This is the sort of trash PD's hire....

I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.

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I am their worst nightmare. I tend to drive five under the limit. It is a habit I picked up driving Trucks OTR. It was especially fun in Ohio and Illinois which had and may still have split speed limits. I would be driving 50 in a 55 MPH zone and other trucks would be passing me doing 55. While cars were fuming furious because their limit was 65. I would have a mile long line behind me before the state line appeared.

Dash cameras with GPS speed are worth their weight in gold mate. Cheaper than a ticket every time.
I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.

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You can beat the charge if you can show there was no Construction work or marked Construction zone. Contact you area DOT for roads that were being worked on the day you were stopped.
Gracias hermano
I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.

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I am their worst nightmare. I tend to drive five under the limit. It is a habit I picked up driving Trucks OTR. It was especially fun in Ohio and Illinois which had and may still have split speed limits. I would be driving 50 in a 55 MPH zone and other trucks would be passing me doing 55. While cars were fuming furious because their limit was 65. I would have a mile long line behind me before the state line appeared.

Dash cameras with GPS speed are worth their weight in gold mate. Cheaper than a ticket every time.
Yeah my son the race car builder told me the same thing. I'm going shopping for a tracphone tomorrow.
I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.

View attachment 330124
View attachment 330125
You can beat the charge if you can show there was no Construction work or marked Construction zone. Contact you area DOT for roads that were being worked on the day you were stopped.
Gracias hermano
Not a problem glad I could help
I decided an example might be interesting.

We do not know how many Deputies were involved in this pursuit. We don’t know if it was half a dozen. We do know it was at least three. The deputy who rammed the fleeing fellow. The deputy who saw it. And another who told the truth. We also know the State Troopers were there after the fact. We know the State Troopers went along.

So these honest “good” cops were told to tell an obvious lie. The Troopers went along. And only one told the truth. One. Now. Is that information provided to Defendants as is the law? After all Law Enforcement is the job title isn’t it? Is this information provided so Defendants can impeach the honesty and integrity of the officers who lied? One honest cop out of at least four with the probability of more?

Statistics matter. What are the odds that the Sheriff’s Department only hires the 10% of cops who are the corrupt officers?

When you watch these news reports and listen to the stories you notice trends. The Lying cops who are exposed are always an embarrassment and not reflective of the vast majority. But again here we had a lot of cops involved and there was one who could be run out in front of the press as honest.

Were the others fired? Or just given a slap on the wrist for appearances sake?
Cops would never plant evidence. And if they did the 9 good cops would certainly report it. Right?

So were these “good” cops? Were they merely planting evidence they knew they would find if the circumstances were different? Or were these bad cops and just happened to be at the same call. Where were the 18 good cops?

I repeat. I would not trust a cop if he said night was dark and day was light.

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