This is the sort of trash PD's hire....

I live in Texas; we all have way more guns than the cops do, and a lot of us spent the last 15+ years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest just like to hunt and kill shit every chance they get.
If we decided we didn't want any more cops around, they'd all be dead and gone in about an hour.

That's how it would be, anyway, if the same spirit still lived today, that lived among the great men who fought to establish this nation.

The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for a watering, but I'm afraid that the current generation just doesn't have what it takes to do what needs to be done. We've all grown too complacent, too comfortable, too cowardly.
Cops have guns and can get backup with guns. Unless one has a death wish compliance is the safest way to go. You can see them in court later.

That's one of the main purposes of the Second Amendment, to insure that we, too, can have guns.

The idea of armed government thugs being able to prey on unarmed citizens would have been anathema to the wise men who founded this nation.
I agree with that. I was referring to getting in a cop's face when stopped and unarmed and unmolested by that cop. I probably was not clear on that.
I'm almost never unarmed.
I live in Texas; we all have way more guns than the cops do, and a lot of us spent the last 15+ years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest just like to hunt and kill shit every chance they get.
If we decided we didn't want any more cops around, they'd all be dead and gone in about an hour.

That's how it would be, anyway, if the same spirit still lived today, that lived among the great men who fought to establish this nation.

The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for a watering, but I'm afraid that the current generation just doesn't have what it takes to do what needs to be done. We've all grown too complacent, too comfortable, too cowardly.
Not everyone. There are still plenty of meat eating soul snatchers out there just waiting for a reason.

And here's the thing about if you do get into a shooting scrape with LE..... when it comes to what will be called murder, (and it will be, no matter what the actual circumstances are), the first one is expensive but all the rest are free.

How many times can they execute you?

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
I think you would enjoy this;

Maybe "enjoy" ain't the right word, but check it out anyway.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.
no he's not right he's yet to refute what I have said.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.
no he's not right he's yet to refute what I have said.

Prove that 90% of the cops are good and the statistics are wrong. Prove that the lawyers are wrong. Tell us why Officer arrests are not tracked. Explain why cops who are know liars, Brady Exclusions, are not only not charged with perjury, but are still cops?

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.
no he's not right he's yet to refute what I have said.

Prove that 90% of the cops are good and the statistics are wrong. Prove that the lawyers are wrong. Tell us why Officer arrests are not tracked. Explain why cops who are know liars, Brady Exclusions, are not only not charged with perjury, but are still cops?
I keep telling you that you and your sources made my argument you're my proof
You guys may enjoy this link Savanah may cry
The data covers 2,830 state, local, and special law enforcement agencies across all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. That’s just a fraction of the approximately 18,000 law enforcement agencies and 1.1 million sworn officers in the U.S., so the data set is not comprehensive, but it’s the most extensive and ambitious look at cop crime to date.
The topline numbers indicate about 1,000 officer arrests per year over the eight years of the data set, and nearly 1,140 arrests per year from 2008 through 2012. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that police crime has increased since 2005, or gotten more violent. Stinson’s methodology has become more sophisticated over the years, and it’s possible the figures could change because of variations in the search algorithms he uses to find cases.
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You guys may enjoy this link Savanah may cry
The data covers 2,830 state, local, and special law enforcement agencies across all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. That’s just a fraction of the approximately 18,000 law enforcement agencies and 1.1 million sworn officers in the U.S., so the data set is not comprehensive, but it’s the most extensive and ambitious look at cop crime to date.
The topline numbers indicate about 1,000 officer arrests per year over the eight years of the data set, and nearly 1,140 arrests per year from 2008 through 2012. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that police crime has increased since 2005, or gotten more violent. Stinson’s methodology has become more sophisticated over the years, and it’s possible the figures could change because of variations in the search algorithms he uses to find cases.

Cool. I actually know about that. However. Perhaps you can help me out. We have already established that cops who lie are on the so called Brady Lists maintainer by Prosecutors. This list is also called the do not call list. The Prosecutor won’t put this cop on the stand. They were caught in a lie in court. They committed Perjury. A felony. In court. So why were these cops not fired? Why were they not prosecuted?

This article complains that it is not fair that the cops who have established histories of dishonesty and bias should be excluded from testimony. The officers complain they do not have the ability to appeal this decision. What they are really saying is they want the Brady Exculpatory information rule overturned.

