people would actually care about how he chooses to punish his children when its really no one else's business anyways!

God bless you always!!!


That's not what happened according to authorities. It's another case of a tragedy that's misreported online.

Tacoma Police Department spokeswoman Loretta Cool said Izabel’s father never posted the video online, but sent a copy to his daughter so she could have a reminder of the consequences for misbehaving. According to police, Izabel’s parents did not want her using social media and cut her hair after she was caught sending a suggestive photo to a boy.

Police say it was Izabel who shared video of the punishment with several of her friends.

Tacoma Public Schools said it became aware of the video on May 27 and that Izabel was given counseling at school on the morning of her suicide.

It wasn’t until later that day, after Izabel jumped from the South 48th Street overpass, that police say a friend posted the video to YouTube. It now has more than 4 million views.

Based on eight notes Izabel left behind before she died, investigators believe she took her own life because she was ashamed of her own actions on social media and worried the photo she’d sent to a boy would haunt her for the rest of her life.

In one note, Cool said, Izabel told her father how much she loved him and that he wasn’t to blame for her death.

In addition to rumors about whether the video contributed to her death, classmates said Izabel was being bullied at school and was upset because she couldn’t participate in student government.
^^^ Still, for those who have shared such things with the world concerning their kids, what are they wanting the rest of us to do about it when its not our business what goes on between them and their kids? How does letting the world know what's going on teach the child a lesson? If anything, they will only be doing their child a favor because the child can then see opportunity to take advantage of the situation if they were to all of a suddenly have people's attention. I know this because it is what I would do if I were such a position. If all eyes were on me for whatever reason, I would then take the opportunity to tell the world about my most favorite singer, James Otto and my most favorite actor Matt Passmore. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ Still, for those who have shared such things with the world concerning their kids, what are they wanting the rest of us to do about it when its not our business what goes on between them and their kids? How does letting the world know what's going on teach the child a lesson? If anything, they will only be doing their child a favor because the child can then see opportunity to take advantage of the situation if they were to all of a suddenly have people's attention. I know this because it is what I would do if I were such a position. If all eyes were on me for whatever reason, I would then take the opportunity to tell the world about my most favorite singer, James Otto and my most favorite actor Matt Passmore. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


Well you're right, I don't know why people put their lives online at all., least of all what should be private stuff.

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