This is the Democrats Idea of Justice and Law and Order


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yep, the thugs are taking over much of our nation and the No Go areas that are to be found in Europe will soon be commmon in the USA if Hilalry Clinton has her way, since the pro-thug Marxist Black Lies Matter group is critical to her chances of getting elected.
ā€˜We run the streetsā€™: Video shows angry mob attacking CHP patrol car with officer still inside

A police officer who responded to several calls about illegal street racing and reckless driving found himself surrounded by a mob of angry people, some of whom yelled and cursed at him while others hit and kicked his vehicle as he sat inside.

ā€œF the police, we run the streets,ā€ they said, according to Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, ABC affiliate KFSN-TV reported.

The incident happened the afternoon of Sept. 25. The Fresno Police Department and California Highway Patrol received reports of large crowds blocking traffic a few miles outside of downtown Fresno, according to the police department.

A California Highway Patrol officer, who was first on scene, spotted a reckless driver and got out of his vehicle to make a traffic stop, the police department said. Then, people began yelling at the driver to leave. The driver sped away, and the officer went back to his vehicle to chase him. Thatā€™s when a crowd of about 30 to 40 surrounded the officerā€™s sport-utility vehicle.

Of course this type of thing has been standard Democrat practice from the days of Tammany Hall and the political ward boss machines ran the police forces as the flip side to their criminal rackets, like they still do in Chicago. The thugs run the streets but the cops can make a show of force and take away the people that they are ordered to, but mostly they just let the thugs run things, which is why so many black people die in Chicago every year.

The Democrats ALWAYS cheat, lie, and engage in criminal behavior across the country each election,especially Presidential elections. Voter fraud is one of the biggest rackets they run, as was discovered in Virginia recently.

RIGGED! Massive Felony Voter Fraud Just Uncovered in Crucial Swing State...

More than 1,000 aliens, or residents who are not U.S. citizens, have been free to vote illegally in Virginia.

The bombshell disclosure was made in a report released by the Virginia Voters Alliance based on findings from the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The 1,046 Virginia voters may just be the tip of the iceberg, as itā€™s only the number found in eight Virginia localities, the report reads. The report found that the most illegal votes were cast in 2012, followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term. In both years, Obama won Virginia.

Itā€™s a felony for non-citizens to vote in Virginia. But in Virginia, no proof of citizenship is required when voters register.

In some cases, aliens and permanent residents will register to vote and either admit on the form they are not citizens, or they will mislead, according to Christian Adams, general counsel for the foundation. Local officials can check each voter later by matching data from the Virginia driverā€™s license bureaus, where the aliens in question are usually likely not to mislead authorities on their status.

Now the Democrats are promoting the Black Lies Matter movement to once again try to scare black people into voting against he party that ended slavery and ended Jim Crow by force of the Federal government, but there is no lie too outrageous nor any crime too evil for the Democrats to not engage in so that they can take power and distribute the patronage to their political partisans.

What, Hillary destroyed subpoena'd evidence? Well, Trump has been mean Mexicans.

What, Hillary was caught with felony violations of Top Secret materials on an unsecured server in violation of dozens of Federal laws? Well Trump didnt pay taxes.

What, Hillary thinks that Sanders people are basement dwelling losers and the GOP is half Deplorable racists? Well, Trump said mean things about fat Venezuelans.

What, Hillary has take huge contributions from foreign nations while Secretary of State? Well, Trump has small hands, etc, etc, etc.

These Democrat slack jawed hooligans, liars and cheats are going to push the envelope every election, but can you imagine what they will be like in 2020?

We cannot take that risk with our country.

Elect Donald J Trump as President and then set up a special mass crimes court system similar to what South Africans did int heir country when their corrupt Afrikaner elites were over thrown; put hem on trial and put them away in prison for so long that they will not have any more affect on the children of our country for the next 40 years.
Repubs constantly rail against an out of control corrupt government.

So what's your problem?
Repubs constantly rail against an out of control corrupt government.

So what's your problem?

Whats my problem?

You mean other than the $20 trillion debt that my great grand kids will be paying till they are old?

Or maybe you refer to the many US cities that look like they got bombed out back in WW2 and never rebuilt like Detroit or Baltimore? Or that smell like an open sewer because so many Democratic voters piss and shit int he streets?

Or maybe you are referring to the massive horde of noncitizens brought into this country and have take jobs that many of the current 94 million unemployable could use?

