This Is Socialism...The New Zealand govt. is now taking babies from parents that don’t want vaccinated blood pumped into their baby

I am long past the stage where I have any empathy or sympathy with the Gullible and Compliant .

If you cannot or are unable to find out the truth about the most important matter that has ever faced our species , you can rot in your own future mess as far as I am concerned .

One of the first groups who kicked off world wide studies in this research area was La Quinta Columna .
Start there . If you are too lazy or just complacent I could not care less .

Neither am I here to teach , educate or rescue you . DYOR .
Funny I was thinking the exact same thing about you! At least we have that in common.

Just make sure that your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking points download cable is firmly connected. You don't want to be separated from all of the other parishioners in your branch of The Church Of The Holy Glowing Rectangle!

Yes yes, you stick with the worst lying scumbag give away to the rich total BS propaganda machine in the history of our country, ignoramus.
With YOU being the arbiter of right and wrong.

Fuck you and every control freak who thinks like you. YOU are the American Taliban
your TV station, the only one in the world, is owned by proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Then you have Internet conspiracy nut jobs lol. I think we'll go with every journalistic news outlet in the entire world. Your media defends itself in court successfully by arguing that no reasonable person would believe such garbage lol you are an absolute idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot.
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That's what we want to see! We want to see you get absolutely livid with anger because there's something in the world that your sorry little leftist ass can't control.


Best theater in town! We love it.

Politics as garbage lying entertainment... great job. Poor America

Anybody have their franco/English dictionary handy?

By the way, Nazis are right wing totalitarians who love aristocrats and business tycoons as long as they're not against them or Jewish or gay or a few other things... They thrive on chaos and bad economic times. You are today's equivalent. Poor America. German ignoramuses in 1930 were brainwashed by the radio and giant rallies, American ignoramuses today are brainwashed by TV and Internet.

The GOP every time deregulates and has a giant bubble and bust like 1929 1989 and 2008, that's why we have refugees and right wing refugee haters and total garbage dictator wannabe right wing parties like trump and the guy in Hungary and the guy in Brazil....and Putin. Great job. The GOP caused the ruin of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations and the world economy in 1929, how does the 10% margin thing work out?, then they were the isolationists that let Hitler and Japanese militarists run wild. Always a catastrophe and only ignoramuses vote for them. They used to be the silent majority now they are the brainwashed loud mouth majority. Poor America
New Zealand has been known for it's "closed society" extremeism for as long as they've been a country.

When I was in High School, we were taught New Zealand thought of themselves as a "pure race" of caucasians, and the government refused entry to anybody that wasn't obviously caucasion.

New Zealand has always had strict rules and laws governing their little island. It is logical to assume that their laws for their citizens would be equally as strict and bigoted towards anything or anyone trying to stand outside their realm of oligarchy power.
What hilarity. Where did you go to school?
By the way, Nazis are right wing totalitarians who love aristocrats and business tycoons as long as they're not against them or Jewish or gay or a few other things... They thrive on chaos and bad economic times. You are today's equivalent. Poor America. German ignoramuses in 1930 were brainwashed by the radio and giant rallies, American ignoramuses today are brainwashed by TV and Internet.

The GOP every time deregulates and has a giant bubble and bust like 1929 1989 and 2008, that's why we have refugees and right wing refugee haters and total garbage dictator wannabe right wing parties like trump and the guy in Hungary and the guy in Brazil....and Putin. Great job. The GOP caused the ruin of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations and the world economy in 1929, how does the 10% margin thing work out?, then they were the isolationists that let Hitler and Japanese militarists run wild. Always a catastrophe and only ignoramuses vote for them. They used to be the silent majority now they are the brainwashed loud mouth majority. Poor America

You might want to give these guys a try. They might hire you.


They are scumbags for even making the objection. If my child lay dying no sacrifice would be too great to save their life. If it took cobra blood to save them I'd go catch one myself.

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