This Is Socialism...The New Zealand govt. is now taking babies from parents that don’t want vaccinated blood pumped into their baby

By the way, Nazis are right wing totalitarians who love aristocrats and business tycoons as long as they're not against them or Jewish or gay or a few other things... They thrive on chaos and bad economic times. You are today's equivalent. Poor America. German ignoramuses in 1930 were brainwashed by the radio and giant rallies, American ignoramuses today are brainwashed by TV and Internet.

The GOP every time deregulates and has a giant bubble and bust like 1929 1989 and 2008, that's why we have refugees and right wing refugee haters and total garbage dictator wannabe right wing parties like trump and the guy in Hungary and the guy in Brazil....and Putin. Great job. The GOP caused the ruin of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations and the world economy in 1929, how does the 10% margin thing work out?, then they were the isolationists that let Hitler and Japanese militarists run wild. Always a catastrophe and only ignoramuses vote for them. They used to be the silent majority now they are the brainwashed loud mouth majority. Poor America

Honest to God, I read this three times and still can't find a single word that has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

It's like, when you ask francoHFW to clarify something, he/she/it says, "Hold my beer".


Honest to God, I read this three times and still can't find a single word that has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

It's like, when you ask francoHFW to clarify something, he/she/it says, "Hold my beer".


I've never seen someone as loyal to his liberal cult as frankie. Theres nothing he won't do for them after he gets his marching orders from cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc and other liberal propaganda sites.
I've never seen someone as loyal to his liberal cult as frankie. Theres nothing he won't do for them after he gets his marching orders from cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc and other liberal propaganda sites.

I would love to see the day that the grid fails. When no one can use their Holy Glowing Rectangles and they no longer have the voices telling them what to think and how to feel and what to do, it is going to be something wonderful to behold.

LordBrownTrout what do you think the first major manifestation would be, when they actually had to start using their own brains?

Do you think they would starve without UberEats or do you think they would simply stop talking and roll up into a ball in the corner, waiting for the voices to come back?

Interesting thing to think about.


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