Or maybe you are asking about the way the Feds provides Corporations and rich people with every tax break in the book and ignore the rest of us and dont bother to enforce the laws put on the books to protect us from criminals that keep getting released back into the population?

Or maybe your are talking about the growing terrorist threat that will have ISIS connected acts of terror on our own streets with a growing frequency because the Dems are afraid that they might lose this election? (psst, they already have)

OR maybe you mean any of more than a dozen different things, but I guess you really have to be more specific by asking WHAT THE FUCK HAS GONE RIGHT IN THE PAST 40 YEARS?

That's an easy one; NOTHING HAS!
Yep, the thugs are taking over much of our nation and the No Go areas that are to be found in Europe will soon be commmon in the USA if Hilalry Clinton has her way, since the pro-thug Marxist Black Lies Matter group is critical to her chances of getting elected.
ā€˜We run the streetsā€™: Video shows angry mob attacking CHP patrol car with officer still inside

A police officer who responded to several calls about illegal street racing and reckless driving found himself surrounded by a mob of angry people, some of whom yelled and cursed at him while others hit and kicked his vehicle as he sat inside.

ā€œF the police, we run the streets,ā€ they said, according to Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, ABC affiliate KFSN-TV reported.

The incident happened the afternoon of Sept. 25. The Fresno Police Department and California Highway Patrol received reports of large crowds blocking traffic a few miles outside of downtown Fresno, according to the police department.

A California Highway Patrol officer, who was first on scene, spotted a reckless driver and got out of his vehicle to make a traffic stop, the police department said. Then, people began yelling at the driver to leave. The driver sped away, and the officer went back to his vehicle to chase him. Thatā€™s when a crowd of about 30 to 40 surrounded the officerā€™s sport-utility vehicle.

Of course this type of thing has been standard Democrat practice from the days of Tammany Hall and the political ward boss machines ran the police forces as the flip side to their criminal rackets, like they still do in Chicago. The thugs run the streets but the cops can make a show of force and take away the people that they are ordered to, but mostly they just let the thugs run things, which is why so many black people die in Chicago every year.

The Democrats ALWAYS cheat, lie, and engage in criminal behavior across the country each election,especially Presidential elections. Voter fraud is one of the biggest rackets they run, as was discovered in Virginia recently.

RIGGED! Massive Felony Voter Fraud Just Uncovered in Crucial Swing State...

More than 1,000 aliens, or residents who are not U.S. citizens, have been free to vote illegally in Virginia.

The bombshell disclosure was made in a report released by the Virginia Voters Alliance based on findings from the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The 1,046 Virginia voters may just be the tip of the iceberg, as itā€™s only the number found in eight Virginia localities, the report reads. The report found that the most illegal votes were cast in 2012, followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term. In both years, Obama won Virginia.

Itā€™s a felony for non-citizens to vote in Virginia. But in Virginia, no proof of citizenship is required when voters register.

In some cases, aliens and permanent residents will register to vote and either admit on the form they are not citizens, or they will mislead, according to Christian Adams, general counsel for the foundation. Local officials can check each voter later by matching data from the Virginia driverā€™s license bureaus, where the aliens in question are usually likely not to mislead authorities on their status.

Now the Democrats are promoting the Black Lies Matter movement to once again try to scare black people into voting against he party that ended slavery and ended Jim Crow by force of the Federal government, but there is no lie too outrageous nor any crime too evil for the Democrats to not engage in so that they can take power and distribute the patronage to their political partisans.

What, Hillary destroyed subpoena'd evidence? Well, Trump has been mean Mexicans.

What, Hillary was caught with felony violations of Top Secret materials on an unsecured server in violation of dozens of Federal laws? Well Trump didnt pay taxes.

What, Hillary thinks that Sanders people are basement dwelling losers and the GOP is half Deplorable racists? Well, Trump said mean things about fat Venezuelans.

What, Hillary has take huge contributions from foreign nations while Secretary of State? Well, Trump has small hands, etc, etc, etc.

These Democrat slack jawed hooligans, liars and cheats are going to push the envelope every election, but can you imagine what they will be like in 2020?

We cannot take that risk with our country.

Elect Donald J Trump as President and then set up a special mass crimes court system similar to what South Africans did int heir country when their corrupt Afrikaner elites were over thrown; put hem on trial and put them away in prison for so long that they will not have any more affect on the children of our country for the next 40 years.
Who in the U.S. would be these so called Afrikaner Elites?
Who in the U.S. would be these so called Afrikaner Elites?
The aggregate of the Social Register (old but still potent), the clergy of the Episcopalian Church, celebrities, corporate elites, university academics, and the political class.