So we know the cops have criminals on the force. The Prosecutors have a list. But how are the cops still working?

How are cops still working when they are know thieves and liars? Cops who are padding overtime are committing the crime of Theft by Deception. They are no different than the con man who calls and offers you a free vacation for a low $50 processing fee.

These are the “good” cops according to you. They haven’t been convicted.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.
no he's not right he's yet to refute what I have said.

Prove that 90% of the cops are good and the statistics are wrong. Prove that the lawyers are wrong. Tell us why Officer arrests are not tracked. Explain why cops who are know liars, Brady Exclusions, are not only not charged with perjury, but are still cops?
Perjury? I like to know the last anyone was charged with Perjury. Can you come up with a link to anyone charged with Perjury and it stuck?

Cops lie, criminals lie, lawyers lie. This is justice?

The US justice system is far less ideal than the Perry Mason courtroom.
You guys may enjoy this link Savanah may cry
The data covers 2,830 state, local, and special law enforcement agencies across all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. That’s just a fraction of the approximately 18,000 law enforcement agencies and 1.1 million sworn officers in the U.S., so the data set is not comprehensive, but it’s the most extensive and ambitious look at cop crime to date.
The topline numbers indicate about 1,000 officer arrests per year over the eight years of the data set, and nearly 1,140 arrests per year from 2008 through 2012. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that police crime has increased since 2005, or gotten more violent. Stinson’s methodology has become more sophisticated over the years, and it’s possible the figures could change because of variations in the search algorithms he uses to find cases.

Cool. I actually know about that. However. Perhaps you can help me out. We have already established that cops who lie are on the so called Brady Lists maintainer by Prosecutors. This list is also called the do not call list. The Prosecutor won’t put this cop on the stand. They were caught in a lie in court. They committed Perjury. A felony. In court. So why were these cops not fired? Why were they not prosecuted?

This article complains that it is not fair that the cops who have established histories of dishonesty and bias should be excluded from testimony. The officers complain they do not have the ability to appeal this decision. What they are really saying is they want the Brady Exculpatory information rule overturned.

So we know the cops have criminals on the force. The Prosecutors have a list. But how are the cops still working?

How are cops still working when they are know thieves and liars? Cops who are padding overtime are committing the crime of Theft by Deception. They are no different than the con man who calls and offers you a free vacation for a low $50 processing fee.

These are the “good” cops according to you. They haven’t been convicted.
Blah blah blah you are making my argument for me

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?
That in no way negates what I have said

Example after example exists. Yet you deny the truth we all see. Then the cops wonder why people have a sour attitude towards them. Personally I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said Night was Dark and day was Light.
sure thing plenty of examples on reruns of NYPD BLUES, Hillstreet Blues, Chicago PD, or SWAT stop watching the garbage

Except I don’t watch those shows. I read and watch the news. It paints a far worse picture of police than any fiction. Odd how you haven’t addressed those sources. Odd that the news stories are ignored?

How many thousands of law enforcement officers do you suppose there are? Again you aren't refuting what I have stated. You're trying but falling short.

Ok, you said that only 10% of the cops were ”bad“. So take one of the earlier posts. There were five cops, from two different departments. The arrest was on the border between two cities. Five cops, from two different departments. All five wrote identical reports. All five testified exactly the same. All five were shown by the video to be lying. Now, how do you manage with odds of 90% against to get the five bad cops all together? Somewhere there were supposedly 45 good cops, who just happened to be elsewhere. So how did those five from two different departments manage to tell identical stories? Did the one bad cop convince the other four to lie? Was it a conspiracy to commit perjury?
Holy shit dude, you're not making your argument to win but making my argument for me. How many Thousand of law enforcement officers are there? Your source said hundreds of police officers their are close to a million nation wide.

Answer the question. How did 5 out of fifty using your numbers, all happen to be the bad cops? Or is a good cop one who makes sure the evidence is admitted, and the guilty gets punished?
I did answer the question to your red herring. Your small sample statistics still doesn't refute what I have said. Considering your data statistics examples are so small and their are close to a million law enforcement officers nation wide.

Nonsense, you have downplayed my examples. You argue that if I can’t prove that 90% of the cops are corrupt, that none of them are. Pfui.

