This is the shit Trump will STOP

Here is how Mr. Trump proposes on how to reduce HB1 visas, from YOUR article:

Since then, political outsider Donald Trump has put himself on track to the GOP’s 2016 nomination by promising to reform the nation’s immigration and guest worker systems to help Americans.

For example, he has said he would reduce the inflow of H-1Bs by raising the minimum wage for H-1B workers, and has called for one year “pause” in legal immigration.

Odium, that doesn't sound like he'll accomplish or do anything worth while to stop the flow....

So your Messiah, on this is weak, weak, weak...

Most foreign workers get hired on HB1's, not so much that they pay them less when hired, but because these workers are indebted to the employer that hired them and can not compete in the market other words, they can't quit, they are basically paid slaves....for 6 years each.
Now that is interesting. So Bill Gates who also uses that and in fact asked for MORE is promoting SLAVERY. And he just happens to be a democrat.
Why change the subject of my post? DO YOU have anything to say on Trump's plans on how he would handle it?
YOU introduced salary slavery into the thread yourself. Its a good point and one worth looking at for more then one reason.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.
Now that is interesting. So Bill Gates who also uses that and in fact asked for MORE is promoting SLAVERY. And he just happens to be a democrat.
Why change the subject of my post? DO YOU have anything to say on Trump's plans on how he would handle it?
YOU introduced salary slavery into the thread yourself. Its a good point and one worth looking at for more then one reason.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.

They don't have any bargaining power. But they know that going in - and experience working for a big American IT company plus what is almost certainly higher wages than they'd be making at home likely makes up for it, in their minds.
The government should punish companies that plan to restructure and downsize due to reduced demand for their goods and services? Nonsense. But they made a profit last year says Breitbart...I also like how they tried to pass off applicants as employees.
Why change the subject of my post? DO YOU have anything to say on Trump's plans on how he would handle it?
YOU introduced salary slavery into the thread yourself. Its a good point and one worth looking at for more then one reason.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.

They don't have any bargaining power. But they know that going in - and experience working for a big American IT company plus what is almost certainly higher wages than they'd be making at home likely makes up for it, in their minds.
Government approved indentured servants. Kind of like the British bringing the Irish here.
Why change the subject of my post? DO YOU have anything to say on Trump's plans on how he would handle it?
YOU introduced salary slavery into the thread yourself. Its a good point and one worth looking at for more then one reason.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.

They don't have any bargaining power. But they know that going in - and experience working for a big American IT company plus what is almost certainly higher wages than they'd be making at home likely makes up for it, in their minds.
I agree. But this is an advantage in hiring an hb1 over an American for the employer....they are not going to quit on you, even if they don't get a yearly raise and they are not going to go work for your competition next door some day...

Agree it is a good opportunity for the hb1's perspective.
The government should punish companies that plan to restructure and downsize due to reduced demand for their goods and services? Nonsense. But they made a profit last year says Breitbart...I also like how they tried to pass off applicants as employees.
yep, i noticed that such thing as journalistic standards at Breibart...later in the article they then say it could be 3000 got approved since 2010 but even that was sketchy
YOU introduced salary slavery into the thread yourself. Its a good point and one worth looking at for more then one reason.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.

They don't have any bargaining power. But they know that going in - and experience working for a big American IT company plus what is almost certainly higher wages than they'd be making at home likely makes up for it, in their minds.
I agree. But this is an advantage in hiring an hb1 over an American for the employer....they are not going to quit on you, even if they don't get a yearly raise and they are not going to go work for your competition next door some day...

Agree it is a good opportunity for the hb1's perspective.

It's good from the perspective of the hb1 applicant, and from the perspective of the company.

The losers in the deal, as it is, are the hypothetical American STEM graduates seeking jobs. But as someone who lives in the Bay and is currently a student at Berkeley, I can say that I don't know any unemployed IT guys.
well, they are a form of indentured servants....they cant work for anyone else but the company that imported them

Well, not quite. They can quit and go home whenever they want - and they also have a choice in taking the job in the first place.