They are so incestuous they make West Virginia look like genetically diverse.
We cannot take that risk with our country.
Elect Donald J Trump as President and then set up a special mass crimes court system similar to what South Africans did int heir country when their corrupt Afrikaner elites were over thrown; put hem on trial and put them away in prison for so long that they will not have any more affect on the children of our country for the next 40 years.

Why am I not surprised that a Trump supporter wants to ignore the Constitution?
Yep, the thugs are taking over much of our nation and the No Go areas that are to be found in Europe will soon be commmon in the USA if Hilalry Clinton has her way, since the pro-thug Marxist Black Lies Matter group is critical to her chances of getting elected.
ā€˜We run the streetsā€™: Video shows angry mob attacking CHP patrol car with officer still inside

A police officer who responded to several calls about illegal street racing and reckless driving found himself surrounded by a mob of angry people, some of whom yelled and cursed at him while others hit and kicked his vehicle as he sat inside.

ā€œF the police, we run the streets,ā€ they said, according to Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, ABC affiliate KFSN-TV reported.

The incident happened the afternoon of Sept. 25. The Fresno Police Department and California Highway Patrol received reports of large crowds blocking traffic a few miles outside of downtown Fresno, according to the police department.

A California Highway Patrol officer, who was first on scene, spotted a reckless driver and got out of his vehicle to make a traffic stop, the police department said. Then, people began yelling at the driver to leave. The driver sped away, and the officer went back to his vehicle to chase him. Thatā€™s when a crowd of about 30 to 40 surrounded the officerā€™s sport-utility vehicle.

Of course this type of thing has been standard Democrat practice from the days of Tammany Hall and the political ward boss machines ran the police forces as the flip side to their criminal rackets, like they still do in Chicago. The thugs run the streets but the cops can make a show of force and take away the people that they are ordered to, but mostly they just let the thugs run things, which is why so many black people die in Chicago every year.

The Democrats ALWAYS cheat, lie, and engage in criminal behavior across the country each election,especially Presidential elections. Voter fraud is one of the biggest rackets they run, as was discovered in Virginia recently.

RIGGED! Massive Felony Voter Fraud Just Uncovered in Crucial Swing State...

More than 1,000 aliens, or residents who are not U.S. citizens, have been free to vote illegally in Virginia.

The bombshell disclosure was made in a report released by the Virginia Voters Alliance based on findings from the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The 1,046 Virginia voters may just be the tip of the iceberg, as itā€™s only the number found in eight Virginia localities, the report reads. The report found that the most illegal votes were cast in 2012, followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term. In both years, Obama won Virginia.

Itā€™s a felony for non-citizens to vote in Virginia. But in Virginia, no proof of citizenship is required when voters register.

In some cases, aliens and permanent residents will register to vote and either admit on the form they are not citizens, or they will mislead, according to Christian Adams, general counsel for the foundation. Local officials can check each voter later by matching data from the Virginia driverā€™s license bureaus, where the aliens in question are usually likely not to mislead authorities on their status.

Now the Democrats are promoting the Black Lies Matter movement to once again try to scare black people into voting against he party that ended slavery and ended Jim Crow by force of the Federal government, but there is no lie too outrageous nor any crime too evil for the Democrats to not engage in so that they can take power and distribute the patronage to their political partisans.

What, Hillary destroyed subpoena'd evidence? Well, Trump has been mean Mexicans.

What, Hillary was caught with felony violations of Top Secret materials on an unsecured server in violation of dozens of Federal laws? Well Trump didnt pay taxes.

What, Hillary thinks that Sanders people are basement dwelling losers and the GOP is half Deplorable racists? Well, Trump said mean things about fat Venezuelans.

What, Hillary has take huge contributions from foreign nations while Secretary of State? Well, Trump has small hands, etc, etc, etc.

These Democrat slack jawed hooligans, liars and cheats are going to push the envelope every election, but can you imagine what they will be like in 2020?

We cannot take that risk with our country.

Elect Donald J Trump as President and then set up a special mass crimes court system similar to what South Africans did int heir country when their corrupt Afrikaner elites were over thrown; put hem on trial and put them away in prison for so long that they will not have any more affect on the children of our country for the next 40 years.
Who in the U.S. would be these so called Afrikaner Elites?

Anybody Donald Trump and Jimmie don't approve of.

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