I have given examples of the FBI, which is the most respected Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Yet, the IG Report that reviewed more than 20 FISA court warrant requests found that the FBI agents, in every single case, lied or left out crucial information. Every single one of the reviewed files, showed lies. Every single one. So therefor, we would be negligent to assume that a vast majority were fine and dandy. We might even be fooling ourselves if we said half of them were proper and correct wouldn’t we?

FBI violating the Brady Rule. You know about that don’t you? The Supreme Court decision from 1963 that made it illegal to suppress evidence that was exculpatory right? How is it that in so many cases, the FBI violated this rule? They used junk science into the 21st Century. The Lead Matching and Hair Matching technology that was dropped when independent labs were unable to recreate their results. How many people were falsely convicted from this science that the FBI had to know was junk?

I asked you to define what a good cop was. You said that it was someone who used common sense to enforce the law. Common Sense. There is where the problem arises.

What is common sense to a cop is very different than the rest of us. You see, we do not appreciate lies. Whereas cops figure it is required to get around all the red tape.

Let’s take the one I asked you about. How statistically five cops from two different departments could tell the same lie in court. The suspect was known to the cops to be a small time dealer of marijuana. They had no direct evidence that he had marijuana in the car, but they believed he did. They pulled the car over, and got the driver out and arrested him, and then searched the car and found the pot.

Ok, so to get around the probable cause problem, they claimed in the report that they asked for and got permission to search, and then arrested the suspect after finding the pot. They knew the search was bad, and they knew the evidence would be thrown out. So why didn’t they go through the steps? Why not ask for permission, get refused, and then use a drug dog to get the probable cause? Because it would take time, and a small time dealer wasn’t worth that kind of time. Easier to commit a felony to get a Misdemeanor arrest right?

It is the Thin Blue Line, cops back each other up. They lie to protect each other, and they learn to write their reports and adjust their testimony to sound totally professional and with integrity oozing out of every word.

Cops in New York, and Georgia do the same thing. Feds and locals. Cops in Georgia were just busted for writing $41,000 worth of bad tickets. They were running radar on roads that they knew they were not supposed to. By the law, the law they all had to learn and be trained on, they were only allowed to run Radar on state roads. Well, they were not getting enough revenue on those roads, so why not expand that and get more cash?

Now, did any of them lose their certification to run Radar? No. Well perhaps they lost jobs? No. So they committed illegal acts, and faced what punishment? Just a warning not to do it anymore. But what about the $41,000 they collected illegally? That was returned to the victims right? Well no. That was left to the discretion of the City Attorney, who was also the Magistrate who oversaw the disposition of tickets.

I linked to a poll that showed that a majority of lawyers and judges believe that cops are lying in about 3 cases out of 5. Lawyers, and Judges, who see it everyday think the cops are lying in about 60% of the cases. Most are what you would consider little lies. Just a little lie to get some evidence in that makes sure the guilty are punished. Just to get around that stupid probable cause thing.

What is to the cops advantage, is the same TV shows and Movies you claim I watch. The cops just know who the bad guys are. Sure they break the rules, but they only do it to get the guilty guy when they don’t have any other choice. NCIS, where they break the law every single episode to make sure that the Murderers and Traitors get caught. Otherwise the bad guy would get away with it. All those shows and the cops only lie or cheat or plant evidence to get the bad guy off the street.

The illusion is that cops are granted some sort of sixth sense to know when a bad guy is a bad guy. Only the problem is that a lot of the time, the bad guy didn’t do what he is accused of. More than a hundred people have been exonerated from Prison because of DNA evidence. Obviously this sixth sense has a bit of an error rate. And when we look at the case, and the cops who investigated it, and built the evidence the conviction was gained by, we find a pattern of the behavior.

So I find myself on the jury. And the cop is there describing the events that led to the discovery of the evidence. And I hear him use the same language, and the same terms, as the cops we know lied. How do I trust that cop is actually telling the truth?

Cops are both lazy, and stupid. They are lazy because they don’t want to go through the hoops they have to jump through to get the baddie. They are stupid because once it is found out, then all their cases become questionable. The narcotics cops in Baltimore who were found to be corrupt. More than one thousand people were essentially given a get out of jail free card.

And again, how the hell does it happen? If 90% of the cops were “good” and using common sense to enforce the law, wouldn’t the 10% of those who were bad be so busy looking over their shoulders that they couldn’t actually do anything wrong?

