This is the sort of trash PD's hire....

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition.
Hell, I kinda like it like that, fuck the government! What are they doing for us?
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Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them and make a living without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Don't get me started on insurance. Insurance is a scam and the reason you have to have it is because the insurance companies bribed the politicians. That's what's wrong with "health care" in America today. Decades of insurance companies bribing comptrollers to raise premiums when they shouldn't have. Now we're boiling frogs.
Do away with lobbying and prosecute pols that take bribes and it all will equalize.
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Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.
They don't do a damn thing for me anyway. Fuck 'em!
So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.
I agree that if a cop doesn't like what their job entails, they should work another job, but the last thing that you say here in my opinion should only depend on whether or not a person has a life threatening frame of mind enough to use against the cop or anyone else whatever is in the person's possession. To me, the best thing to do is to do whatever you are told to do right after you are told to do it. Right now I am thinking about Frank during the first season of Blue Bloods when he had no other choice but to shoot the guy that had a knife in one hand and his other hand around Erin's neck.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Frank was like, "Get your hands off my daughter!" and when the guy didn't drop the knife or let go of Erin, BOOM!!!

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.
They don't do a damn thing for me anyway. Fuck 'em!

The Gov. has taught society to rely on them in so so many ways most do not realize it until that right situation(s) slap them right into " oh that's what they meant" lol it' a moment like that they then and only then realize how much we have lost.

95% have no understanding/realization how much society relies on this fkd up gov.

Welfare is the first start--------- keep daddy out get a check. ( That system was set up to cause just what we see) rely on the gov.

When we want to buid something ask daddy gov
watn to open a business oh u gotta get permission then rely on their loan bribes etc.

Gawd they are so muc in our fkn lives it makes me puke!!

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.
They don't do a damn thing for me anyway. Fuck 'em!
Yes they do if they didn't you wouldn't be on the internet. You would, however, be out patroling your property to make sure no one is trying to take what you have.

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.
They don't do a damn thing for me anyway. Fuck 'em!
Yes they do if they didn't you wouldn't be on the internet. You would, however, be out patroling your property to make sure no one is trying to take what you have.
They do jack shit for me in that area. I'll kill bitches and bury them in my back yard before I call the law.

Yes, they are that useless here.

It wasn't always like that, but it is now.

If I kill somebody that's breaking into my house then call the law? I'm going to prison.
Fuck the law, all they do is harass decent citizens to generate money. Absolutely fucking useless.
They don't go after real criminals, that's too dangerous for them.

That has not always been the case, but it is here and now.

I used to respect the badge, until encountering pieces of shit wearing them.

I reckon nowadays they just hire anybody.
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Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are?
No damn where.

I already know the hood hair n nail women are making bank right now.

Also the Enchilada illegals on the corner.

If this keeps up much longer, everything will be a big uptick in that kinda stuff.

This shit's bigger than prohibition

Sadly they think your kiddinng lol. But what can you expect from a nation sitting in stupidity.
I am dead serious. Everyone could be richer without the government.
Every government worker is a drain on the taxpayer, every welfare recipient is too.
Kids could have lemonade stands again.
People have their talents and should be free to use them without fear of being arrested or having to pay the government extortion money to do business.
Without some form of Government with laws, you would spend all your time having to physically defend your property. I'm kind of fond of the current one we have it's not perfect it could be cut back on but it's better than other systems.
They don't do a damn thing for me anyway. Fuck 'em!

The Gov. has taught society to rely on them in so so many ways most do not realize it until that right situation(s) slap them right into " oh that's what they meant" lol it' a moment like that they then and only then realize how much we have lost.

95% have no understanding/realization how much society relies on this fkd up gov.

Welfare is the first start--------- keep daddy out get a check. ( That system was set up to cause just what we see) rely on the gov.

When we want to buid something ask daddy gov
watn to open a business oh u gotta get permission then rely on their loan bribes etc.

Gawd they are so muc in our fkn lives it makes me puke!!
no form of government will always lead to dictatorships

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

They wouldn't have done this had someone not called and told them about it. The real piece of shit is the neighbor who snitched.

I'm still getting haircuts from my barber on the DL. Never thought in my life I'd need the black market for a haircut.

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

They wouldn't have done this had someone not called and told them about it. The real piece of shit is the neighbor who snitched.

I'm still getting haircuts from my barber on the DL. Never thought in my life I'd need the black market for a haircut.
Hoo-wee! I need to get me some of that! Where's that girl's card at?

Oh yeah! It's already happening.
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Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.
Too bad you can't tell the bastards apart until they have you.
Now here's an idea!


Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

They wouldn't have done this had someone not called and told them about it. The real piece of shit is the neighbor who snitched.

I'm still getting haircuts from my barber on the DL. Never thought in my life I'd need the black market for a haircut.
Yeah the snitch is a pos, but so are the cops.
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.
I keep hearing that, but I keep seeing different. I believe what I see with my own eyes.
It's true Frey
However, I cannot let my good brothers in blue go undefended w
When you see one acting badly report them not to the department but to the city manager
Or just kill the motherfuckers and bury them deep. Fuck the LEOs, they are useless.
I don't need to call no law enforcement officers, I am quite capable of handling business myself.

They used to be somewhat OK, but they are not anymore. Useless check-getters just like welfare people.

I'm here alone. I'm gonna defend myself. Fuck them.
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I don't see how cops can be held responsible for this. If you got two alleged constitutional scholars together, lets say Obama and Barr, Obama would blame the cop and Barr would blame the cops boss. So if two supposedly trained lawyers can't figure it out, why should we expect cops to. The way law works today, the correct answer is there is no correct answer. Making cops the scapegoat for obeying their bosses orders is wrong. The whole sting operation was wrong.
How about making them responsible for their own actions?

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
If that's all you got, get lost...... you're not going to be adding anything of value to this conversation.

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