This is the sort of trash PD's hire....

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.
I keep hearing that, but I keep seeing different. I believe what I see with my own eyes.
It's true Frey
However, I cannot let my good brothers in blue go undefended w
When you see one acting badly report them not to the department but to the city manager
The problem is law enforcement circling the wagons when a cop or cops do wrong. When an officer starts something, there is no going back. Its either comply and/or escalation. Using a lot more sense in starting a situation will remove many headaches that occur.
They can't handle being told "No."
actually many nazis never served their sentence..a lot were sentenced to death--and let go after so many years
Peiper for one are comparing nazi war criminals to cops???!!!!
Only insofar as both used "just following orders" as justification for unethical conduct.
I thought that was very clear.
..murdering millions compared to...???---fining people?
Once you start doing wrong for pay, it just gets easier.

I used to shoot people in the face and call in fire missions on villages for instance.
I don't see how cops can be held responsible for this. If you got two alleged constitutional scholars together, lets say Obama and Barr, Obama would blame the cop and Barr would blame the cops boss. So if two supposedly trained lawyers can't figure it out, why should we expect cops to. The way law works today, the correct answer is there is no correct answer. Making cops the scapegoat for obeying their bosses orders is wrong. The whole sting operation was wrong.
Because each and every one of them must swear an oath to uphold the constitution not listen to some tin horn cracked up dictator wanna be. That's precisely why.
If you swear an oath to uphold something then you'd damned well better know what it is and constitutional law is something cops are trained in.
hahahhaha--why are you upset??!!!!
...cops are NOT supposed to follow the law?
Oh? What are they supposed to do then?
..this is simple:if the cops arrest you, you comply--then the judges and jury decide if you are innocent and/or a valid complaint for the arrest
Judge works for the same gangster political machine the cops do, and 95% of all cases are resolved through plea-bargains, because if you don't deal, they set your bail too high for you to make and leaveyou in a county lockup that is deliberately kept shitty and dangerous as hell, until you are willing to take a plea. And then you have no credibility to make a complaint, because innocent people don't make deals, do they? (At least not on TV; in real life, you do whatever you have to to get out.)
Prepared folks have lawyers on retainer, bondsmen on call, and have already made friends who work at county (my guy is a shift supervisor there), but most folks don't have any of those contingencies in place.
Cops have guns and can get backup with guns. Unless one has a death wish compliance is the safest way to go. You can see them in court later.
I live in Texas; we all have way more guns than the cops do, and a lot of us spent the last 15+ years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest just like to hunt and kill shit every chance they get.
If we decided we didn't want any more cops around, they'd all be dead and gone in about an hour. :flameth:
Cops have guns and can get backup with guns. Unless one has a death wish compliance is the safest way to go. You can see them in court later.
I live in Texas; we all have way more guns than the cops do, and a lot of us spent the last 15+ years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest just like to hunt and kill shit every chance they get.
If we decided we didn't want any more cops around, they'd all be dead and gone in about an hour. :flameth:
Yeah but, unless you can conjure up a posse when stopped by a cop, your chances of survival by threatening a cop with a gun are pretty slim. Unless of course you plug him before he can call for help. I guess..... :dunno:
hahahhaha--why are you upset??!!!!
...cops are NOT supposed to follow the law?
Oh? What are they supposed to do then?
..this is simple:if the cops arrest you, you comply--then the judges and jury decide if you are innocent and/or a valid complaint for the arrest
By that time you've been in jail for a long time and it's a cop's word against yours.

Total bullshit. Many of them are dishonest and out there looking to make arrests.
Right or wrong be damned! They do not give a fuck about that.
I've NEVER been arrested
..99.99999% of the time they have more than enough reason to arrest......they don't have the TIME to waste .......
..sure there are jackasses out there
Yeah, well you've probably never been jumped by 2 yutzos down the road and beaten their ass, either.

They jumped me and I beat their fucking asses! Then they called the police and I got arrested.
I was just walking my dog, keeping his pugilistic ass from attacking their dog.

My dog never did hurt their dog, so mission accomplished on that.

He did bite the blonde asshole that had me in a full nelson while the other asshole was getting ready to hit me in the eye's ankle, though.
Then I did this judo thing some puerto-ricans taught me..grabbed his arm and rolled back.