No cop would commit perjury to get evidence in. Because that cop would know anyone else there would certainly tell the truth. No cop would dare plant evidence, they would know that the truth would come out from the other cops who saw it.

But the funny thing is this. We never hear from the other cops that good old Bob planted evidence. Or that Bob never got the permission to search before starting it. If we learn about it, it is because Bob didn’t know there was a Video being recorded. Frank, Jim, and the rest all swore that Bob got permission, or just found the evidence.

What is even funnier, is that cops use statistics all the time. They will argue that statistically a flashy car and flashy clothes in certain neighborhoods is a sign of a drug dealer, and statistically speaking the search will result in Narcotics. They claim they should shake down Blacks because statistically they commit more crimes. They should shake down the Younger Males on the street because Statistically it is more likely that the male will have a weapon.

So Statistics only work for the cops, not against them is that it? Not surprising. Cops never want to be treated like the rest of us. That is why they fight like hell to protect the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
What's nonsense is your responses and failed attempt to refute what I have said.
Sorry guy, but he's right about a whole lot of this.
no he's not right he's yet to refute what I have said.

Prove that 90% of the cops are good and the statistics are wrong. Prove that the lawyers are wrong. Tell us why Officer arrests are not tracked. Explain why cops who are know liars, Brady Exclusions, are not only not charged with perjury, but are still cops?
Perjury? I like to know the last anyone was charged with Perjury. Can you come up with a link to anyone charged with Perjury and it stuck?

Cops lie, criminals lie, lawyers lie. This is justice?

The US justice system is far less ideal than the Perry Mason courtroom.

In 2012 144 people were convicted of perjury.

I could continue. But let’s jump to the point. You are right, the Trial is not a Perry Mason TV show. It is an effort to determine guilt. In a very simple way, it is an effort to determine the truth. The Jury is asked to determine if the Accused committed the crime. The Judge determines if the rules are followed. The rules derived from the Constitution, and Federal Law, and decisions based upon those.

You see, if you read the Bill of Rights, you see that the Founders intended the conviction of a person to be a chore. They intended it to be difficult. They expected the Law Enforcement folks to tell the truth. They expected and even demanded that the Law Enforcement folks follow the rules. Otherwise, why bother writing them down?

If we did not expect the Police to respect the Person and Papers of an individual, why did we bother writing down about how those things shall not be searched without a warrant. The Founders even explained how a Warrant could be gotten. A warrant supported by oath, the oath obviously is that the officer is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

If I argued that the Second Amendment was always intended to have limits. You would properly disagree, and you would be right. The Second Amendment was considered absolute. Later, we decided that the Second Amendment had limits because of the power and fury available in weapon form that did not exist.

The Fourth Amendment is also spelled out pretty carefully. As is the Fifth. Sure, we can beat a confession out of someone. But we learned that those confessions need not be true. Further, we decided that this unreliable manner of gathering evidence was a violation of cruel and unusual.

But here is the key. The key takeaway. In all of those amendments, the Founders expected that the Government Forces, at every level, from the smallest local police department, to the most powerful Law Enforcement Agency would follow those rules, and they expected the Courts to enforce those rules.

Now, you say that the bad guys are lying, and it is only fair that the good guys lie too. Where is that in the Constitution? What part of the Federalist Papers is that contained in? What do you base that upon? Other than your desire for vengeance above all, a perversion of every basic premise in the history of Justice, what foundation do you have for that belief?
I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.


I gotta sit this topic out for a bit, I'm too pissed off to be objective.

A county road pirate jacked me this morning, and he lied about how fast I was going, (I was going between 70 and 75 in a 65, he wrote me up for 81), he lied about it being a construction zone, and he had a shitty attitude on top of it all. He was at least the 4th road pirate ambush I had seen this morning so I was carefully watching my speed, and I know damn good and well how fast I was going. I handed him my DL and he never even bothered to ask for registration or proof of insurance, he just went and wrote up the ticket real quick and went back to his ambush spot to look for more folks to steal from. He was masked and refused to give me a business card when I asked, too.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and road pirates gotta steal, I guess.

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View attachment 330125
You can beat the charge if you can show there was no Construction work or marked Construction zone. Contact you area DOT for roads that were being worked on the day you were stopped.

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