But I do agree that there are many issues with H-B1s.
they sign a contract for 3 years service, that can be renewed once...the employer pays the airfare to and fro, not certain if they would fly them home if they quit before 3 years?

My point was though, is that it's not like these employees have bargaining power of any kind to negotiate a higher salary during those 3 years....they can't say, I'm going to work for so and so's company who will pay me $5 more an hour than you, if you want my skills and what I've brought to you/the company, you are going to need to pay me more.... kind of thing.

They don't have any bargaining power. But they know that going in - and experience working for a big American IT company plus what is almost certainly higher wages than they'd be making at home likely makes up for it, in their minds.
I agree. But this is an advantage in hiring an hb1 over an American for the employer....they are not going to quit on you, even if they don't get a yearly raise and they are not going to go work for your competition next door some day...

Agree it is a good opportunity for the hb1's perspective.

It's good from the perspective of the hb1 applicant, and from the perspective of the company.

The losers in the deal, as it is, are the hypothetical American STEM graduates seeking jobs. But as someone who lives in the Bay and is currently a student at Berkeley, I can say that I don't know any unemployed IT guys.
But it is keeping wages low in an artificial manor.
The government should punish companies that plan to restructure and downsize due to reduced demand for their goods and services? Nonsense. But they made a profit last year says Breitbart...I also like how they tried to pass off applicants as employees.
yep, i noticed that such thing as journalistic standards at Breibart...later in the article they then say it could be 3000 got approved since 2010 but even that was sketchy
This is the same practice readers of such a publication decry when it comes to other media outlets. Politics today is so topsy-turvy. There was a time when Republicans could be counted on to support laissez-faire economics.
what is more puzzling why do you think he will stop this....he loves cheap labor..and uses it ever chance he gets...there is such a disconnect between reality of trump and what trump says....
Look at the nutters suddenly suggesting that the government should tell private companies what to do. It's awesome.
Some conservatives are against Free Trade...............limiting the number of foreign workers to ensure jobs for Americans..............against the TPP..................have you noticed...................only when pushes your position.............

Some.........not so much.............Like Hillary..........wants the TPP and will continue this policy......but you will vote for her none the less..............Obama pushing it.............but you adore him...................Cruz will do the same...............

Trump......not so much..............I'm tired of seeing our jobs leaving............and tired of seeing U.S. companies hiring foreigners over Americans.............

Again, have you just now noticed..................
and yet he does all of that......trumps only real love is himself...his tax cuts benefit the rich.....

His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. The plan would reduce federal revenues by $9.5 trillion over its first decade before accounting for added interest costs or considering macroeconomic feedback effects. The plan would improve incentives to work, save, and invest. However, unless it is accompanied by very large spending cuts, it could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic product by 2036, offsetting some or all of the incentive effects of the tax cuts.

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan
She will push it through..........she speaks to what she thinks the voters want to hear...........She's in the tank for Crony Capitalism...............and has benefited greatly for these ties............

She will not change her stripes..........and the TPP is bad for America.........but long as she gets more money for it................WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE.......when Americans lose their jobs because of it..............
Look at the nutters suddenly suggesting that the government should tell private companies what to do. It's awesome.
Some conservatives are against Free Trade...............limiting the number of foreign workers to ensure jobs for Americans..............against the TPP..................have you noticed...................only when pushes your position.............

Some.........not so much.............Like Hillary..........wants the TPP and will continue this policy......but you will vote for her none the less..............Obama pushing it.............but you adore him...................Cruz will do the same...............

Trump......not so much..............I'm tired of seeing our jobs leaving............and tired of seeing U.S. companies hiring foreigners over Americans.............

Again, have you just now noticed..................