Their heads clacked together and cracked, I left.
..and it's the cops' fault why?
You motherfuckin' dumbshit! For arresting me when they're both bigger than me and jumped me!
The one even home invaded me, but I got arrested.
They did get the worst of it. I ain't the one to be fucked with.

Another 10 seconds and that fuck would have been bleeding out in my driveway. He left as soon as the dog's teeth were baring, and I just racked a round.

Another 5 seconds, that fuck was getting bullets to the head.
If you kill the perp he can't testify against you.
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
It's easy to blame the Cops. That way you don't have to deal with the issues. The fact of the matter is that mayors in relatively big cities like Laredo establish policy. In this case the mayor happens to be a democrat and the abuse of freedom fits right into the democrat party scenario.
Would anyone care what the mayor said, if guys with badges and guns weren't enforcing it?
Guys with guns and badges are sworn to enforce policies made up by politicians. It's been that way since the American revolution. The Laredo mayor is a democrat and it seems that the democrat party is in favor of using extreme measures to enforce regulations pertaining to the pandemic. Live with it and blame the people who issued the orders.
Cops have guns and can get backup with guns. Unless one has a death wish compliance is the safest way to go. You can see them in court later.
I live in Texas; we all have way more guns than the cops do, and a lot of us spent the last 15+ years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest just like to hunt and kill shit every chance they get.
If we decided we didn't want any more cops around, they'd all be dead and gone in about an hour. :flameth:
Yeah but, unless you can conjure up a posse when stopped by a cop, your chances of survival by threatening a cop with a gun are pretty slim. Unless of course you plug him before he can call for help. I guess..... :dunno:
If shit gets so bad I have to shoot a cop, I'm sure as hell not going to just go home after and hope for the best. I'm going hunting and I ain't stopping until I run out of ammo, targets, or breath..... because there won't be any coming back from that.
It's easy to blame the Cops. That way you don't have to deal with the issues. The fact of the matter is that mayors in relatively big cities like Laredo establish policy. In this case the mayor happens to be a democrat and the abuse of freedom fits right into the democrat party scenario.
Would anyone care what the mayor said, if guys with badges and guns weren't enforcing it?
Guys with guns and badges are sworn to enforce policies made up by politicians. It's been that way since the American revolution. The Laredo mayor is a democrat and it seems that the democrat party is in favor of using extreme measures to enforce regulations pertaining to the pandemic. Live with it and blame the people who issued the orders.
They are sworn to uphold the constitution..... if they don't, then they deserve what they get.
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity
Last edited:
hahahhaha--why are you upset??!!!!
...cops are NOT supposed to follow the law?
Oh? What are they supposed to do then?
..this is simple:if the cops arrest you, you comply--then the judges and jury decide if you are innocent and/or a valid complaint for the arrest
Judge works for the same gangster political machine the cops do, and 95% of all cases are resolved through plea-bargains, because if you don't deal, they set your bail too high for you to make and leaveyou in a county lockup that is deliberately kept shitty and dangerous as hell, until you are willing to take a plea. And then you have no credibility to make a complaint, because innocent people don't make deals, do they? (At least not on TV; in real life, you do whatever you have to to get out.)
Prepared folks have lawyers on retainer, bondsmen on call, and have already made friends who work at county (my guy is a shift supervisor there), but most folks don't have any of those contingencies in place.
the only bad ones are the blacks like Gardner and Mosby who LOVE criminals
actually many nazis never served their sentence..a lot were sentenced to death--and let go after so many years
Peiper for one are comparing nazi war criminals to cops???!!!!
Only insofar as both used "just following orders" as justification for unethical conduct.
I thought that was very clear.
..murdering millions compared to...???---fining people?
Once you start doing wrong for pay, it just gets easier.

I used to shoot people in the face and call in fire missions on villages for instance.
for instance--ok---hahahahahhaahahah
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

I presume you mean the news.
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.

I am not sure you can defend that. In fact, I think you’re way off the mark. First, we have to define what a “good cop” is. If we define it as someone who does not lie, cheat, steal, or plant evidence. We are not going to be seeing anywhere near that 90% threshold for “good”. We would be lucky to see 10%. If we are being honest that is.

