This is the Black Antisemitic Democrat Running for DC Mayor

Thought this was pretty well known :dunno:
As a rumor. She wasn't literal and I am no fan of MTG. I am more of a Dan Crenshaw guy. My other face Connor Lamb just lost in a primary to a progressive. The Democratic Party has gone fully insane.
Thought this was pretty well known :dunno:
When did she blame all Jews firing lasers? I may criticize Soros without being an antisemite. I think Schumer is a POS. I am a Jew and I perfectly fine saying that. What Omar and Tlaib constantly say and support is not OK. See how that works?

Yep. And they want my vote? I am an Independent Jew. Why would I vote for a party that wants Israel obliterated?
Yup. Did you know that the antisemitic Muslims in Congress were rallying to get the Iron Dome defunded? They wanted to help HAMAS land as many rockets and kill as many Jews as possible.

Fortunately, they couldn’t get the votes for it. Yet.
Apparently he is the right skin color for you and his antisemitism is right up YOUR alley.
Yup. It’s the hypocrisy of the whole thing. Democrats in DC (which is almost everyone) cry and moan about how awful racism is, and then they are absolutely so forgiving of a blatant Farrakhan-loving antisemite that he can run for mayor - and might win.

BTW, he has a graduate degree, and thinks the Jews control the weather? A total idiot - and another example of an affirmative action admit.
Biff_Poindexter and surada endorse and support him.
I never heard of him....

But I do not support anyone who pushes anti-Semtism...

Pretty simple......stuff

Matter of fact, most of the policies I support aren't predicated on any conspiracies surrounding "globablists" which is code for Jews, or how evil George Soros is shipping in caravans of illegals to replace know, actual Anti-Semitc stuff
I never heard of him....

But I do not support anyone expouses anti-Semtism...
Pretty simple......stuff

Matter of fact, most of the policies I support aren't predicated on any conspiracies surrounding "globablists" which is code for Jews, or how evil George Soros is shipping in caravans of illegals to replace, actual Anti-Semitc stuff
Calling George Soros evil is not antisemitism. LOL

Supporting BDS of Israel is.
Calling George Soros evil is not antisemitism. LOL

See? That is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We are willing to condemn our own for their horrendous actions.
Supporting BDS of Israel is.
Omar, as you know, cheers BDS on. What makes her a hypocrite and reveals her antisemitism is that she objected to sanctions on Iran because, she said, it would hurt innocent [Muslim] people. But she sure doesn’t have that concern for how BDS hurts innocent Jewish people, does she?
I never heard of him....

But I do not support anyone who pushes anti-Semtism...

Pretty simple......stuff

Matter of fact, most of the policies I support aren't predicated on any conspiracies surrounding "globablists" which is code for Jews, or how evil George Soros is shipping in caravans of illegals to replace know, actual Anti-Semitc stuff
Globalist is not code for Jews and criticizing Soros is no more antisemitic than criticizing Adolph Eichman.

You are just a combination of stupid and dishonest is all.
See? That is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We are willing to condemn our own for their horrendous actions.

Omar, as you know, cheers BDS on. What makes her a hypocrite and reveals her antisemitism is that she objected to sanctions on Iran because, she said, it would hurt innocent [Muslim] people. But she sure doesn’t have that concern for how BDS hurts innocent Jewish people, does she?
The entire Squad does.
"Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y'all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation," White said in a video he posted on Facebook."

And we also have....
Alex Jones has suggested that the devastating tornadoes that wreaked havoc across Kentucky and five other US states last week were actually caused by President Joe Biden wielding government "weather weapons".

And we also have....

"Trump asked if China ‘made’ hurricanes to send to us,” said the other former senior official. Trump “wanted to know if the technology existed."

And then just for a cherry on top....the whole Jewish Space lasers thing....

Looks like horseshoe theory to me...where folks who claim to be on the far left and folks who claim to be on the far right -- are so extreme they end up on the same side......Except, this guy is just running for mayor (he won't win) -- and the other 3 examples are considered mainstream of the GOP......

And I have personally seen posters on this very thread claim that "Jews" control all of media and Hollywood whenever they are whining about some commercial they saw on TV that triggered them because the family was don't clutch your pearls now...
Globalist is not code for Jews and criticizing Soros is no more antisemitic than criticizing Adolph Eichman.

You are just a combination of stupid and dishonest is all.
Yes, globalist is code for Jews....I expect you cucks to lie about it....

"As the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt put it, “Where the term originates from is a reference to Jewish people who are seen as having allegiances not to their countries of origin like the United States, but to some global conspiracy.” Greenblatt said it’s “disturbing” when public officials “literally parrot this term which is rooted in prejudice.”

Do you know how I know globalist is code for Jews??

Because if I asked you to define what a "globalist" is without criticizing Capitalism -- then you have exposed yourself as being FULL OF SHIT
AOC as well? Aren’t there a lot of Jews in her NY district? Or are they another example of Jews for whom liberalism trumps Judaism?
Yes, AOC as well. AOC who didn't know where Palestine was when she was elected. NY Jews are giant libs.

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