Look at you! You know you'd look foolish if you actually had a discussion with me on you had one with yourself. You kicked your ass!
Look at the nutters suddenly suggesting that the government should tell private companies what to do. It's awesome.
Some conservatives are against Free Trade...............limiting the number of foreign workers to ensure jobs for Americans..............against the TPP..................have you noticed...................only when pushes your position.............

Some.........not so much.............Like Hillary..........wants the TPP and will continue this policy......but you will vote for her none the less..............Obama pushing it.............but you adore him...................Cruz will do the same...............

Trump......not so much..............I'm tired of seeing our jobs leaving............and tired of seeing U.S. companies hiring foreigners over Americans.............

Again, have you just now noticed..................

Look at you! You know you'd look foolish if you actually had a discussion with me on you had one with yourself. You kicked your ass!

Is that your take on it...................That's why you are alone when you laugh.........I've been against Free Trade since NAFTA under Bill...........Hide your Daughters from .................Clinton...........................You haven't noticed that I guess.......................Yet you will vote for a Champion of the TPP..........the Hildabeast..................

And then claim how your party is for the people..........

tsk.........tsk............Mr. HYPOCRITE.
Look at the nutters suddenly suggesting that the government should tell private companies what to do. It's awesome.
Some conservatives are against Free Trade...............limiting the number of foreign workers to ensure jobs for Americans..............against the TPP..................have you noticed...................only when pushes your position.............

Some.........not so much.............Like Hillary..........wants the TPP and will continue this policy......but you will vote for her none the less..............Obama pushing it.............but you adore him...................Cruz will do the same...............

Trump......not so much..............I'm tired of seeing our jobs leaving............and tired of seeing U.S. companies hiring foreigners over Americans.............

Again, have you just now noticed..................

Look at you! You know you'd look foolish if you actually had a discussion with me on you had one with yourself. You kicked your ass!

Is that your take on it...................That's why you are alone when you laugh.........I've been against Free Trade since NAFTA under Bill...........Hide your Daughters from .................Clinton...........................You haven't noticed that I guess.......................Yet you will vote for a Champion of the TPP..........the Hildabeast..................

And then claim how your party is for the people..........

tsk.........tsk............Mr. HYPOCRITE.

For me, these trade deals are not simple matters. While I generally favor policies which protect key industries.....and therefore our labor force in those industries....I'm not stupid enough to think the matter is that simple.

I wonder if you could play "devil's advocate" and take Obama's position on the TPP? Are you informed enough to know what his argument is?
Look at the nutters suddenly suggesting that the government should tell private companies what to do. It's awesome.
Some conservatives are against Free Trade...............limiting the number of foreign workers to ensure jobs for Americans..............against the TPP..................have you noticed...................only when pushes your position.............

Some.........not so much.............Like Hillary..........wants the TPP and will continue this policy......but you will vote for her none the less..............Obama pushing it.............but you adore him...................Cruz will do the same...............

Trump......not so much..............I'm tired of seeing our jobs leaving............and tired of seeing U.S. companies hiring foreigners over Americans.............

Again, have you just now noticed..................

Look at you! You know you'd look foolish if you actually had a discussion with me on you had one with yourself. You kicked your ass!

Is that your take on it...................That's why you are alone when you laugh.........I've been against Free Trade since NAFTA under Bill...........Hide your Daughters from .................Clinton...........................You haven't noticed that I guess.......................Yet you will vote for a Champion of the TPP..........the Hildabeast..................

And then claim how your party is for the people..........

tsk.........tsk............Mr. HYPOCRITE.

For me, these trade deals are not simple matters. While I generally favor policies which protect key industries.....and therefore our labor force in those industries....I'm not stupid enough to think the matter is that simple.

I wonder if you could play "devil's advocate" and take Obama's position on the TPP? Are you informed enough to know what his argument is?
He's your give the position......................

While your at it what is the TPA and why was it such a big issue..........splain that.............nice deflection though...........

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