Take the FBI. The most respected and professional Law Enforcement Agency in the world. Or something. We know they lied and obfuscated the truth when investigating Trump. We have the IG report for that. So Agents in Washington lied and did so regularly. In fact, the IG report showed that they had reviewed more than 20 FISA warrants from offices all over, and not one of the FISA warrant applications were truthful. Not one. So FBI agents everywhere are lying? That seems hard to believe.

But we look at some recent cases. The one against Laughlin and the College Bribery scandal. It turns out that the FBI encouraged their informant to lie. He reported that it would be a lie, and they not only told him to go on, but hid the documents that revealed it. Thus they lied, and they tried to hide the lie, refusing the exculpatory Evidence to the Defense. So more FBI agents, not involved in anything FISA related, lied.

But they were not alone. Remember the Bundy case? The blithering idiot who had the big standoff with the Feds? All charges dropped because the Agents were caught lying to the Court.

So FBI agents in every single office are lying to get their cases, and convictions. And these are the most esteemed Cops in the world right?

But that is totally different than the local cops. Some of whom are lucky enough to go and get trained by the FBI. Or something. We look at the cases, and we find lies, obfuscation, and flat assed bad police work.

A show is on Netflix now. It is called the Innocence Files. If you watch it, you can’t help but shake your head at the shoddy work, and flat assed railroad jobs done to the defendants. A “forensic Dentist” who matched the upper teeth to marks on the victim. Only there were no bottom teeth marks. So the defendant bit down, but not with his bottom teeth? What? How the hell do you consider that a match?

The Juror said that it was the evidence, coupled with the fact that there were no other suspects. Ok, so someone had to be held responsible, and this was the first guy we found? Really? The Forensic Dentist was furious that the “guilty“ had gotten off by DNA evidence in the appeal. Just because there was no DNA evidence didn’t prove a thing to him.

Cops can be corrupt and run the wrong guy into jail, and prison, and think they are doing the right thing. They can believe that all the Supreme Court nonsense is letting the guilty go free. So why not cut a few corners. So what if an innocent goes to jail, he probably did something. And we can’t let the guilty go free. So what if we catch some Dolphins in the net, we need the Tuna, and so what if some Dolphins get killed.

We know the FBI lies regularly. We know the local cops lie regularly, and if you are lying in the court, that is Perjury, and that is a felony in all fifty states. So how can the cops be good if they are committing felonies regularly?
I can assure you from being a former law enforcement officer I am correct.
A good cop uses compassion with common sense when enforcing the laws.
A good cop has integrity

I am sorry. But that does not pass the logic test. It is another case of who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

When a cop is caught planting drugs on camera. He is never alone. For some reason his report and the reports of the other cops always match. If as you claim one cop out of ten were in fact bad, then the bad cop would never dare to plant the drugs. He would be terrified of being found out.

If it was merely one in ten then Police Chiefs on both sides of the Country would never admit they had a problem with Testilying which is the Police Term for Police Perjury. That one cop would not dare to lie out of fear that the very first time he did it he would be caught.

Proverbs 28:1 would come in to play. The guilty flees when no one pursues.

If it were as you claim one bad cop out of ten, the bad cop caught lying would be drummed out in shame. Instead he is returned to the street. The incident covered up.

What makes sense is the self delusion of the police. The idea that they have to bend or break the rules to get the bad guy. The dog handler has to say the dog keyed on the car to justify a search. They won’t tell you how often such a key results in a false positive. Nor will the cop tell you what the key is before the search.

The cops lie. Common Sense? If that was the case nobody would have their property seized as part of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The cops would not be shouting stop resisting to people they have already rendered unconscious or in cuffs as they beat upon them more.

If it was merely one out of ten, the corrupt cop would be eliminated.
You've been watching way to many TV police shows SMH

Multiple cops all telling the same story. None of which was true. How in the hell did they manage to get the one out of ten bad cops all sent to the same call? I mean the odds would have to be pretty long wouldn’t they? And how is this a persistent problem when the good cops outnumber the bad cops by nine to one?

Five cops all telling the same story. No one countering it. How the deuce they managed to get the one bad cop out of ten five times is almost miraculous.

I do not understand. Do these one bad cops all have a secret sign or code word? How do they know the others will lie to back them up? How can they risk lying if the odds are stacked against them so heavily?

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