This Is What Capitalism Looks Like


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Free to work on your own ideas.

A star Stanford professor leaves his lab for a startup out to remake psychiatry

About five years ago, Amit Etkin had a breakthrough.

The Stanford neurologist, a soft-spoken demi-prodigy who became a professor while still a resident, had been obsessed for a decade with how to better define psychiatric disorders. Drugs for depression or bipolar disorder didn’t work for many patients with the conditions, and he suspected the reason was how traditional diagnoses didn’t actually get at the heart of what was going on in a patient’s brain.

He had shown in 2006 that some patients with different diagnoses — PTSD vs. depression, for example — looked remarkably similar under brain imaging, suggesting clinicians drew distinctions in the wrong places. And in 2014, he showed that one could define patients by looking at individual discrete behaviors, such as attention or sleep.
The answer to most of the problems and worries we face today are more likely to be solved by creativity and innovation, and no other economic or govt model/system is anywhere near as creative and innovative as capitalism. Newsflash to the fools on the Left who believe Climate Change can be solved by more gov't; it can't and won't happen unless we unleash the ingenuity that capitalism fosters.
The answer to most of the problems and worries we face today are more likely to be solved by creativity and innovation, and no other economic or govt model/system is anywhere near as creative and innovative as capitalism. Newsflash to the fools on the Left who believe Climate Change can be solved by more gov't; it can't and won't happen unless we unleash the ingenuity that capitalism fosters.
Uhm, the US govt. in the 19th century was at the forefront of advancing capitalism in the US along with the infrastructure and still is today. A nation would be foolish not to foster capitalism in their nations to create more wealth.

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